Skeletal Muscle Flashcards
Disorder of muscle
Muscular dystophy (2):
- Inherited disorder
- Progressive muscle weakness and wasting
Segmental muscle necrosis:
Destruction of a portion of the myocyte length
Muscular regeneration:
Satellite cells reconstitute destroyed muscle
Tonic spasm of one or more muscles
Deficient tone or tension
Fixation of joints in an extended or flexed position
Gower’s sign (2):
- Uses the hands and arms to “walk” up from a squatting position
- Indicates weakness of the proximal muscles
Muscle type is determined by:
Innervating motor neuron
Fiber type grouping:
Neuron/axon drop out leads to larger motor units (muscle fibers per neuron)
Grouped atrophy:
Loss of a motor neuron leads to atrophy of associated muscle
Denervation atrophy (3):
- Disorder of motor neurons
- Breakdown of myosin and actin
- Resorption of myofibrils
Spinal muscular atrophy (3):
- Progressive destruction of anterior horn cells and cranial nerve motor neurons
- Autosomal recessive
- Survival motor neuron 1 (SMN1)
Muscular dystrophy pathology (4):
- Variation in fiber size
- Internal nuclei
- Degeneration, necrosis, phagocytosis of fibers
- Later replaced by fibrofatty tissue
Duchenne MD (3):
- Dystrophin protein defect
- X-linked
- Most common type of MD