SIT Flashcards
What’s the standards emergency briefing?
If we have an engine fire or failure prior to V1, the pilot noting the malfunction will call, “ABORT, ABORT” and I will abort the takeoff. If you see any other malfunction bring it to my attention and I will state, “ABORT, ABORT” or “continue”
What are the items on the stabilized approach criteria in CFM 4.32?
- Flight will be stabilized by 1000’HAT
1. ) On correct track
2. ) In proper landing configuration
3. ) After FAF requires no more than normal corrections
4. ) At proper approach speed, engines spooled up (Vref < actual speed <= Vapp +10)
5. ) Descent no greater than 1000fpm without a special approach briefing
6. ) Power setting is appropriate for the configuration selected
7. ) PM will verify by saying “1000 above, stabilized”
8. ) PM will call out momentary deviations to help prevent a go-around
9. ) Thrust levers should never be idle below 1000’
Hot start memory items
- ) Affected thrust lever…………………………………Idle shut off
- ) Dry motor…………………………………………………Until ITT<120ºC or starter limit
- ) Affected engine, STOP switch……………………STOP
What should you do on a CAT II approach, at minimums, if the captain doesn’t say anything?
Go missed
What are the CAT II RVR requirements
1200 TDZ, 600 MID, 300 Rollout
What does the FMA display?
Lateral modes on top, vertical modes on bottom. Active left and is green, armed is right and is white.
How do you derive the DDA for a CANPA approach?
Add 50’ to the MDA. This is done to avoiding busting below MDA during a missed procedure. CANPA cannot be done if the FAF and GS are not aligned.
What does the TOGA button do during a go around?
- ) Disconnects AP
- ) Commands 10º pitch up
- ) HDG hold with no more than 5º of bank
- ) Sequences missed approach
When do thrust reversers need to be stowed?
What is supposed to be done at the AUTO TUNE & REVIEW line of the checklist?
- ) Verify both RTU’s say AUT
2. ) Read off the runway, departure and transition off the FMS FLT PLN page, and the first fix off the FMS LEGS page
When would we not use flex?
Contaminated runway Winshear in vicinity Using anti-ice Engine can’t produce enough thrust One or more anti-skid channels is off
Required items on a release
- ) Flight #
- ) N-number
- ) All airports (Departure, destination, alternates, etc.)
- ) MEL’s
- ) Fuel requirements
Where are the MFPTW/PMRTW/MPTOW/PLTOW found in dispatch release?
Takeoff data
What does AWU mean
Adjusted weight units
What are the normal takeoff callouts?
PF: set thrust PM: thrust set PM: 80kts PF: checked PM: V1… Rotate…Positive rate PF: Gear up, speed mode PF: Nav mode or HDG mode PF: FMS or NAV PF: Autopilot on PM: Autopilot on PM: Acceleration altitude PF: Flaps 1 (at V2 +12) PF: Flaps up, set climb thrust (Vt-15) PF: After takeoff checklist (at 10,000’ or final alt)
Clean stall callouts
PF: Max thrust, heading sync PM: Positive rate PF: Flaps up, gear up, bug 200 PF: Autopilot on PM: Autopilot on
Approach lights in sight callouts
PM: approach lights in sight
PF: Continuing… Autopilot off
Runway in sight callouts?
PM: Runway in sight, ______ O’clock
PF: Going visual
Missed approach callouts
PM: MIssed approach PF: Set TOGA thrust, flaps 8 PM: Positive rate PF: Gear up, speed mode PF: HDG mode (at 400’ AGL) PF: Autopilot on, white needles, auto-tune, NAV mode (600’ AGL) PM: Autopilot on PM: Acceleration altitude PF: Flaps 1 (V2 +12) PF: Flaps up, set climb thrust (Vt-15) PF: Go-around checklist
What will you abort above 80kias for?
Engine fire or failure. Configuration warnings.
What will you abort below 80kias for?
Caution messages (normally these would be inhibited)
Who does the takeoff briefing?
At the discretion of the captain