Signal Transduction Flashcards
Why do we need signal transduction?
As most things that affect cell activity or function do not enter cells Instead they act on membrane-bound receptors that control signalling proteins via the production of secondary messengers
What is the function of secondary messengers ?
They mediate cell activity (including gene expression)
What are the 2 ways that a signal can be transduced ?
1). Via proteins inside the cell which can change its behaviour (fast response - Seconds to Minutes) 2). Via making new proteins by transcription in order to change a cells behaviour (Slow - Minutes to Hours)
How do signalling proteins generally act ?
Many signalling proteins act as molecular switches
How many kinases and phosphates does the human genome encode?
Approx 520 kinases and Approx 150 phosphates
What are the two common pathways used to activate/deactivate signalling proteins ?
1). Signalling via phosphorylation; - The signal goes into the cell via the receptor and activates protein kinase which coverts ATP to ADP and adds a phosphate onto the target protein to activate it - The phosphate is cleaved off the activated protein using protein phosphatase and this releases phosphate so it can bind back onto ADP to form ATP and the protein is deactivated 1). Signalling via GTP binding; - The signal goes into the cell via the receptor and activates GTP binding which coverts GDP to GTP which binds onto the target protein to activate it - The GTP is attached to the activated protein is hydrolysed using GTP hydrolysis which releases a phosphate, consequently leaving GDP binded to the protein and the protein is deactivated
What are the two main types of kinases ?
Tyrosine kinase and Serine/Threonine kinase
What are the two main types of GTP-binding proteins ?
Trimeric G proteins and Monomeric GTPases
What does ligand binding do ?
- Ligand binding activates a G-protein which in turn activates or inhibits another protein, which is often an enzyme which generates a specific second messenger
What does GPCR’s stand for?
G-protein coupled receptors
What series of steps occurs when activating G-protein-coupled receptors?
- An extracellular ligand binds to then G-protein-coupled receptor protein found in the plasma membrane
- This activates the inactive G-signal transducing protein (this is known as the G-protein activation) which inhibits/activates a down stream inactivated effector enzyme
- An inactivated effector enzyme (like adenylyl cyclase or phospholipase c) binds onto the now activated form of G-protein (this is known as complex formation)
- The Active effector (G-protein + Enzyme) generates “second messengers” (like cAMP; inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate; 1,2 - diacylglycerol)

What do all G-protein-coupled receptors have?
7 membrane spanning regions; - with their amino termini (N-terminus) facing extracellularly - with their carboxyl termini (C-terminus) facing intracellularly from the plasma membrane

How can many of the cell-surface receptors be described?
Many of the cell-surface receptors are coupled to trimeric signal-transducing proteins (composed of three different subunits - Alpha, Beta and Gamma) that bind to either GTP or GDP
Describe the mechanisms of action of G-protein signal transduction?
- The ligand binds to the receptor and changes its conformation, causing the receptor to bind to the G-alpha (Ga) protein, during this GDP is displaced by GTP which binds to the G-alpha (Ga) protein
- This triggers G-Beta-Gamma (GBy) to release from the Gs trimeric protein (Containing G-alpha protein and G-Beta-Gamma protein joined together)
- This release of G-Beta-Gamma (GBy) activates downstream pathways
- These pathways only last for a short period of time as GTP which is bonded to G-alpha hydrolyses back to GDP in seconds, causing G-Beta-Gamma (GBy) to bind back onto G-alpha and the inactivation of the enzyme adenylate cyclase

