Significant Figures Flashcards
What are Significant Figures?
Digits within a number that convey significance to the number’s accuracy
What is rule #1 of Sig Figs?
All nonzero digits are significant
example: 1.344 has 4 sig figs
example #2: 2300 has 2 sig figs
What is rule #2 of Sig Figs?
Zeroes between (or “sandwiched” between) nonzeroes are significant
example: 23004 has 5 sig figs
example #2: 1.000432 has 7 sig figs
What is rule #3 of Sig Figs?
If a zero is to the right of a decimal and ends the number, it is significant
example: 1.030 has 4 sig figs
example #2: 1238.4800 has 8 sig figs
all trailing zeroes after a decimal count!
What is rule #4 of Sig Figs?
For numbers less than 1, zeroes that DO NOT end the number (unless sandwiched!) are NOT significant
example: 0.007 has 1 sig fig
example #2: 0.07037 has 4 sig figs
What is rule #5 of Sig Figs?
Zeroes to the left of a decimal (and not sandwiched) are NOT significant
example: 3200. has 2 sig figs
example #2: 43010. has 4 sig figs