Skeletal System Flashcards
How many bones does the crania have?
What are the cranial bones?
- Frontal
- Sphenoid
- Ethmoid
- Parietal (divided into 2)
- Temporal (divided into 2)
- Occipital
These are the smallest bones in the human body?
- Malleus (Hammer)
- Incus (Anvil)
- Stapes (Stirrup)
What are the facial bones?
- Nasal [2]
- Lacrimal (Daanan ng tears) [2]
- Inferior Nasal Concha [2]
- Maxilla (Cheek Bones) [2]
- Mandible [1]
- Palatine (Inside the nose) [2]
- Zygomatic (Inside the nose) [2]
- Vomer [1]
How many facial bones are there?
How many hyoid bones are there?
What is the hyoid bone?
Supports the larynx and is located under the skull
What is the sternum?
The breastbone, the base and center of the ribs.
How many sternum are there?
This protects the lungs and is classified into three. What are the three classifications of this bone?
1. True ribs (7)
2. False ribs (8,9,10)
3. Floating ribs (11,12)
What is the total amount of ribs?
These ribs are connected to the sternum
True ribs
These ribs are connected to the 7th rib.
False ribs
These ribs are connected to the vertebral column
Floating ribs
This protects the spinal cord
Vertebral Column/Spinal column
This is the neck bones
Cervical region
What are the bones in the cervical vertebrae?
1. C1 - atlas
2. C2 - axis
What does the vertebral column consist of?
- Cervical
- Thoracic
- Lumbar
These are where the ribs are attached
Thoracic region
What does the thoracic region consist of?
This is the lower region of the back
Lumbar region
What does the lumbar region consist of?
This is also known as the tailbone of the body
The end of the vertebral column.
What does the Upper extremity of the Appendicular Skeleton consist of?
- Clavicle
- Scapula
- Humerus
- Radius & Ulna
- Carpals
- Meta carpals
- Phalanges
How many bones are there in the upper extremity of the Appendicular Skeleton?
How many bones does the axial skeleton have?
This holds the shoulder joint away from the rest of the body
This is located on the back side of the ribcage. This is also known as the shoulder bone
This is the upper arm bone
Located on your forearm, this is the upper bone
Located on your forearm, this is the lower bone
These are the bones on your wrist.
What are the names of the bones in your wrist?
- Capitate
- Trapezium
- Lunate
- Triquetrum
- Pisiform
- Trapezoid
- Hamate
- Scaphoid
These are located at the top of your wrists, also known as your palm.
How many bones are there in your metacarpals?
10 (5 each hand)
These are your fingers, connected to your metacarpals
How many phalanges do you have?
28 (14 each hand)
These are the bones in your pelvis/Hipbone
- Ischium
- Ilium
- Pubic Bone
These are located in between your sacrum and coccyx.
How many pelvis bones are there?
This is the largest bone in the body
How many femurs does the human body have?
These are the counterparts of the radius and ulna, located at the lower extremity of the appendicular skeleton.
Tibia & Fibula
How many bones does the Tibia & Fibula have?
These are also known as your kneecaps
How many patella does the human body have?
What are the five types of tarsals?
- Calcaneus
- Talus
- Cuboid Bone
- Navicular Bone
- Cuneiform bones (3)
What are the three cuneiform bones?
- Medial
- Intermediate
- Lateral
How many bones are there in your tarsals?
14 (7 each foot)
These are the counterpart of metacarpals, the palm of your foot.
How many metatarsals does the human body have?
10 (5 each foot)
Similar to the hand, how many phalanges does the feet have?
28 (14 each foot)