Origins and Meaning Flashcards
What did St Augustine say about the origin of the universe?
- Wrote confessions
- God created the earth from nothing “creation ex nihilo”
- God is good and greater than all creation
What does ECT stand for?
Eternal Creator Transcendent
What do catholics believe about the origin of the universe?
- Accept science and the big bang theory or evolution
What do fundamentalists say about the origin of the universe?
- Reject science and big bang theory or evolution
What do Non-catholics believe about the big bang theory?
- Scientific explanation of the creation of the universe
- Started 13.7 billions years ago at a single point and exploded and still expanding today
- Stephen Hawking denied that God existed
What does SIMM stand for?
The creationism story is…
- symbolic
- it should be interpreted
- it is a myth
- and it is the message behind it that counts
What does LICE 6 stand for?
The creationism story is…
- Literally true
- it is the inspired word of God
- creationism story is literally true
- Eve was really created from Adam’s ribs
- It did take 6 days to create the universe
What do Catholics believe about all life?
They believe all life is sacred. This known as the sanctity of life
What do Catholics mean by imago dei?
We are all made in the image of God and that we have dignity and value.
What book did Catherine of Siena write about imago dei?
The Divine Dialogue of Providence
What did Catherine of Siena write about in the Divine Dialogue of Providence?
- It was about a conversation between her soul and God in the mirror
- She says we look in the mirror and see our imperfections and in theory we should see that we are perfect
- “we are all made in the image of God”
- Life is a gift from God
What does COLDS stand for?
All humans have…
- God’s ORIGIN
- God’s LOVE
What is the Catholics views towards sanctity and abortion?
- Abortion is always wrong
- Principle of Double - The mother cant take medication that will harm the foetus
What is the other Christians views towards sanctity and abortion?
- all life is sacred
- but abortion is the lesser of two evils in some cases such as rape
- encourage better sex ed
- encourage adoption
What does CHART stand for?
- life begins at CONCEPTION
- life is HOLY
- ADOPTION is preferred
- everyone has the RIGHT to life
- the TEN COMMANDMENTS say do not kill
What does PERR stand for?
- catholics must PRESEVE LIFE
- all life is EQUALLY VALUABLE
- unborn children have RIGHTS
- the mother has RESPONSIBILITIES
What did Stephen Hawking say about the BBT?
- He said “Because there is a law such as gravity, the universe can and will create itself from nothing”
What are the jewish beliefs about the sanctity of life?
- God gives and take life
- In Psalms 139 and Jeremiah = God knew us before birth in the womb
- imago dei
- Ten Commandments = Do not kill
- Pikuach Nefesh - Break mitzvots to save lives
What are the humanist views toward the sanctity of life?
- Reject God
- relative attitude to life
- life is not sacred
- pro abortion
- quality is more important
- focus on eliminating suffering
What are Peter Singer’s views towards the sanctity of life?
- All life has value but not equal value
- personhood isn’t absolute
- embryos are non-person
- disagrees with speciesism
- a conscious do has more value than an embryo, disable person or someone with dementia
How do Catholics respond to the humanist views on the sanctity of life?
- all life has equal value and dignity
- personhood is absolute
- suffering is all apart of God’s plan
- Suffering helps us share in Jesus’ suffering
- Suffering does not reduce a persons value
- life is sacred regardless the quality
How do Catholics respond to Peter Singer’s views on the sanctity of life?
- Catholics have more value that animals (Genesis)
- Humans dominion over the land and animals
- imago dei
- good stewards and look after the earth
- agree with speciesism
What are Darwin’s views on evolution?
- life came as a random process called evolution
- he says it is natural selection and survival of the fittest
- a powerful and loving God wouldn’t create a parasitic wasp
- there is evidence of evolution through fossils and DNA science
What are Dawkins views on evolution?
- Atheist
- Our bodies are survival machines
- Humans carry DNA and no soul
- Humans are genetic mutations = advanced humans
What are the catholic views towards evolution?
- Genesis is SIMM
- they aren’t expected to believe the universe was created in 6 days
- They should think why they are here and how they got here
- science helps Catholics understand the bible
What does Pope John Paul II write to spread his views on evolution?
Pontifical Academy of Sciences
What are Pope John Paul II views on evolution?
- ‘there should be no conflict between evolution and the doctrine of faith’
- evolution is how God created humans
- humans are sacred and all apart of God’s loving plan
What are the fundamentalists views on evolution?
- LICE 6
- Science that contradicts the Bible is wrong
- Plants and animals were created complete at time of creation and didn’t undergo evolution
- humans life was last created
What does the catholic church preach about the Bible?
- A text inspired by God
- “All scripture is the inspire word of God” - St Paul to Timothy
- But they believe that humans wrote the bible and were limited in their understanding
What did St Paul say to Timothy about the Bible?
All scripture in the Bible is the inspired word of God
How do Catholics interpret literary forms?
- The message is that God is ETC
- Accept science
How Fundamentalists interpret literary forms?
