EPC’s Flashcards
Uncommanded yaw motion
- ) Controls………………………………. Assume manual control and counter aircraft motion using yoke inputs
- ) Yaw dampers disconnect…….. Select to disconnect both yaw dampers
Stab trim runaway
- ) Control wheel………………………………………… Assume manual control and override runaway
- ) Stab trim disc switch……………………………… Select
Note: refer to FLT-C tab for expanded procedure
Stall recovery
- ) Autopilot……………………………………………. Disengage, if required
- ) Pitch attitude…………………………………….. Lower nose to reduce angle of attack
- ) Thrust levers……………………………………… Advance to MAX POWER detent
- ) Roll attitude……………………………………….. Wings level
- ) Flight spoiler lever……………………………… Select to retract
CABIN ALT or Emergency descent
- ) Oxygen masks……………………………………………………. Don, set to 100%
- ) Crew communications……………………………………….. Establish
- ) NO SMKG and SEAT BELT switches…………………….. ON
- ) Descent………………………………………………………………. Initiate to 10,000’ or lowest safe altitude
- ) Thrust levers………………………………………………………. Idle
- ) Flight spoilers…………………………………………………….. Deploy
Note: refer to AIR tab for expanded procedure
Rapid decompression
- ) Oxygen masks………………………………….. Don and 100%
2. ) Crew communications……………………… Establish
1.) Affected thrust lever…………………………… Confirm & idle
Note: refer to the ENG tab for expanded procedure
Engine hot start
- ) Affected thrust lever…………………………………………… Shut off
- ) Dry motor…………………………………………………………… Until ITT < 120ºC or starter limit, whichever comes first
- ) Affected engine, ENG STOP switch……………………… Stop
Note: Refer to ENG tab for expanded procedures
L(R) Start Abort
- ) Affected thrust lever……………………………………………….. Shut off
- ) Dry motor……………………………………………………………….. Until ITT <120ºC or starter limit, whichever comes first
- ) Affected engine, ENG STOP switch………………………….. STOP
- ) Affected engine start………………………………………………. Repeat
Asymmetric braking/loss of braking
- ) Wheel brakes……………………………………… Release momentarily
- ) ANTI-SKID switch………………………………… OFF
- ) Wheel brakes……………………………………… Reapply as required
Note: refer to GEAR tab for expanded procedure
Configuration warning
1.) Takeoff………………………………………. Discontinue immediately
Note: refer to the WARN tab for expanded procedure
Rejected takeoff before achieving V1
- ) Thrust levers………………………………………………………… Idle
- ) Wheel brakes……………………………………………………….. Maximum until a safe stop
- ) Thrust reverser(s) [operating engine(s)]……………….. Maximum, consistent with directional control
Note: refer to the MISC tab for expanded procedures
Unreliable airspeed in flight
- ) Autopilot………………………………………………………… Disengage
- ) Flight directors……………………………………………….. Deselect
- ) Attitude………………………………………………………….. Stabilize using ISI for pitch and roll reference
If conducting a takeoff, go-around, or initial climb:
4.) Pitch/N1…………………………………………………………. 10º/TOGA from SL to 15,000’
5º/CLB above 15,000’
5.) Aircraft configuration……………………………………… At clean up altitude, gear up/flaps 0
6.) Altitude…………………………………………………………… Maintain lowest safe altitude or higher
CAUTION: RESPECT the stickshaker/ pusher and stall warning
Note: refer to UNREL tab for expanded procedure
Is “Engine fire or sever engine damage (in-flight)” in the EPC’s?
Is “Engine fire or severe engine damage (on-ground)” in the EPC’s?
Is “Double engine fire” in the EPC’s
Is “L(R) REV DEPLOYED” in the EPC’s
Is “BRAKE OVHT” in the EPC’s?
Is “MLG BAY OVHT” in the EPC’s?
- ) Airspeed…………………………………………. Not more than 220kias
- ) Landing gear lever………………………….. DN
Note: refer to GEAR tab for expanded procedure
Are Aileron/Rudder/Elevator systems jammed in the EPC’s?
Are “HYD 1/2 HI TEMP” in the EPC’s?
Is “APU fire” in the EPC’s?
Is “L/R BLEED DUCT” in the EPC’s?
Is “EFB overheat/fire” in the EPC’s?
Is there and EPC for “Loss of all AC power”?
Is the a “Ditching or forced landing imminent” EPC?
Is there a passenger evactuation EPC?
What EPC items need to be memorized?
The red “Immediate Action” items
What kind of message usually means an EPC exists and is required?
A red warning message
What kind of message usually doesn’t have a dedicated EPC?
Caution messages
What’s are the usually callouts for a warning message?
PF: “Cancel, identify”
-PM cancels the warning and states the problem
PF: “Reference the EPC for ____________”
-PM will run through EPC. If expanded procedures exist then…
PF:”I have the radios and controls, reference the QRH for ___________”
What’s the special first callout when the fire bell sounds?
PF: “Silence the bell, identify the problem”