What is GTP required for?
GTP is required for the ligand-induced stimulation of Adenylate Cyclase (enzyme)
What couples to G-alpha ?
What are the 3 things that is required for a signal transduction system?
1). A receptor (e.g - Glucagon) 2). A transducer (G-protein) 3). An amplifier (adenylate cyclase) which generates a large amount of second messenger
What is the role of Adenylate cyclase ?
Amplifies signals and produces large amounts of second messengers
What is the structure of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCR) ?
Their receptors consists of 7 transmembrane helices (hydrophobic amino acids) which sit in the plasma membrane - which are Beta helices (called Beta 2 adrenergic receptor) They interact with heterotrimeric G-protein complex on the extracellular side (has Alpha, Beta and Gamma subunits)
How many types of G-alpha subunits is there?
What are the 3 main types of G-alpha classes and their functions?
Gaq (or Gq) - Stimulates phospholipase C Gs - Stimulates adenylate cyclase, increases cAMP Gi - Inhibits adenylate cyclase, decreases cAMP
What is unique about all GPCR’s (G-protein-coupled receptors) ?
All GPCR’s exhibit preferential association with a particular G-protein (or subset of G-protein) GCPRs signal via GTP-mediated activation of G proteins
How do GPCR’s signal and draw a diagram ?
- A signalling molecule activates a G-protein linked receptor which activates a G-protein subunit
- This activates the enzyme phospholipase C which liberates two signalling molecules from Phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate (PIP2), a phospholipid found in the lipid bilayer
- This creates inositol 1,4,5 triphosphate (IP3) and diacyglycerol (DAG)
- The inositol 1,4,5 triphosphate (IP3) activates the Calcium channel on the endoplasmic reticulum causing a calcium influx inside the cell to activate PKC (Protein kinase C) and the binding of the diacyglycerol (DAG) also further activates the Protein kinase C (both substances are required to activate it)

What are phospholipase C isoforms ?
Phospholipase C isoforms are proteins which possess distinct domain structures but catalyse the same reaction (releasing of IP3 and DAG from PIP2) Some domains are common (catalytic, membrane localisation) and some are unique (regulatory)
How would you describe Cytosolic Calcium levels?
Cytosolic Calcium levels are dynamic; - Calcium can enter from intracellular stores or from outside the cell via calcium channels (receptor or voltage operated) - Calcium can exit via other channels present in the plasma or organelle membranes
What is the resting and activated calcium concentrations?
Resting calcium concentration - about 100nM Activated calcium concentration - 0.5 - 1uM
What is cellular response dependent on?
The duration of the signal
Give an example of a biological process that Calcium signals trigger?
Fertilisation of an egg by a sperm - initial spark by PLC-Z (Phospholipase C Zeta) triggers opening of surface calcium channels The calcium wave triggers the start of embryonic development and prevents other sperm from entering the cell
What are Protein Kinase C (PKC) properties?
PKC’s are a large family with at least 12 different isoforms Most are catalytically inactive, soluble proteins in the cytoplasm
What does a rise in cytosolic calcium levels cause PKC (Protein kinase C) to do?
A rise in cytosolic calcium levels causes PKC to bind to the cytosolic leaflet of the plasma membrane, where it can be activated by the membrane-associated DAG and/or Calcium PKC then phosphorylates a wide variety of substrate proteins on serine and threonine residues

What do PKC’s substrates in the cytoplasm and some isoforms do?
PKC has substrates in the cytoplasm and some isoforms which can translocate to the nucleus to phosphorylate nuclear proteins, and thus function in a transient (short lasting) way or in a more permanent way (in gene transcription)
What can “indirectly’ alter gene expression?
Protein Kinase C activation
What is another common example of GPCR signalling ?
Binding of adrenalin to the B2 adrenergic receptor
How does the Binding of adrenalin to the B2 adrenergic receptor affect the body?
It mediates the body’s response to stress/fear (fight or flight system) - Release of Glucose and Fatty acids from liver/fat cells - Increased concentration of Cardiac muscle
How does Adrenalin binding to the B2 adrenergic receptor chemically work?
The binding of Adrenalin to B2 adrenergic receptor increases the intracellular concentration of cAMP (cyclic AMP) as receptor couples to G-alpha S
Where is cAMP synthesised and by what enzyme?
cAMP is synthesised within cells from ATP by the Adenylate cyclase - Different receptors use the same Adenylate cyclase enzyme (each receptor does have its own designated Adenylate cyclase)
What is cAMP degraded by ?
cAMP is degraded by the enzyme cAMP phosphodiesterase
How does an increase cAMP activate the cAMP-dependent protein kinase ?
cAMP binds to the regulatory subunits found in the cAMP-dependent protein kinase and causes the catalytic subunits to detach at the pseudosubstrate site, allowing the substrate site to be free to bind to cAMP

