Sinus And Atrial Rhythms Flashcards
One of the eight steps in EKG interpretation that involves a pattern.
One of the eight steps in EKG interpretation that involves numbers
Name the eight step procedure when using an EKG interpretation?
1) Rhythm 5) PR Interval
2) Rate 6) QRS Interval
3) P Wave 7) T Wave
4) ST Segment 8) QT Interval
beginning of the P to the uprising of the R
PR Interval
Name the wave when the ventricles relax
T Wave
Atrium contracts on what wave
P wave
What waves shows ventricle contraction
R wave
For ventricular rhythms examine
the R to R intervals on the EKG strip
For atrial rhythms, observe and ask what?
the P-P intervals and ask are the regular
The method where you count the number of QRS complexes over a 6 second interval then multiply by 10 to determine
define the RATE
A method for determining heart rate, in which one would count the number of QRS complexes over 6 second interval. Then multiply by 10 to determine heart rate
Are heart rate and pulse the same
The wave that represents atrial depolarization
P wave
In a normal EKG, this wave precedes the QRS complex. It looks like a small bump upwards from the baseline
P wave
means to contract
means to contract
What calipers and how is it involved with the P-R interval
Calipers, marked paper or counting small boxes methods can be used to determine PR Intervals and normally this interval is 0.12 to 0.20 seconds ( 3 to 5 small boxes)
What is the P-R Interval
P wave begins until the beginning of the QRS complex.
Complex that indicates ventricular depolarization
The QRS complex
What triggers contraction of the ventricles
The QRS complex indicates
The QRS complex indicates ventricular depolarization. Depolarization triggers contraction of the ventricles.
indicates the depolarization of the ventricles
The T wave
It is a slightly asymmetrical waveform that follows (after a pause), the QRS complex.
The T wave
The T wave indicates
The T wave indicates the depolarization of the ventricles. Its is a slightly asymmetrical waveform that follows (after a pause), the QRS complex.
ventricles are starting to relax again
The T wave
interval that represents the time of ventricular activity including both depolarization and repolarization.
The QT interval
The QT interval
the interval that represents the time of ventricular activity including both depolarization and repolarization
represents the early part of ventricular repolarization
The ST segment
The ST segment represents
the early part of ventricular repolarization