Sigmund Freud - Psychosocial Stages of Development Flashcards
What are the 5 Stages?
- Oral
- Anal
- Phallic
- Latency
- Genital
Describe the Oral Stage
- Birth - 1.5 yrs
- Libido focus - mouth Development -
- feeding
- Adult fixation - smoking, nail biting, over-eating
Describe the Anal Stage
1.5 - 3 yrs gains control over sphincter muscle Libido focus - anus Development - toilet training Adult fixation - orderliness/ messiness
What is libido?
sexual drive energy
Describe the Phallic Stage
3 - 6 yrs Libido focus - genitals Development - resolution of Oedipal/Electra complex super ego Adult fixation - sexual dysfunction
Describe the Latency Stage
6 - 10 yrs sublimation of Oedipal Complex ( express libido in socially acceptable forms ) Libido focus - X Development - social/communication skills Adult fixation - X
Describe the Genital Stage
10 yrs - adulthood Libido focus - genitals Development - sexual maturity concern for others well-being Adult fixation - X ***mentally healthy
What is fixation?
inappropriate attachment to early mode of gratification limits ability to negotiate tasks in later stages
Who is Sigmund Freud?
founder of psychoanalysis developed Oedipus Complex developed psychic structure of id, ego, and superego personality develops through childhood
Describe the id
seeks to fulfill wants, needs and impulses most basic, primal part of person doesn’t consider appropriateness, morality or reality of want
Describe the ego
deals with reality copes with id and super ego uses defense mechanisms to reduce anxiety
What is anxiety?
a feeling of impending danger acts as a signal to the ego that things are not going the way they should
Describe the super ego
pushes ego to act idealistically, and morally includes all internalized morals and values
What are Freud’s Personality Types?
Oral - infantile, demanding, pre-occupation w/ oral grat. Anal - stinginess, collecting, rigidity in routines Phallic - selfish, sexual exploitation of others
What is Reality Anxiety?
fear of real world events
What is Moral Anxiety?
fear of violating one’s moral principles
What is Neurotic Anxiety?
focuses on unconscious urges