Sin and Forgiveness Flashcards
What is a deterrence?
- punishments that put people off committing crime, ie. drink driving laws
- Designed to make the criminal think before committing the crime
What are the advantages of deterrence?
- Seen to be punitive/stigmatised so others are put off
- if the deterrent works, it stops the crime all together so there are no victims of crime.
- The other punishments ‘react’ to the crime itself.
What are the disadvantages of deterrence?
It might be impossible to put some people off committing crime – for example addicts, people who are unable to make rational decisions
What is retribution?
making the criminal pay for what they have done, ie. Prison/death penalty. The punishment fits the crime
What are the advantages of retribution?
- Fair and just – criminals get what they deserve
- it is consistent with Biblical teaching – ‘an eye for and eye’ – Rich Man and Lazarus (Rich Man ended up in hell and was punished for his sin
What are the disadvantages of retribution?
- ie the death penalty, if taking a life is wrong, then surely using it as a punishment is wrong
- often prison makes the criminal worse – recidivist rate is 70%, ie the person re-offends – life-cycle of crime/prison
What is rehabilitation ?
helping criminals reform through education, counselling and training = FORGIVENESS
What are the advantages of rehabilitation?
- Criminal less likely to commit crime again – become productive in society
- this response is consistent with Christian teaching – love neighbour and imago Dei - Jesus said to forgive 70 x 7
What are the disadvantages of rehabilitation?
- Courses in prison are not enough - Poverty/poor parenting and childhood trauma lead people to crime – so this needs to be addressed too
- Some people think this response is ‘soft’ on crime – and it doesn’t offer a sense of justice to the victims of crime
What is the central message of the gospel?
Where is the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant in the Bible?
Matthew 18
What does it say in the Parable of the Unforgiving Servant?
- Peter asks Jesus how many times he must forgive
- Jesus responded ‘not seven times but seventy-seven times..’
What does 7 represent in the Bible?
- 7 represents perfection in the Bible
- THIS MEANS that Jesus teaches there is NO LIMIT to forgiveness.
What does it say about forgiveness in Matthew 6?
Jesus also tells us that if we do not forgive we cannot expect to be forgiven
What does it say in the Lord’s Prayer about forgiveness?
we ask for forgiveness as we forgive others
What are examples of forgiveness in the Bible?
- Jesus forgave the cheating tax-collector, Zacchaeus,
- Jesus forgave the woman caught in adultery
- Jesus forgave the guards who executed him
What do people believe about Christians and crimes?
That they are too soft on crime because they choose forgiveness
What does Christians believe about forgiveness?
- However, Christians believe forgiveness and punishment work together to ensure justice is done
- Justice does not mean revenge – it means restoring what is right
What do Christians believe about judgement?
- Jesus said to forgive
- God will punish wrong-doers in the next life on JUDGEMENT DAY – ie. Parable of the Rich Man
- The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
- Christians believe it is up to God to judge and forgive
- In this life Christians believe that punishment should be about REFORM/REHABILITATE
What is the Catholic views on Capital Punishment?
Traditionally the death penalty was ALLOWED but not ENCOURAGED
What does St Augustine write about capital punishment?
Letters to Macedonius
What does St Augustine write in the letters to Macedonius?
- letter 153 = said to seek other types of punishment, because once a person is dead there ‘is no space to reform’
- letter 134 = said to set free rather than avenge ‘by shedding blood.’
What book does Pope John Paul II write in about capital punishment?
Evangelium Vitae
What does PJPII write about in Evangellium vitae about capital punisment?
- it is to be avoided unless it is the only way to defend society – keep society safe - restore justice
- He said the death penalty should only be used in ‘cases of absolute necessity’
- He said that punishments should be bloodless wherever possible
What does the CCC say about capital punishment?
the death penalty is acceptable to ‘protect public order.’
What does Pope Francis say about the capital punishment?
it is ‘no longer justifiable.’ The wrong person might be killed.
What are the Catholic views that agree with capital punishment?
- The Old Testament teaches ‘ he who sheds a person’s blood, shall have his blood shed..’ Genesis 9
- Jesus never said the death penalty was wrong
- St Paul said that Christians should accept the laws of their country – even if that means accepting the death penalty
What are the non-religious views that agree with capital punishment?
- its expensive to keep people in prison
- some crimes are so awful they warrant the death penalty
What are the Christian views that disagree with capital punishment?
- Jesus came to forgive sinners
- Ten Commandments – ‘do not kill,’ Exodus 21
- Jesus said that an eye for an eye is wrong
- he told us to turn the other cheek – Matthew 5
- All life is sacred – imago Dei
- Christians should forgive
What are the non-religious views that disagree with capital punishment?
