Shoulder Special Test Flashcards
Neer Impingement test
Assess for Shoulder impingement
Supraspinatus or sometimes bicep brachii
Under subacromial arch
Sitting, bring affected shoulder into medial rotation and full flexion
Positive for Neer Impingement
-indicates impingement of supraspinatus or sometimes bicep brachii tendon at the coracoacromial arch
Hawkins Kenedy Impingement Test
Assess for Overuse of supraspinatus
Sitting. Shoulder and elbow in 90degree flexion. Passively bring in medial rotation.
Positive sign of hawkins kenedy test
Indicates impingement in supraspinatus under coracoacromial arch
Drop arm test
Assess for integrity of rotator cuff esp supraspinatus
Sitting. Bring into abduct the arm into 90degree, the adduct or drop arm slowly therapist can add slight resistance load on the arm.
Positive for drop arm test
Arm drop immediately drops to the side. Cannot perform the movement, pain and apprehension
Empty Can test
Assess for Supraspinatus strain, tendinitis and weakness
How to test empty can test
Bring client both arms into 90degree abduction in neutral rotation. Client tries to maintain position against resitance. Therapist hands in the distal arm. Check for pain.
Client then brings arm into 30degrees of horizontal adduction and medial rotation as if emptying can, therapist apply pressure on the arm distal arm as client resist.
Apley’s Scratch test
Assess limitations in the ROM shoulder relevant to frozen shoulder
Positive for apleys scratch test
Positive if client difficulty to get into position esp abduction and internal rotation
One arm into abduction and lateral rotation as if scratching their back b/w scapula. Other hand into adduction and medial rotation
Painful arc test
Assess for subacromial impingement
Positive for painful arc test
Pain at 60-120 degrees of abduction and relieved pain past 120 degree
AC shear test
Assess for integrity acromioclavicular ligament
AC separation
Positive sign of AC Shear Test and how
Pain and excessive movement of the aC joint
Cup hands to the soulder with fingers interlaced, one palm over the spine of scapula and other palm in the clavicle(ac joint)apply gently squeeze hands together
Cross over test
Assess for integrity of coracoclavicular ligament and acromioclavicular ligament
AC separation
Positive sign for cross over test and how
Reproduction of Pain
Client sitting. Bring arm to horizontal adduction
Speed test
Assess for bicipital tendinosis
Positive sign of speed test and how
Pain during contractionand resistance
Sitting. Bring shoulder into 90degree flexion, elbow fully extended and forearm supinated. Client attempts holds position. Therapist apply gentle downward pressure in the distal as client slowly bring arms down
Painful arc test
Assess for shoulder impingement of supraspinatus and subacromial bursa
Positive sign for Paunful acromial arc test and how
Painful at first 60-120 degrees of abduction and relieved after 120dgree
To test instruct client to actively bring arm into full abduction