- LICE 6
- reject science
What is the Tree of Life Apse?
A semi-circular mosaic dome above altar
Why was the Tree of Life symbolic to Catholics in 12th century?
Because people could read or write. This helped Catholics understand the story of Christ
What are the 5 key feature of the Tree of Life?
- Alpha and Omega
- Chi Rho
- The lamb
- Four Evangelists
- Doves
What is the importance of the Alpha and Omega in the Tree of Life?
- The first and last letters of the Greek alphabet
- God of himself as the beginning and the ending
- Jesus is God incarnate
- Jesus is eternal
What is the importance of the Chi Rho in the Tree of Life?
- First two letters of Christ in Greek
- The first Christian cross
- ancient symbol of the resurrection
What does it say in Genesis 1 about God being eternal/transcendent?
‘In the beginning God created’ .. Nothing before God, God is above and beyond
What does it say in Genesis 1 about God being creator/omnipotent?
‘Let there be light ..’ God is so powerful He speaks creation into existence
What does it say in Genesis 1 about God being omnibenevolent?
‘God saw that it was good’ he also loved the world into being.
What does it say in Genesis 2 about God being immanent?
God is on earth with us – ‘God formed from the dirt .. Blew into his nostrils the breath of life..’
What does it say in Genesis 2 about God being creator/omnibenevolent who loved and cared for humans?
God planted the garden of Eden and made a companion for Adam because he was lonely
What does it say about the sanctity of life in Genesis?
- Man is sacred and holy - man is created at the end of Genesis 1 and this shows that man is the HIGH POINT OF CREATION.
- Genesis 2 God personally creates Adam and Eve
What does it say about the image of God in Genesis?
In both accounts God created man in his image - ‘So God created mankind in his own image’ Gen 1 and 2
What does it say about stewards in Genesis?
- Man is given responsibility to care for creation
- Genesis 1 man is given DOMINION - to rule over creation.
- Genesis 2 Adam is put in the garden to ‘care and cultivate it’
What is the Catholic Social Teaching?
The group of principles the Church formed to deal with issues of social justice
What is the centre of CST?
- All humans are made in the image and likeness of God
- Love your neighbour
- duty to care for everyone
What are the CST teachings?
- anything that threatens to destroy human life, like war, abortion or euthanasia are wrong.
- Fight against discrimination, slavery, fight for equality, human rights, humane life conditions
- injustice are also seen as attacks on human life and should be ‘eradicated’
- ‘firm determination to respect other men..
What does it say in Gaudium et Spes 29?
injustice are also seen as attacks on human life and should be ‘eradicated’
What does it say in Gaudium et Spes 78?
‘`firm determination to respect other men..’
What do Catholics do due to the CST?
- Fight for justice
- Join charities e.g. CAFOD and Caritas
- Sponsor a refugee family
- Seek peace
- Seek reconciliation
What does revelation mean?
God used specific people at a certain time and place in history to REVEAL his story. God revealed messages about himself through his actions and the actions/words of the prophets
What does inspiration mean?
the Bible is the INSPIRED word of God – ‘all scripture is inspired by God ’ St Paul to Timothy. The Bible writers were inspired by the Holy Spirit to write the word of God
Describe the origin of the Bible.
- ORAL TRADITION led to written SCRIPTURE about
- it took 350 years for the Bible to be accepted as Catholic CANON (COLLECTION) in AD 382
- Synod of Hippo decided which texts to be included
- Revelation and inspiration mean that the Bible has authority for Catholics as God’s word
What is the structure of the bible?
There is the old testament and the new testament
What does the old testament show?
God’s promises to the Jewish people – to Israel and the Old Covenant with Abraham and Moses.
What does the new testament show?
God sent his Son for the world – NEW COVENANT - to secure our salvation
What are the literary forms?
Old Testament Laws – first five books of the Bible, God taught them how to live
History – books such as Joshua and Judges, God guided his people
Prophets – Isaiah, God sent inspired figures to help Jews to stay faithful
New Testament – the life and teachings of Jesus
Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke and John – God teaches us the ‘good news’ of how to live the life Jesus wants us to live
Acts of Apostles – tells the story of the Early Church after Jesus’ resurrection
Letters – mainly from Paul – give advice on how to put Jesus’ teachings into practice
What is the way to remember the literary forms?
What does it say in genesis about God’s creations?
- In Genesis 1 man is given DOMINION over creation – this tells us that humans are superior to the rest of creation
- Genesis 2 man given the job of tending to creation - given role of STEWARDS (duty to care)
- Genesis 2 ‘cultivate and care it’
What Catholics believe about caring for the environment?
- God has gifted creation to humans for us to be caretakers for future generations
- We should also care for it to protect human life – made imago Dei
- Also, taught goods of the planet are for everyone – 7th Commandment ‘do not steal’ from future generations
- The Church promotes SUSTAINABLE living - recycle, reduce consumption, use renewable energy
What letter does Pope Francis write about the environment?