- might kill the wrong person (Timothy Evans wrongly killed in 1950)
- death row inmates released since 1973, all people have human rights (the right to life)
- Two wrongs don’t make a right
What does Salvation mean?
Salvation means being freed from sin and its consequences
What does the CCC say about salvation?
- Jesus offers salvation
- pp,dd.log,ss,hh
What does Evangelisation mean?
Evangelisation means sharing the Good News of Jesus with others
What is the Great Commission?
- Before he died he sent his disciples on a special mission
- ‘make disciples of all nations.’
- THIS MEANS all Christians are called to spread the Gospel
- The Apostles went out to preach the Gospel = EVANGELISATION = St Pauls letters describe this
What does Pope Francis write about Evangelisation?
- Evangelii Gaudium
- calling for a NEW EVANGELISATION
What does it say in EG 15?
- we must preach the Gospel
What does it say in EG 49?
he wants a church that is bruised and hurting
What does it say in EG 198?
He wants a Church that is poor and for the poor
What does it say in EG 48?
special love for the overlooked
What does it say in EG 264?
Jesus message is a TREASURE and we need to share God’s love
What does Jesus teach about forgiveness?
- God will punish wrong-doers in the next life on JUDGEMENT DAY – ie. Parable of the Rich Man – the rich man is punished
- The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
What is the role of grace?
- grace is the love and mercy shown by God
- it is a free gift
- when Christians are truly sorry God freely offers them mercy and REDEMPTION.
What is the role of free will?
- Jesus’ death and resurrection secures our salvation
- it is a free gift
- but it is up to us how we respond – CHOOSE TO ACCEPT OR REJECT GOD (Parable of Rich Man =
How do Christians achieve salvation?
- Participate in their own redemption
- by repenting of sins,
- asking God for forgiveness,
- accepting Jesus as the son of God and saviour
- living a good life
- Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
What does the CCC say about sacraments?
“an outward sign of an inward grace”
What does sacraments help Catholics do?
- They can see, hear and touch God
- Through sacraments they are made holy
What is the Sacramental Nature of Reality?
- the whole of creation shows God’s presence, in nature, in each other ..
- CCC ‘God speaks in the ordinary’
What are sacraments linked too?
- dd
- pp
- log
- sss
- hh
What is the significance of the baptism sacrament?
- a person is welcomed into Body of Christ/born again in Christ/water poured over
- sin is washed away and given the promise of salvation
What is the significance of the reconciliation sacrament?
- this is confession/sins are confessed
- person experiences God’s forgiveness
- forgiveness is essential to receive salvation
What is the significance of the eucharist sacrament?
- the body and blood of Christ is received
- believe in the real presence of Jesus who died for sins
- when Catholics take communion they share in Jesus’ sacrifice and they hope to be worthy of salvation
What is the significance of the anointing of the sick?
- sick person anointed with oil and united with Jesus
- brings comfort in suffering and prepares for death
- their suffering unites the with Jesus and brings them closer to salvation
What do Catholics believe about the Eucharist?
- the ultimate expression of thanksgiving to god
- Jesus dd, pp ,ss
What is the most regularly taken sacrament?
- The eucharist
- it is so important its an obligation to attend Mass
What does the CCC say about the Eucharist?
‘The Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian life.’
What does the eucharist remind Catholics?
- salvation starts with God/Jesus who is the SOURCE (the origin of life)
What is the summit of the eucharist?
The greatest thing God does for us is to sacrifice himself for us so we can have eternal life
What is the culmination of the eucharist?
ccc = The highest point with God in the world with us
What does the altar represent in the church?
- REMINDS Christians of Jesus’ death and that Jesus offers salvation
- The priest consecrates the bread and wine and becomes the body and blood of Jesus to sacrifice and reminds us of our salvation
What does the CCC say about the altar?
‘the altar is the table of the Lord,’
What does the tabernacle represent in the church?
-where the consecrated host is kept
– focus of prayer and devotion
– it helps Catholics to feel closer to Jesus/salvation
What does the crucifix represent in the church?
– cross with an image of Christ
– it reminds of Jesus’ death and suffering
– Catholics believe Jesus paid the price to secure their salvation
What does the font represent in the church?
- big stone/wooden bowl filled with holy water
- Font used during baptism when a person becomes a member of the Body of Christ
What is the significance of the font in the church?
- The font with holy water is the symbol of death and resurrection
- Jesus was baptised with water – like us – water is a symbol of our NEW LIFE = ETERNAL LIFE in Jesus
What is the significance of the church being in the shape of a cruciform?
THIS SHOWS that Jesus died on the cross to offer salvation to all
What is the significance of the church facing east?
