Judaism Practices Flashcards
What are the key features in a synagogue?
What does batman stand for?
- Bimah
- Aron Hakodesh
- Torah
- Minyan
- Arrangement of seating
- Ner Tamid
What is the significance of the Bimah in the synagogue?
- A raised platform – where Torah read
- Orthodox in the middle, Reform at the front
- Central focus = Torah should be central
What is the significance of the Ark in the synagogue?
- Ark where Torah scrolls are kept = Door and curtain
- Door and curtain outside (open or closed)
- Sephardic Jews the curtain is inside the doors
Most important place – contains scroll – placed in wall facing Jerusalem – opening/closing at important times (open between Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah) - When open congregation stand
What is the significance of the Torah scrolls in the synagogue?
- Scrolls contain Torah – made from animal skin – hand written by scribe
- Wrapped when not in use – decorated in silver
In Sephardic synagogue the scroll is kept in metal or wood - Part read in Shabbat services – raised above congregation to show importance
What is the significance of the Minyan in the
- Community of worshippers = 10 people
- Reform = mixed men/women, Orthodox only men after Bar Mitzvah
- The Amidah and Kaddish (hymn of praises in service) can’t be recited without minyan
What is the significance of the arrangement of seating in the synagogue?
Reform – men and women sit together and Orthodox men and women sit separately
What is the significance of the ner tamid?
- Eternal lamp – above Aron Hakodesh – never put out
- Differences in design between Orthodox and Reform
- Symbolises God’s presence – ‘cause a lamp to burn.’ Exodus
- Symbolises golden menorah which burned in the destroyed temple
What needed for Jews to practise worship at home?
- Modeh Ani
- Shema
- Siddur
- Mezuzah
- Pushke Box
- Preparing for festivals at home
What is the Modeh Ani?
- It is the first thing said in the morning
- Said in bed
- thank God for the Gift of life
What are the two things said in the Modeh Ani?
- ‘Be strong as a lion when you wake up in the morning to serve your Creator.’
- ‘I offer thanks to You.’
What is the Shema?
- declaration of faith
- said twice a day
What is said in the Shema?
‘Hear O’ Israel, the Lord our God is one..’
What is the siddur?
- a prayer book to use at home
- a gift from God
- if it falls to ground picked up and kissed
What is the pushke box?
Charity box at home
What types of festivals do jews prepare at home?
- Pesach
- Shabbat
- Sukkot
- Circumcision (brit milah)
What is the acronym RITUAL?
- It is apart of their IDENTITY
- It is apart their TRADITION
- It UNITES jews
- It AFFIRMS their faith
- It is their LIFE from birth to death
What is the importance of Shabbat?
- Keeping Shabbat obeys 2 mitzvah ‘to remember’ and ‘to keep holy’ = Exodus 20
- Holiest day of the week – a taste of the Olam Ha Ba – the world to come
- Celebrates God’s creation
- Family time – togetherness
- Presence of Shabbat brings peace
- Welcome shekinah
- day of spiritual renewal
What do jews do to prepare for shabbat?
- Clean home - Cook meals - table laid, two candles and Challot loaves on the table , toilet paper torn!
- Family home before candles lit to signify God’s presence (Shekinah)
What happens during Shabbat?
- Orthodox won’t work (unless saving a life) – this implies Reform and Secular Jews will…
- No driving or cooking or tearing (even toilet paper)
- Woman lights two candles (- bring God’s presence into home (shekinah = feminine presence)
- Bless challot loaves
- Kiddush prayer recited over wine
What happens on the Saturday of Shabbat?
- family go to Synagogue, rest completely during the day = FAMILY time
- Sunset the HAVDALLAH candle lit – symbolises the split between Shabbat and week ahead
- Wine passed round
- Spice box sniffed = hope of a sweet week
What is a bar mitzvah?
- Age 13 boy becomes bar mitzvah
- Jewish adulthood
What are the significance of a bar mitzvah?
- They can be apart of a minyan
- Responsible to fulfil mitzvot
What do jewish boys do to prepare for a bar mitzvah?
- learns Hebrews so can read a portion of the Torah – goes to a Rabbi for lessons (about prayer/responsibilities)
- tefillin only worn just before 13th birthday
What is the celebration of the bar mitzvah?
