shoulder - ligaments Flashcards
Sternoclaviciular - anterior
restricts clavicle anterior girdle; retraction
Sternoclaviciular - posterior
restricts clavicle Posterior glide; protraction
restricts clavicle Superior glide; lateral displacement
Intra-articular disc
restricts clavicle Medial displacement
restricts clavicle Everything except inf displacement
Intra-articular disc attachments and function
inferior attachment at 1st costal cartilage
superior attachment at sternal end of clavicle
* improves fit of bone
* resists medial movement
Acromioclavicular – superior and inferior
restricts all glides of clavicle on acromion
Trapezoid ligament (coraclavicular)
restricts Scapula moving medial relative to clavicle
conoid lig. (coraclavicular )
restricts Lateral clavicle moving superiorly (suspends the scapula)
If GHJ is very unstable it can resist the superior migration of the HOH
conjunct rotation
consequence of ligament tightening
conoid ligament produces upward rotation of the clavicle.
upward rot. tightens conoid lig. and pulls conoid tubercle inferiorly= up. rotation of scap
* allows for minimal movement required at SC and AC joints
common mechanism of ACJ dislocation & the role of the coracoclavicular ligaments.
force on shoulder > scap forced under clavicle
> distrupts trapezoid and conoid lig.
avulsion fracture of the coracoid process
- common with an ACJ dislocation
- coracoid lig. is strong so will tear at attachment instead
SCJ vs ACJ joint dislocations
ACJ dislocations are more common cause shape alows gliding therefore easier to move
glenoid fossa
lateral to vertebra but medial to humerus
glenoid labrum
attaches to margin of glenoid fossa. Is made of fibrocartilage and it increases articular contact area, deformable, attachment site for long biceps tendon
Transverse humeral ligament
helps stabilise humeral head in joint
GHJ capsular ligaments:
superior glenohumeral ligament (SGHL)
o middle glenohumeral ligament (MGHL)
o inferior glenohumeral ligament complex (IGHLC) – has anterior & posterior bands with a loose axillary pouch between them to resist anterior dislocation when 90˚ abduction externally rotated.
coracohumeral/glenohumeral ligs.
provide the main resistance to Inferior translation of the humeral head when the upper limb is adducted
multiaxial ball and socket
most mobile and most commonly dislocated joint in the body.
Anterior-inferior dislocation is by far the most common.
Inferior GH ligament complex
esists anterior / inferior translation of the humeral head on the glenoid when the upper limb is in a position of 900 abduction + external rotation
coracoacromial arch
the space under the coracoacromial ligament
formed (anteriorly to posteriorly) by the coracoid process, coracoacromial ligament, and acromion.
subacromial space
area between this arch and the humeral head. The rotator cuff tendons run through this space, a bursa and the acromium during overhead activities.