- Facing the holy land
- the sun rises from the east
- Jesus rose like the sun
- THIS REMINDS us of the resurrection = our salvation - eternal life
What is the source for the church facing east?
Matthew 24:27 suggests the Second Coming of Christ will be from the east
What is the significance of the church having a nave?
– the ceiling is like an upside down boat – sailing to heaven. The pews are the seats of the people rowing into heaven.
How is Mary important to Catholics?
- M - Mother of God
- A - Acts as an intercessor
- R - Role model as she accepted being the mother of God
- Y = She said YES to God
- C - Charity = wedding at cana
- Devotion
- Discipleship
What are the four marks of the nature of the church?
- One
- holy
- Catholic
- Apostolic
How does the nature of the church show it is one?
- One source from God
- We all share one salvation
- The Holy Spirit dwells in all and unites the Church
How does the nature of the church show it is holy?
- God is holy and Jesus is God
- the church is inspired by Jesus’ holiness
- So the Church is holy as community centred on Jesus
How does the nature of the church show it is catholic?
- Jesus gave his apostles authority
- passed authority to the first Pope – St Peter, there has been an unbroken line of popes from St Peter to present day (Pope Francis) – 265 Popes
- Catholics believe that Pope and Bishops are continuing the work of the early apostles
- they can be traced back to the first disciple
What is the significance of Jesus’ life?
- Jesus showed people how to live, care for the poor, love one another, forgive
- The parable of the sheep and the goats teaches Catholics how to live a good life – inspired by Jesus
What is the significance of Jesus’ death?
- Jesus was whipped and crucified (suffered)
– showed total obedience to God and made up for our sins – DD, PP, LOG, SS..
What is the significance of Jesus’ resurrection?
- central belief at the heart of the faith, rose from the dead
– OVERCAME death (SS) and proved he was the son of God
What is the significance of Jesus’ ascension?
- After 40 days Jesus returns to heaven to prepare a way for his followers
– Catholics are given the (HH)
What are Catholics taught about hell?
Catholics are taught that those who die in a state of mortal sin descend to
What do the CCC describe hell as?
‘eternal fire’ and SEPARATION from God = Rich Man and Lazarus
What are the benefits to evangelising?
- Religious leaders working together – Pope Benedict said that all religions can work together
- Catholics are taught to respect other religions – this helps to break down prejudices
- Builds community and offers people an alternative way of living.
What are the challenges to evangelising?
C Closing parishes R Rise in number of people not attending I Increase in non-religious S - Science – secularisation of society P Priests getting older
How does the church evangelise locally?
- through the parish
– by celebrating Mass, offering the sacraments, Bible study, charitable work. - Pope Francis says parishes have great ‘flexibility’ to respond to local need
How does the church evangelise nationally?
- Bishops help Catholics to know how to spread the Gospel
- Bishops provide educational resources and promote inter-faith dialogue
- Every year Catholics celebrate ‘Home Mission Sunday’ – aim is to inspire Catholics to share their faith with others
How does the church evangelise globally?
- things like the Vatican, Pope Francis, CAFOD ( a global charity), World Youth Days (bring hundreds of thousands of young people together)
- MEAN the Church has a BIG GLOBAL REACH which help the Church can share the Gospel with the whole world
- Letters from the Pope – like Evangeli Gaudium telling Catholics how to spread the Good News
– also the Pope’s use of Twitter
How is the Christian heritage evident in the laws?
- Sunday trading hours restricted = Keep the Sabbath holy
- 26 Lords in House of Lords are Bishops – THIS MEANS Christian leaders help to make decisions about British laws
How is the Christian heritage evident in the traditions?
- St George’s Day – St David’s – St Andrew’s are patron saints (EWS)
- National events like Remembrance Day still have a Christian identity/prayers
- ‘Abide with me’ = Christian hymn sung at FA Cup Final
- Unlucky 13 – linked to Judas being the 13th member of the Last Supper
How is the Christian heritage evident in the festivals?
- 2 main public holidays – Christmas and Easter
- Academic calendar based on Christian festivals
- Shrove Tuesday – Pancake day and Halloween have Christian origins
What does Cyprian say about salvation outside the church?
- ‘Outside the Church there is no salvation.’
- The Church is necessary for salvation
- A person enters the Church through Baptism
- People who REFUSE to enter the Church, cannot be saved
What CCC say about salvation outside the church?
- people who do not know about Jesus and act as their CONSCIENCE tells them – MAY ALSO BE SAVED
- THIS MEANS OTHER CHRISTIANS ARE SAVED TOO – God is bigger than the Church
What does Pope Francis say about salvation outside the church?
we all have the same Father