Life and Death Flashcards
What is Magisterium?
- Teacher in Latin
- Refers to the teaching roles of the bishops and pope
What does the Magisterium do?
What does ISAA stand for?
The magisterium…
- INTERPRETS the Bible
- It SAFEGUARDS the church’s teaching
- It has AUTHORITY to make decisions about faith
- It ADDRESSES issues not in the Bible such as same sex marriages
What are the different types of Magisteriums?
- Ordinary
- Extraordinary
- Conciliar
- Pontifical
What does the ordinary magisterium do?
- Reinforces the everyday teaching of the Church
- E.G. Bishops preach HOMILIES, Pope writes letters (ENCYCLICALS)
What is an example of Ordinary magisterium?
Evangelium Vitae
Who wrote Evangelium Vitae?
Pope John II
What is Evangelium Vitae about?
- It is to teach Catholics about the value of human life
- It unpacks belief in the sanctity of life and how this links to topics such as euthanasia and contraception
- Church against euthanasia (killing is wrong)
– MUFC ML (about euthanasia and suicide)
What does Pope John Paul II say in Evangelium Vitae?
What does MUFC ML stand for?
Euthanasia is morally unacceptable for its contrary to moral law
What is Extraordinary magisterium?
It comes in two types
- conciliar
- pontifical
What is Conciliar magisterium?
- The Pope calls bishops to debate and discuss new issues
What are the four key documents produced by the second Vatican council?
- Gaudium et Spes
- Lumen Gentium
- Sacrosanctum Concillium
- Dei Verbum
What is Gaudium et Spes about?
- Means Joys and Hopes
- It has aimed to involve social justice in the church
What is Lumen Gentium about?
- Means Light to the nations
- We are all priests
- We should spread the Word of God
What is Sacrosanctum Concillium about?
- Means The Sacred Council
- It reinforced the importance of mass
- All mass is now said in the home language and the priest is now facing the congregation
What is dei verbum about?
- means Word of God
- we must interpret the Bible when reading it
- Scripture study now takes place at church
What do Catholics believe about death?
- death is not the end
- Those who believe in God will have eternal life
What does it say in the Bible about death?
- 1 Corinthians
- ‘we will not sleep, but we will be changed..’
What doe Catholics do when preparing for death?
- They make peace with family
- They make arrangements for wills
- They discuss their own funeral
- Take the Sacrament of the Sick
- seek palliative care or go to a hospice
What is the sacrament of the sick?
- they receive forgiveness (Absolution)
- they receive communion for the journey (viaticum)
What is palliative care?
- Symptom management given to a person who is terminally ill
- It aims to control pain
- It offers people dignity and better quality of life
What are the Catholic opinion of palliative care?
- encourages palliative care
- Evangelium Vitae = palliative care is appropriate ‘to make suffering more bearable.’
- Catholics reject assisted suicide and euthanasia -
- ‘morally unacceptable killing of a human person.’ - Suicide is ‘contrary to moral law.’
- All life sacred and holy – gift from God
- Ten Commandments – ‘do not murder.’
- suffering helps a person to identify with the suffering of Jesus –Salvific Doloris
What are the Catholic opinion of palliative care?
- encourages palliative care
- Evangelium Vitae = palliative care is appropriate ‘to make suffering more bearable.’
- Catholics reject assisted suicide and euthanasia -
- ‘morally unacceptable killing of a human person.’ - Suicide is ‘contrary to moral law.’
- All life sacred and holy – gift from God
- Ten Commandments – ‘do not murder.’
- suffering helps a person to identify with the suffering of Jesus –Salvific Doloris
What is the the argument for Catholics of quality in quality v sanctity?
- They believe in sanctity of life
- Catherine of Siena
- ## God ends life and we dont dont have the right to euthanasia
What is the atheist views on death?
– once the brain stops, we stop.
- British Humanist Society – we only live once so life is not a dress rehearsal
- They believe that belief in life after death is just to help people deal with the unknown
What is the atheist views on resurrection?
