Learning Theory/Behavior Modification Flashcards
What is classical conditioning?
it is the first systematic study of basic laws of learning / conditioning
a learning process that occurs when 2 stimuli are paired together repeatedly
- 1st stimulus evokes natural response
- 2nd stimulus doesn’t
- After enough pairings, 2nd stimulus becomes conditioned and causes response to happen
Who is Ivan Pavlov?
physiologist researching salivation in dogs
researched associative learning
contributed to development of behaviorism
What is a neutral stimulus?
one that does not produce a response (bell)
What is an unconditioned stimulus?
A feature of the environment that causes a natural reflex action. E.g. a puff of air blown into the eye causes an involuntary blink.
the object or event that originally produces the reflexive / natural response (food)
What is an unconditioned response?
the response to the unconditioned stimulus (salivating)
What is a conditioned stimulus?
the neutral stimulus that has become associated with the unconditioned stimulus (bell)
What is a conditioned response?
the unconditioned response becomes conditioned once it is sufficiently paired with the conditioned stimulus
the behavior elicited by the C.S. (salivating when the bell rings)
Describe behavioral therapy
based on theories of classical and operant conditioning
premise is that all behavior is learned
faulty learning is the cause of abnormal behavior
individual has to learn the correct or acceptable behavior
What is flooding?
behavior modification technique
method for overcoming phobias
extreme form of desensitization by exposure
What is systematic desensitization?
behavior modification technique based on classical conditioning
used in tx of anxiety disorders
- pt. is progressively exposed to anxiety-inducing
objects, images or situations; - pt. is encouraged to practice relaxation, other coping
skills to manage or eliminate anxiety; - as pt. learns to cope, intensity of exposure is increased
and process repeats
Who is B.F. Skinner?
radical behaviorist
father of operant conditioning
we should look only at the external, observable causes of human behavior.
What is Operant Conditioning
is a learning process through which the strength of a behavior is modified by reinforcement or punishment.
aka - instrumental conditioning
a method of learning that occurs through rewards and punishments for behavior
an association is made between a behavior and a consequence for that behavior
What is the empty organism concept?
no internal processes or theoretical constructs are used to explain behavior
What is the law of effect principle?
actions that are followed by desirable outcomes are more likely to be repeated while those followed by undesirable outcomes are less likely to be repeated
What is respondent behavior?
those that occur automatically and reflexively
You don’t have to learn these behaviors, they simply occur automatically and involuntarily
What are the schedules of reinforcement?
continuous - reinforcement always follows response
-fixed ratio - reinforcement after specific # of responses
-fixed interval - reinforcement after specific amt of time
-variable ratio - reinforcement after varied # of responses
-variable interval - reinforcement after variable amt of time
What is radical behaviorism?
is the school of thought pioneered by B. F. Skinner that argues that behavior, rather than mental states, should be the focus of study in psychology