Skeletal Muscle Pt1 Flashcards
After card 36 these are flash cards from end of lecture starting at plasticity of muscle
Skeletal muscle fnxs
- move its body and its of body
- weight bearing and maintenance of posture
- for its thoracic and abdominal cavities and contribute to visceral fxs (breathing, change abdominal pressure)
- crucial role whole body metabolism
- contributes to basal energy metabolism
- storage depot carbs and amino acids
- produces heat to maintain core body temp
major consumer oxygen and fuel during exercise
skeletal muscle
skeletal muscle consists of
fibers (or myocytes), ct, blood vessels, lymphatics, nerves
musculotendinous junction
myocyte connected to tendon fibers at longitudinal ends ; allows muscle fiber to transmit mechanical force to skeleton; this
- this is vulnerable to injury
dense ct sheet covers muscle as whole
- binds groups of muscle fibers and associated tendon fibers into fascicles; perimysium is continuous with epimysium
- provides passage for nerves and small blood vessels
- allows for movement of fascicles against each other
- surrounds each muscle fiber
- consists of fine reticular fibers supporting capillaries and nerve fibers
- allows individual fibers within fascicle to move against each other
outside to inside coverings muscle
epimysium, perimysium, endomysium
feed artieries
- beginning of vascular supply to skeletal muscle
- last branches arterial system
- begins externaly to tissue
arteriolar skeletal muscle
- origin= site at which feed artery enters muscle
- within muscle arterioles undergo branching until reach terminal arterioles
microvascular unit
- group of capillaries supplied by terminal arterioles
- each unit = 15-20 capillaries running in parallel with muscle fibers
- muscle fibers= longer than capillaries -> many microvascular units arranged in series to span distance each fiber
collecting venule
capillaries of microvascular unit drain into this
- in most muscles fibers join tendon at acute angle= pinnation
- orientation muscle fiber relative to tendon affects fx muscle
pennation fx
- allows greater number fibers packed into given volume -> increased muscle power
- greater pinnation -> greater lifting capacity and greater capacity for prolonged contraction
increased pinnation cost
- decreased fiber length
- decreased lifting height
myocyte general description
- multinucleate cell resulting from fusion myoblasts during development
nuclei of myocyte
- each nucleus control protein synth in that region of cell
protein expression myocyte
generally protein expression coordinated so same protein isoforms expressed for full length fiber