- They argue that Jesus may have swooned (known as swoon theory) on the cross – gone into a coma – once in the tomb he recovered and therefore he did not resurrect
- Another theory – Jesus’ body was stolen from the tomb
What do atheist believes about spirits?
- believe in the spirit world
– ghosts, backed up by stories from mediums - Some believe that people have lived before – this is backed up by those who can remember a previous life – James Linegar who can remember his previous life as a WW2 fighter pilot
What are the views on near death experiences?
They are quite common too – people physically die but have an out of body experience where they might see the after life (heaven, dead relatives, God)
What is the Paschal Candle?
- It is a tall candle
- lit at Easter and baptisms and funerals
What is the significance of lighting the paschal candle on Easter?
Jesus’ resurrection was a triumph over death
What are the key feature of the paschal candle?
- The cross = Jesus’ crucifixion meant the resurrection could happen – Jesus pp, log, ss
- Alpha and Omega = Jesus first and last, the beginning and end of all things
- Five studs = Jesus’ wounds which he still had after his resurrection
- Fire = Jesus as the light of the world – John 1 – light shines in the darkness
What happens on Easter vigil?
the church is in darkness, a fire is lit outside, PASCHAL candle lit and processed into church, symbolises the ‘light of Christ’ overcoming darkness of death, ancient hymn sung which proclaims Christ’s triumph over death, renewal of baptismal vows to show that Baptism helps us share in eternal life
What happens at the baptism?
candle placed near the font, smaller baptismal candle lit from it, family told ‘receive the light of Christ,’ reminds the family that the ‘light of Christ’ has defeated darkness of death – they are to walk in the light of Jesus
What does the CCC say about prayer?
‘the raising of the heart and mind to God.’
When does Jesus show us the importance of prayer?
Jesus also showed the importance of prayer – he went to pray in the Garden of Gethsemane, after his Baptism he went to the desert to pray
What are two types of prayer?
- extempore
- formulaic
What is a extempore prayer?
personal - own prayer, from the heart - spontaneous, prayer as part of every day life/responding to situations = significant because - MEANINGFUL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD
What is a formulaic prayer?
set prayers, can be MEDIATITIVE, easy to remember - like Our Father, Glory Be, Hail Mary = significant because - PASSED DOWN AS PART OF CHURCH TRADITION
What the 5 ways the CCC identifies prayer?
Petition – asking God for what we need Adoration – adoring God Repentance – saying sorry Thanksgiving Intercession – praying to saints to intercede to God, asking God to help the needs of others – praying as a community
What is the importance of the Lord’s Prayer?
- It is the prayer that Jesus taught so it has AUTHORITY
- It is the prayer that UNITES all Christians
- The CCC describes it as the ‘summary of the whole Gospel.’
How does the Lord’s Prayer show petition?
‘Give us our daily bread’ – asking for what we need
How does the Lord’s Prayer show adoration?
adoring God ‘hallowed be thy name’
How does the Lord’s Prayer show repentance?
‘forgive us our trespasses’
How does the Lord’s Prayer show intercession?
‘deliver us from evil’ – asking that we all share in the victory over evil and death
What are the key symbols of a funeral rites that echo baptismal rite?
- the coffin sprinkled with WATER
- The priest wears WHITE
- COFFIN is incensed
What is the significance of the Word Of God in the funeral rite?
- these will have the theme of eternal life
- such as Psalm 23 ‘The Lord is my shepherd..’ 1 John 3:14 ‘We know that we have passed from death to life..’
- hh
What is the significance of the coffin being sprinkled with water?
- symbolises the dead person’s baptism
- the promise of sharing in Jesus’ resurrection
- hh
What is the significance of the crucifix being placed on the coffin?
- at baptism the deceased received the sign of cross and will share in Jesus’ victory over death
- hh
What is the significance of the priest wearing white?
- liturgical colours of the resurrection
- expresses hope that the deceased will have eternal life with God
- hh
What is the significance of the coffin being incensed?
- so prayers are raised to heaven
- the loved one is entrusted to God
- hh
What is the significance of In Paradisium?