- Shabbat after 13th birthday
- boy called to bimah to recite Torah – friends/relatives watch
- father recites blessing
What is female version of bar mitzvahs for orthodox jews?
Bat Chayil
What is female version of bar mitzvahs for reform jews?
Bat Mitzvah
What is Bat Chayil?
- it means daughter of worth
- It happens 12 years old
- gives a presentation about what learnt (doesn’t read Torah)
What is Bat mitzvah?
- special service in synagogue
- girl may read from Torah
- after service girl can become part of minyan
What is the Tallith?
- Four-cornered garment with fringes (tzizit = symbolises the 613 mitzvot)
What is the large tallit?
Prayer shawl worn by both reform and orthodox jews
What is the small tallit?
Worn every day under clothes and only Orthodox jews wear them
What is the significance of wearing the tallit?
Duty to wear fringes to remind them to keep the mitzvot (Numbers 15 = Torah)
What is the tefillin?
- Two leather boxes which contain the shema prayer
- One box round head the other round left arm (Shema close to head and heart)
- Worn by Orthodox male after Bar Mitzvah during prayers (but not Shabbat)
- Reform women also wear
What is the significance of wearing the tefillin?
- Obeys mitzvah in Torah – ‘commandment to wear tefillin.’
- Reminds Jews to serve God – keep God close
What is the kippah?
- Head covering = worn from childhood
- Some wear all the time – others just in services
- women also wear
What is the significance of wearing the kippah?
Sign of respect to have highest part of head covered + symbol of Jewish identity
What are the reform views of the items of worship?
- Maimonides said women could wear tzizt
- The Torah doesn’t say tallit is only for men
- In the Talmud there is an example of women wearing tefillin
- Reform Jewish women wear tefillin
- Reform Jewish women wear the kippah
What are the orthodox views of the items of worship?
- biblically forbidden from wearing the same clothes as men.
- Women drawing attention to themselves (against Judaism)
- Men wear a large tallit and a small tallit (worn under every day clothes)
- Men wear Tefillin in prayer
What is a synagogue?
House of assembly
What is the function of a synagogue?
- House of prayer
- House of study
- social hall
- beit din
How is the synagogue a house of prayer?
- It is where community prayer services take place
- Some prayers can only be said in the presence of a minyan
How is the synagogue a house of study?
- Some jews study the sacred texts is a lifelong task
- children receive basic RE education
How is the synagogue a social hall?
- town hall – community centre – social welfare agency – collecting for the poor - providing support for people with disabilities – Kosher meals lunch club – hospital visiting
How is the synagogue a beit din?
0- It means house of law
- a jewish court of law
What does the Shabbat service include?
- Important prayers said – starts with songs and psalms before Amidah and Shema
- The haftorah is read (Torah and Nevim (Prophets)
- Rabbi – weekly sermon
- Kiddush is held – blessing over wine
What is the acronym of kosher?
What does the K stand for in kosher?
- Kosher Laws
- Leviticus 11:1- 23, about food fit to eat kosher and how to prepare
What does the O stand for in kosher?
- Observant Jews
- Refuse to eat pork, shellfish, birds of prey and that milk is not mixed with meat
What is the source about eating food?
‘do not cook a young goat in its mother’s milk’ Exodus
What does the S stand for in kosher?
- Schechitah
- method to prepare kosher meat – animal killed by a schochet as form of dedication to God (razor sharp knife) – Torah does not allow the blood to be eaten – so blood drained away
What does the H stand for in kosher?
- Homes
- two sets of pans and fridges, one for meat, one for milk
What does the E stand for in Kosher?
- Eating meat and milk
- forbidden but some foods are pareve and can be eaten with either meat or milk – ie eggs, veg
What does the R stand for in Kosher?
- Reform Jews
- adapt Kosher to fit lifestyle, some will eat meat and milk but not pork…
When do Shabbat services take place?
Services on Fri night (short) and Shabbat morning (long) and afternoon
What do orthodox jews do for Shabbat services?
will have an additional service to focus on the TEMPLE
What do reform jews do for Shabbat services?
dropped this service as content not relevant to today
What do Shabbat services include?
