Judaism Beliefs Flashcards
What are the orthodox jews beliefs about the messiah?
- Maimonides (12th C Rabbi) said = messiah is central to Judaism
- The messiah will be a great political leader who will bring the world to an end = BRING IN THE RESURRECTION
- Orthodox Jews believe he will be descended from King David
- Some Orthodox Jews believe that God has a date for the coming of the messiah.
- Other Orthodox Jews believe the messiah will come when he is most needed = PRAY for the Messiah.
What are the reform jews beliefs about the messiah?
- Many Jews pray for a MESSIANIC AGE = In TENAKH 3 actions:
peace on earth,
Jews back in Israel
restore the temple in Jerusalem - Reform Jews believe our actions now will bring peace – not a messiah. MUST LEAD A GOOD LIFE NOW..
- Isaiah says that the Messianic age is a time when the wolf shall live with the lamb (age of peace).
- Reform Jews removed all ref to Messiah from prayer.
What is the issue with the messiah?
- False messiahs
- Why didn’t he come during the Holocaust?
- Jesus is a descendant of King David – did they miss the Messiah?
Describe the nature of shekhinah
- God believed to be everywhere.
- Shekinah comes from ‘shakan’ = God dwelling on earth (Torah).
- Some Jews believe shekinah lives in the temple.
- Shekinah still in Israel – special spiritual quality
- Some Jews believe shekinah to be the feminine characteristics of God.
- Shekinah is referred to when the Shabbat candles are lit.
What is a covenant?
A promise between two parties. i.e. between God and the Jews
What are the 3 main parts of the Abrahamic Covenant?
- God called Abraham to a new land = Israel = the Promised Land. Promised LAND
- (LBD).
What does it say in genesis about descendants in the Abrahamic Covenant?
God promised Abraham he would make him fruitful Genesis 17:6-8
What does it say in genesis about blessings in the Abrahamic Covenant?
God promised to bless Abraham and his family - as sign of the covenant God gave Abraham the rite of circumcision. Genesis 17:11-14
What does it say in genesis about circumcision in the Abrahamic Covenant?
All Jewish male children are circumcised to reflect their special relationship with God. Genesis 17
What is the torah?
The first 5 books of Moses. e.g. genesis, exodus, Leviticus, numbers and Deuteronomy
What is the nevim?
What is the ketuvim?
Writings e.g. psalms
What is the talmud?
Mishnah and Gemara
What is the Mishnah?
ORAL TORAH (from Moses) + teachings and guidance
What is the Gemara?
commentary by Rabbis on the Mishnah
What is Maimonides?
12th Century Rabbi (estd 13 key principles of Judaism)
What are the 13 principles of faith?
- God exists as CREATOR
- God is unity (one) = SHEMA
- God has no physical body
- God is eternal
- Only God should be worshipped
- God communicated through prophets
- Moses is the most important prophet
- The Torah was given by God to Moses
- The Torah is God’s law and cannot be changed IE.
- God is all-knowing
- God will reward good and punish evil
- The messiah will come = NOT REFORM
- The dead will be resurrected = NOT REFORM
What type of faith is Judaism?
- Monotheist belief in omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent
What do jews believe in God as a creator?
- God is Creator, humans have a responsibility to care for the world.
- God as creator is celebrated at Rosh Hashanah and Shabbat.
- Pikuach nefesh = saving life is important – God created it.
What are the sourced of jews believing in God as a creator?
- God created the world and on the sixth day he created man to care for the world. Gen 1:3-5 – ‘In the -beginning God created the heaven and the earth.’
- Gen 1 26-28 - ‘let us make mankind in our image..’
What do jews believe in God as one?
- There is one God – Judaism is monotheistic
- No statues in synagogues. The Shema is in the mezuzah and tefillin.
What are the sources of jews believing in God as one?
- ‘Thou shalt have no other Gods.’ Exodus 20
- ‘Hear o Israel, the Lord our God is one..’ The Shema prayer (core prayer) = ONE GOD ONLY
What do jews believe in God as a law giver?
- God gave Moses the laws that Jews should keep
- God judges Jews on how they follow the duties.
- At Rosh Hashanah God begins a judgement of good deed and bad deeds
What are the sources of jews believing in God as a law giver?
The Ten Commandments show God as law-giver and judge – Exodus 20:1-15
How many passages are in the Shema?
Three passages from the Torah
How many times is the Shema recited?
Twice a day
What does the Shema talk about?
Talks about the oneness of God
What is Shekhinah?
- God believed to be everywhere.
- Shekinah comes from ‘shakan’ = God dwelling on earth (Torah).
Where do some jews believe shekhinah felt?
- Some Jews believe shekinah lives in the temple.
- Shekinah still in Israel – special spiritual quality
- Some Jews believe shekinah to be the feminine characteristics of God.
- Shekinah is referred to when the Shabbat candles are lit.
Why is Moses considered one of the most important prophet?
- Moses was chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of slavery to the Promised Land. Exodus 3.