- Final commendation gives hope that the loved one is in paradise– Faures requiem - IN PARADISIUM
- ‘may the angels lead you into paradise: may the martyrs come to welcome you to the holy city, the new and eternal Jerusalem.’
Why do Catholics pray to the dead?
Catholics pray for the dead as a sign of love and respect
Why do Catholics believe in purgatory?
the Bible says that prayers can help the departed make their way to heaven. Maccabees 12
What does iconography mean?
Images and symbols used to represent a religious group like Christianity.
What is a sarcophagus?
A stone coffin which are marked with symbolic words/images
What does St Paul say in a letter about resurrection?
- St Paul wrote a letter to the people of Corinth to help them understand beliefs like the resurrection
- He said - the resurrection of Jesus is a CORE part of Christian belief
- THIS BELIEF IS IMPORTANT because Paul teaches that if we do not believe that Christ has been raised
- our ‘preaching is useless.’ 1 Corinthians
What does Paul teach about resurrection?
- What happened to Jesus will happen to his followers
- ‘It is sown a physical body, it is raised a spiritual body.’ 1 Corinthians
- the raised body is a mystery
- 1 Corinthians ‘man cannot visualise’ life after death
What do catholics believe about our soul?
- it cannot die
- FINAL JUDGEMNET we will rise body and soul.
- humans are a combination of body and soul
What do other christians believe about the soul?
- no resurrection of the body.
- When Jesus comforted the criminal who was crucified next to him, he said ‘today you will be with me in Paradise’
- THIS IS INTERPRETED TO MEAN the soul goes to its final resting place after death
- Near death experiences provide evidence of this SEPARATION of body and soul
- believe that the soul and body stay in the grave until the end of time – they will rise together
What do eastern religious about the soul?
– believe that the soul continues to exist after death and may be placed in a different body - These religions see the body as a temporary home for the soul
What do atheists believe about resurrection?
- once the brain stops, we stop
- British Humanist Society = We only live once so life is not a drees rehearsal
- They believe that belief in life after death is just to help people deal with the unknown
What theories do atheist about resurrection?
- Jesus was swooned
- he may have gone into a coma
- his body could have been stolen
What is eschatology?
the study of what happens at the end of the world = focuses on 4 things – JUDGEMENT – heaven – hell - purgatory
What are the two types of judgement?
- Particular
- final
What is particular judgemnt?
- When a person dies they are judged by God and this decides if they go to heaven, purgatory or hell
What does the CCC describe heaven as?
glorious place in the eternal presence of God’s love ‘live forever with Christ’
What does the CCC describe hell as?
by own free will reject God’s grace - eternally absent from God’s love ‘we shall be separated from him’
What does the CCC describe purgatory?
a place of purification so they can achieve holiness
What are the two parables that teach us about judgement?
How does the PARABLE OF THE UNFORGIVING SERVANT show judgement?
- a man was lovingly forgiven by his master but cruelly would not forgive others
- THIS MEANS we must forgive to be forgiven (Matthew)
How does the PARABLE OF THE RICH MAN AND LAZARUS show judgement?
- he is in hell in agony and the poor Lazarus is rewarded with heaven
– THIS MEANS if we do not treat others justly we cannot expect to go to heaven (Luke)
What do Catholics believe about purgatory?
- The Catholic belief in purgatory is not shared with other Christians
- we need purifying before going to heaven
- Catholic belief in purgatory is rooted in the Old Testament idea of praying for dead
What does purgatory mean?
to get rid of sin
What does 1 Corinthians say about purgatory?
- In 1 Corinthians St Paul taught that our lives are like a building which will be tested by fire to see how well the person lived
- 1 Corinthians 3 – ‘a cleansing fire will sift the soul.’
Purgatory is not a place it is a state of hope
What does Maccabees say about purgatory?
- 2 Maccabees = to pray for the dead that they may be loosed from sins
- Catholics are encouraged to pray for the dead to benefit the souls of the deceased to unite then with God
- Catholics pray the Eternal Rest