What does signal transduction cause?
Amplification of a signal - A small change at the top of the chain can have a large change at the bottom (1 epinephrine gives 5 products)
What can the catalytic subunit of PKA (Protein-kinase a) phosphorylate?
The catalytic subunit of PKA (Protein-kinase a) can phosphorylate substrates on Serine and Threonine. It has substrates in the membrane, cytoplasm and nucleus
What is the role of PKA in the nucleus ?
- PKA in the nucleus can activate transcription of genes containing cAMP response elements (CREs) in their promoter.
What is CREB?
CREB (cAMP response element binding) protein is a specific transcription factor which binds to the sequence of genes and activates transcription of downstream genes
How is CREB activated and inactivated ?
When CREB is unphosphorylated it is inactive When CREB is phosphorylated it does CREB (cAMP response element binding) active transcription
What is Cholera Toxin ?
Cholera toxin is an oligomeric complex (has repeating units of monomers) which after cleavage becomes active and enters the intestinal epithelial cells to stimulate G-alpha S The over stimulation of cAMP production results in a release of water and ions including Sodium, Potassium, Chlorine and Bicarbonate ions into the lumen of the small intestine This leads to rapid fluid loss and dehydration

What is Pertussis Toxin ?
Pertussis Toxin works in a reverse manner from Cholera toxin and it inhibits G-alpha-i to increase cAMP production in lung epithelia causing whooping cough
Explain what happens in the enzyme-linked receptor; Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTK’s)
1) . The Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTK’s) are inactive and apart from one another
2) . A signalling molecule in the form of a dimer (An oligomer made of 2 monomers joined together) binds to the 2 RTK’s, consequentially brining them close to one another
3) . Due to how close the 2 RTK’s are their tyrosine kinase domains are touching one another and are stimulating kinase activity
4) . These kinases are activated and add phosphate groups to the tyrosine amino acids
5) . Intracellular signalling proteins bind to the phosphorylated tyrosine. This causes a signal relayed by activating signalling proteins into the cells interior

Give an example of a Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTK’s) response?
Insulin-like growth factors activate RTK’s to control cell production
What do Receptor Tyrosine Kinases (RTK’s) activate?
A small GTPase called ‘Ras’
How does the activated RTK activate Ras?
The activated RTK has an adaptor protein bind to one of the phosphate groups on the tyrosine. The adaptor protein has a Ras-activating protein attached to it which consequently activates Ras by displacing the GDP attached to it (making it inactive) with GTP (making it activated). The Ras protein sends a transmission of signal onwards
What is the function of Ras?
Ras regulates cellular processes like; - Proliferation - Cytoskeletal dynamics - Membrane trafficking/vesicular transport
How can GTPases cause disease?
If GTPases are damaged it can have catastrophic consequences for the cell and organism Several small GTPases of the Rac/Rho subfamily are direct targets for clostridial cytotoxins Ras proteins are mutated to become in their almost constantly active (GTP-bound) form in approximately 20% of human cancers
What does Ras activate and how does it do this?
Ras activates the MAPK (Mitogen-activated protein kinase pathway) 1). The active Ras protein sends of signals to activate MAP-kinase-kinase-kinase which uses 1 kinase to remove a phosphate group of ATP changing it into ADP and transfer it to the MAP leaving us with MAP-kinase-kinase with a phosphate group attached 2). The MAP-Kinase-Kinase sends off a signal to cause another of its kinases to cleave ATP into ADP and attack the phosphate group to the now MAP-kinase with 2 phosphates attached 3) The MAP-Kinase sends off a signal to cause another of its kinases to cleave ATP into ADP and attack the phosphate group to the now MAP with 3 phosphates attached 4). The phosphates can bind to protein X or protein Y to change protein activities inside the cell or The phosphates can bind to gene regulatory A or B to change the cells gene expression
What is the EGFR receptor activated by and what does it cause?
The EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) is a RTK (Receptor Tyrosine Kinase) which is activated by TGF-alpha (Transforming growth factor alpha) EGFR activates Ras via Grb/SOS proteins Ras activates Raf (kinase) which stimulates gene transcription via other kinases (MEK and ERK)
What occurs when there are mutations in the EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor)
Mutations in the EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor) Ras and Raf are associated with tumorigenesis (the production of formation of tumours) These cause an over expression and/or hyper activation of the respective proteins
How do signalling pathways interact ?
Signalling pathways are all interconnected and multiple pathways end up in the same place and one can affect another They all generally activate gene regulatory proteins or target proteins