- Moses is believed to be the only person to have seen God face to face
- Moses was given the Torah by God on Mount Sinai = TORAH = 613 MITZVOTS inc the TEN COMMANDMENTS
What does Maimonides say about Moses?
- Moses is the most important prophet
- The Torah was given by God to Moses
- The Torah is God’s law and cannot be changed IE. ORTHODOX
What do Orthodox believe about Moses?
Orthodox Jews believe he was also given the Oral Torah – the commentary which discusses the written Torah.
What was Moses promised?
Moses’ covenant with God is that God’s chosen people would keep the Commandments and they would keep the Promised Land
What are the four most important Comandments?
- I am God Your Lord who has brought you from slavery
- 1st Commandment = Do not have any other gods
- 6th Commandment = Do not commit murder
- 4th Commandment = Remember the Sabbath
What is the significance of the 1st Commandment = Do not have any other gods?
- Importance of the Shema Prayer – no statues in synagogues.
- They cannot break the commandment of no false gods even to save a life.
What is the significance of the 6th Commandment = Do not commit murder?
- Importance of pikuach nefesh = saving a life.
- They can break 610 of the 613 mitzvots to keep the commandment not to kill
What is the significance of the 4th Commandment = Remember the Sabbath?
- Prepare for and celebrate Shabbat. Importance:
Keeping Shabbat obeys mitzvah ‘to remember’ and ‘to keep holy’ - Celebrates God’s creation
- Family time – togetherness
- They cannot tear, cook, carry, sew
What is pikuach nefesh?
- the saving of a life
- Jews must do what they can to save a life, they must live life to the full
- They can set aside mitzvots to save a life.
Why do Jews celebrate pikuach nefesh?
- Life is sacred
- So to save a life
- takes priority over all but three of the mitzvot
What are the three mitvots you cannot at all?
- The three mitzvoth you cannot break even to save a life are – adultery, incest, idolatry (worship false gods)
What is the source for why jews celebrate pikuach nefesh?
- God created life in his image – Genesis 1
- Psalm 139. ’you knit me together in my mother’s womb.’
What is the source for jews rejecting abortion?
Jeremiah 1 ‘I formed you in the womb’
What do jews do due to pikuach nefesh?
- Jews can carry donor cards as it is okay to remove an organ if it will save a life (otherwise removing an organ is forbidden)
- Talmud B Yoma – Jews (doctors/emergency services) can work on the Sabbath if it means they can save a life.
What is mitzvah day?
Mitzvah Day focus on saving lives by reducing poverty, caring for environment and caring for others. Over 37,000 Jews participate.
What is the jewish views towards free will?
- Man was made in the image of God, but was given choice (evidence Adam and Eve).
- Man is not a puppet.. Man has 2 inclinations..
- We are born in balance
- God commands (Mitzvots) - Against free will
- God gives choice - Gives freedom
- It is only when we are given the freedom to choose good that God can hold people to account on Judgement Day
What are the two inclinations?
- yetzer ha ra
- yetzer ha tov
What is yetzer ha ra?
Urge to do bad
What is yetzer ha tov?
Urge to do good
What do reform jews think about mitzvots and free will?
- Some Jews see the Mitzvot as a guideline
- Reform Jews say that many Mitzvot are not relevant in the 21st Century – they will observe the ones they can
What do orthodox jews think about mitzvots and free will?
Orthodox Jews see the Mitzvot as a path to follow or be punished.
What do all jews believe in when it comes to free will and mitzvots?
- All Jews believe they have free will
- Psalm 33 – ‘from his dwelling places he watches all who live on earth.’ God has given free will but he watches those who do good/evil.
What do jews believe about the after-life?
- focus on living life to the full – AFTER LIFE NOT IMPORTANT
- The after life is called the Olam Ha Ba
- It is important to live in preparation for the world to come.
- Jews prepare and lead a good life by observing Mitzvots.
What is Olam Ha Ba?
- the world to vome
- Olam Ha Ba is both a person’s after life and the Messianic Age.
When do orthodox jews believe the resurrection will happen?
- Nahmanides – 12th Century Rabbi Olam Ha Ba after the resurrection
- some Rabbis believe it will happen during the Messianic Age
- Others argue it will happen after the Messianic Age
- Maimonides – Olam Ha Ba is a time beyond the resurrection – a second death at which the soul is in the presence of God.
Who do orthodox jews believe will resurrect?
- Only the righteous will be resurrected
- Others argue everyone will be resurrected and then a Day of Judgement will follow
- Some argue no Day of Judgement after death as judgement happens every year on the festival of Rosh Hashanah
How do jews believe we will resurrect?
- Orthodox believe the soul will be resting under the wings of God – Shekinah
- Orthodox believe in the soul and the body resurrecting – no cremation/organ transplants
- Orthodox Jews believe the body must be buried
What do Reform jews believe about ressurection?
- Memories of the dead live on through good deeds
- Other Reform Jews believe the soul lives on.
What do jews believe about reincarnation?
- Some Jews believe the soul will take on a different body to live again.
- Some Jews believe if the mitzvoth have not been completed they may get a second chance