- Important prayers said – starts with songs and psalms before Amidah and Shema
- The haftorah is read (Torah and Nevim (Prophets)
- Rabbi – weekly sermon
- Kiddush is held – blessing over wine
How is the orthodox jewish service in the synagogue?
- only a require a Minyan (10 men)
- service in Hebrew
- led by a male Rabbi
- no instruments and unaccompanied singing
- men and women are separate
- women head covered.
How is the reform jewish service in the synagogue?
- Male or female Rabbi may lead the service
- less Hebrew is used (mix of Hebrew and English), - instruments and recorded music
- men and women sit together, no mention of the resurrection/messiah
- more readings, poems and prayers
What is the significance of prayer?
- Part of everyday life (bridge between God and man)
- Whole area of Talmud based on prayer – Berakhot
- Pray before mitzvot, seeing a rainbow, other unusual things
- 3 types of prayer = PRT = Praise God, Request from God, Thank God
- e.g. siddur
- Prayer in the synagogue connects Jews with the Temple – prayer is a substitute for temple sacrifices
What are formal prayers?
- performed three times a day (morning , afternoon and eve) + Shabbat
- Morning prayer is the longest – include blessings, Psalms, Shema and Amidah
- Orthodox pray in Hebrew – Reform in own language
What is the amidah?
- standing prayer, core of every Jewish service
Stand and face Israel when they say the prayer
How many blessings does the amidah include?
19 blessings – divided into PRT
What is the significance of the amidah?
- being in the presence of God, recited silently when alone, but aloud by cantor in public and the congregation say Amen
- Recite ‘ May God who brings peace ..’ saying 3 steps forward and 3 back (retreat from God)
What is the naming of female babies?
- named at first reading of Torah after birth
What happens after the naming of female babies?
- mother and father are honoured at congregational KIDDUSH
What is kiddush?
Blessing over wine
What do reform jews call the ceremony of naming female babies?
What is the name of the baby boy naming ceremony?
Brit Milah
What is the acronym for Brit Milah?
What does M stand for in MESHA?
Circumcision at 8 days old – carried out by a male MOHEL (female Mohelet in Reform)
What does E stand for in MESHA?
Placed on a chair – ELIJAH’S CHAIR (ancient belief that Elijah visits all circumcision)
What does S stand for in MEHSA?
Child placed on knee of SANDEK (person chosen by parents = great honour)
What is recited at the Brit Milah?
The father recites a blessing
What does H stand for in MESHA?
Identity – given HEBREW name, symbolises baby has entered the Covenant (Non Jew must be circumcised to convert in Orth)
What does A stand for in MESHA?
Relationship with God – sign of covenant with ABRAHAM (fulfils Mitzvot)
What is the acronym for marriage?
What does the K stand for in KIDDUSHIN?
- Ketubah
- marriage contract
- man promises to car for wife
What does the I stand for in KIDDUSHIN?
- Intentions
- A meeting of soul mates
What does the D stand for in KIDDUSHIN?
- Down the aisles
- bride walks down the aisle to meet husband under CHUPPAH (canopy)
- Ashkenazi Jews go round 7 times.
What does the D stand for in KIDDUSHIN?
- Declaration
- in front of witnesses as ring placed on finger
What does the U stand for in KIDDUSHIN?
- Under the CHUPPAH
- canopy with 4 sides = Jewish home
What does the S stand for in KIDDUSHIN?
- Stamping of glass
- marriage is fragile, reminds of the temple destroyed
What does the H stand for in KIDDUSHIN?
- Happiness
- joyous celebration
What does the I stand for in KIDDUSHIN?
- Index finger
- ring placed there = connected to heart
What does the N stand for in KIDDUSHIN?
- second part of ceremony = 7 blessings to finalise marriage = praise God
What do orthodox and reform jews think about same sex marriages?
- Orthodox = do agree with it
- Reform = do accept same sex
What is Sukkot?
- Harvest festival
- it is counted as a mitzvah to ‘dwell’ in the sukkah (in Leviticus)
What is the origin in sukkot?
Remembers 40 year period when Israelites were in the desert
What happens in Sukkot?
- Shelters made to represent temporary shelters used in the desert
- Families often eat and sleep in the shelter
- Two special objects used
What are the two special object used in Sukkot?
