Defense Mechanisms - Sigmund/ Anna Freud Flashcards
over achieve in one area to compensate for failures in another.
allows people to disguise inadequacies, frustrations, stresses or urges.
outright refusal to admit or recognize that something has occurred or is currently occurring.
protects ego.
taking out frustrations, feelings, and impulses on people or objects that are less threatening
absorbing idea/image so it becomes part of self
your body’s way of dealing with unresolved or unexpressed emotions
physical symptoms of psychic pain
turning against self
object of aggressive drive/impulse is changed from another person to self
isolation of affect
splitting of ideas from the feelings originally associated with them
you remember the ideas/details, but lose connection with feelings about the event
becoming like another person in one or more aspects
may be an attempt to overcome inferiority
association (altruism)
satisfying internal needs through helping others
avoid thinking about stressful, emotional aspect of situation
instead focus on intellectual component
taking our own unacceptable qualities or feelings and ascribing them to other people
keep information our of conscious awareness
explaining an unacceptable behavior or feeling in a rational or logical manner
avoid true reasons for behavior
reaction formation
taking up opposite feeling, impulse or behavior
hiding true feelings by behaving in exact opposite manner
withdrawal to earlier phase of psychosexual development
form of reaction formation
aimed at protecting oneself from painful affect
seeing everything as all good or all bad
may alternate between the two in regard to one person
allows us to act out unacceptable impulses by converting behaviors into more acceptable form
replace one affect for another
*** fear expressed as rage
ritualistic performance of the opposite of the act a person has recently committed in order to cancel out or balance the evil that may existed in the original act
identification with the aggressor
when emotional trauma threatens a person’s life
defense may be to bond with the threatening person
emotionally identify rather than resist
purpose of defense mechanisms
unconscious mechanism
developed by ego to protect against anxiety (unacceptable thoughts and feelings)