Laudato Si
What is Laudato Si about?
a letter about caring for ‘our common home, which has turned into a ‘pile of filth.’
What is the flaw to the teachings of the church about stewardship?
- Humans are told to flourish and multiply – ‘go forth and multiply.’ Genesis
What do both humanists and catholics believe about stewardship?
- Humanists and Catholics AGREE we should be stewards, care for planet, not damage the earth and we should be happy and flourish
What does FLISS stand for?
Free to safeguard the future – The planet needs out love – We have the intelligence to use science to create a sustainable future
What ONLY humanists believe about stewardship?
- Not commanded to care for creation by God, but because they are concerned
- We only get one life – we are damaging the lives now and future
- We should work for a SUSTAINABLE world based on ethical reason not faith
- DISAGREE with Catholics ‘multiplying’ – Humanists support the use of contraception to prevent over-population, so everyone has enough
What does Stephen Hawking’s say about the BBT?
- He doubted a need for a creator
What does SEE stand for? (BBT)
All matter is concentrated into a SINGLE point = massive explosion = 13.7 billion years ago, universe still expanding.
What did Fr. Le Maitre say about BBT?
- He was the one who identified the BBT as a single point
- the BBT doesn’t disprove God
What does ELC stand for?
- Big Bang had to be at EXACT MILLISECOND to create the universe so perfectly
- Scientific LAWS LIKE GRAVITY have always existed – God must have created them
- CREATION STORY FITS with the Big Bang account – ‘let there be light’ could be the explosion
What does Pope Francis say about the BBT?
- God is not a ‘magician, with a magic wand..’ and
- the BBT does not contradict the need for God – but the BBT depends on God to start the process..
What does the cross in the tree of life represent?
- The cross is a crucifixion scene
- Jesus with Mary and John and God’s hand offering a wreath of victory to Christ (conquered death)
What does the base of the cross in Tree of Life represent?
It is the Tree of Life ‘healing the nations’
- Revelation – Christ is sacrificed on the cross to take away our sins
What is the significance of the vines on the Tree of Life?
Jesus said ‘I am the vine, you are the branches..’ Jesus is the tree of life. DD,PP,LOG,SS,HH
Describe how Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam expresses Catholic beliefs about creation?
- ‘In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth’.. Genesis 1
- Nothing existed before God created it. Augustine
- Creation is good – God said it was good. TBC R TBC - CCC
- Adam is seen relaxing back on the perfect world created by God.
How does Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam show God is the creator?
God leans to Adam and gives Adam life – the finger touch/spark of life. Some think God is in a womb – giving life to Adam – the green is the umbilical cord
How does Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam show God is Transcendent?
God is placed above and beyond in a cloud or a brain – showing God is OMNISCIENT
How does Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam show God is omnipotent?
God is older, a father figure - dynamic powerful
How does Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam show the sanctity of life?
Adam is touched by God and given sanctity, ‘God breathed life’ into him.. Genesis 2 This shows that humans are dependent on God to give them life
How does Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam show the image of God?
Adam resembles God, like a son looks like his father – Catherine of Siena taught that humans are made imago Dei
How does Michelangelo’s Creation of Adam show the stewardship?
Adam lies back on the perfect world created by God.
What does inter-fait dialogue mean?
Means co-operative, constructive and positive engagement with everyone
Why is inter-faith dialogue important?
Because we have REST
What does REST mean?
- Racism
- Extremism
- Scapegoating
- Tensions
What does society need? (Inter-faith)
What does RUT stand for?
- Respect
- Understanding
- Tolerance
What did Pope Benedict say about inter-faith dialogue?
‘dialogue’ not an option but a ‘vital need of our time..’
How can Catholics do what Pope Benedict said about inter-faith dialogue?
- PROMOTE understanding
- IDENTIFY common ground and
- ENGAGE in shared action
What does Pope Francis say about inter-faith dialogue?
‘building bridges’ between cultures
What does Pop Francis say in 2020 about the poor?
The poor must come first and that is non-negotiable
What does CAFOD stand for?
Catholic Agency for OVERSEAS Development
What inspired CAFOD to show dignity?
- The Parable of the Sheep and the Goats
- They now teach valuable skills to enable people to become self-sufficient
- They help those in need
How does CAFOD show love?
FORCE = Fundraising to help Overcome poverty by Responding with aid, Campaigning and Educating people on the causes of poverty
How does CAFOD show respect for creation?
They promote Pope Francis’ teachings in Laudato Si - One Climate One World campaign focuses on a low carbon future
What does SVP stand for?
St Vincent De Paul Society
What is the SVP?
parish based charity offering support to the local community
What does the SVP do?
- LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR – inspired by the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats BECAUSE of this they visit and befriend the poor and lonely, run support centres, organise soup kitchens
- DIGNITY of the human person = inspired by belief in imago Dei – because of this they visit prisoners – fund raise so female prisoners have female toiletries.
- CREATION - – they have community shops and furniture shops – they collect donated furniture, recycle repaired items and give people access to second-hand goods