- Etrog
- Lulav
What is the significance of the etrog?
- citrus fruit
- represents the heart
What is the significance of the Lulav?
- made up of plaited palm, myrtle which represent the eye
- the willow leaf represents the mouth
- represent the spine / actions
What does the etrog and lulav represent?
- symbolises that our heart, spine/actions, mouth and eyes to be UNITED
- Might also represent different types of Jews – those who follow mitzvot, those who don’t, those who know the Torah, those who don’t = ALL JEWS ARE IMPORTANT = UNITE
What is the celebration for Sukkot?
- Last for 7 days – many Jews do not work on days 1 and 2
- Build shelter with roof that stars can be seen through
- Decorate Sukkah with prayers – tables and chairs
- Each morning the LULAV is blessed + bless God
- LULAV and ETROG waved in 6 directions = God is everywhere
What is the difference between orthodox and reform sukkot?
- Orthodox = build their own Sukkah
- Reform = may build a communal sukkah or go to one in the synagogue
What is Pesach?
- Pesach celebrates the freedom from slavery
- Passover = God passed over the Israelites during the final plague
- Exodus – God commands that a festival held each year
What happens in Peseach?
- Before the house is emptied of chametz (wheat products)
- Leavened goods are banned – Jews didn’t have time for bread to rise before they had to flee the Egyptians.
- New crockery bought (replace crockery that has had chametz on)
- Light candles
- Families attend synagogue before special meal – SEDER (means order) meal on first and second nights (Orthodox only)
- All readings and instructions in the Haggadah (book contains the service)
- Symbolic food = lamb bone = sacrifice, roasted egg = new life, green veg dipped in salt = tears of slavery, bitter herbs = bitterness of slavery
What is Rosh Hashanah?
- day God created the world = beginning
How is Rosh Hashanah celebrated?
- Services in synagogue on the eve of RH
- clean homes, eat special food.
- At home special foods like pomegranates, apples dipped in honey = sweet new year
- Morning service = shofar blown (ram’s horn) 100 times = crying soul being reunited with God
- Some perform tashlikh (a prayer) = throw away crumbs in a stream= sins being cast away
- Next ten days Jews think about deeds and apologise to people they have done wrong to ..
What is Yom Kippur?
- Day of Atonement = holiest day of the year
- ‘It shall be sacred to you..’ Leviticus
What is the origin of Rosh Hashanah?
- ORIGIN found in the Bible. The Book of Leviticus (23:24-25) declares: “blowing of the shofar.”
- Celebrates new beginnings but also God as a judge – judging for deeds of the previous year.
- Jews reflect on their faults in the build up.
What is the origin for Rosh Hashanah?
- when Moses came down from Mount Sinai the Israelites were worshipping false gods – they had to atone and were forgiven
- Ends the 10 days of repentance and is centred om forgiveness
How is YK celebrated?
- charity
- fast for 25 hours (no sex, leather) – wear white to symbolise purity
- Early dinner eaten at home
- In synagogue the Kol Nidrei (like a prayer) is sung
- Story of Jonah and the whale is told – GOD will forgive if we repent
- Jews confess sins to God
- Neilah = End service - recite the Shema = closing gates of heaven
- Single blast of shofar ends ceremony = reconciled with God
- End fast = Start building the sukkah
Who takes care of the dead body?
Onan = MAIN MOURNER take charge of burial – exempt from mitzvot – stay with body
What is Chevra Kaddisha?
volunteers wash body, put body in plain gowns.
What happens at the burial?
- Body buried asap – simple funeral, psalms read, coffin as plain as possible – grave filled the mourners pray and KADDISH is recited. Tear clothing – tearing fabric of life.
- After the burial the ONAN is no longer the main mourner but follows set rituals:
What happens after the funeral?
First week after burial = SHIVA (7 days) – mourners stay in, male mourner recites Kaddish, pray for peace, cover mirrors, candle kept burning day and night
Four weeks – parties and cutting hair avoided
Before end of year – tombstone erected – Kaddish recited – leave stones as mark of respect (Abraham did this for Sarah)
YAHRRZEIT ceremony – light a candle each year for 24 hrs (soul departed)
Mourning ritual shows life can’t go on as before