Functions of the pelvic girdle & hip joint:
- Weight-bearing in standing & sitting
- Gait
- (Visceral functions of pelvic girdle as part of the pelvis)
Bones of the pelvic girdle
2 os coxae
Bones of the hip joint
1 hip bone + proximal femur
Components of the hip (innominate) bone:
ilium, pubis, ischium
Each hip bone involved in 3 joints:
sacroiliac joint
pubic symphysis
hip (coxal) joint
Sacroiliac joint (SIJ)
Iliac tuberosity with sacral tuberosity + sacroiliac interosseous ligament
= fibrous syndesmosis
Iliac & sacral auricular surfaces = synovial plane joint
Sacroiliac joint (SIJ)
hyaline & fibrocartilage
- posterior joint capsule incomplete
- Complimentary ridged auricular surfaces
- increase from puberty - greater in males
Sacroiliac joint ligamentous support
Ligaments: Interosseous Dorsal sacroiliac Ventral sacroiliac Sacrotuberous (psis, sacrum & coccyx – ischial tuberosity) Sacrospinous (sacrum & coccyx – ischial spine) minimal movement innervated
SIJ motion:
movement of the sacrum in the sagittal plane
Superincumbent weight forces the base of the sacrum anteriorly & inferiorly apex posteriorly & superiorly
= anterior tilt of sacrum relative to ilium = sacral nutation
• Sacrum moving on ilium (body weight)
• Ilium moving on sacrum
Pubic symphysis
Pubic bone articular surfaces lined by hyaline cartilage Interposed fibrocartilage disc
Superior & Arcuate (inferior) pubic ligaments
Hip Joint:
synovial ball & socket multiaxial diarthrosis
- anterior
- lateral
- inferior
Orientation of the head of femur
Hip Joint alignment:
femoral head directed toward anterior – superior acetabulum
• exposed anterior surface in standing: F > E ROM
• F & Abd move the head of femur deeper into the acetabulum
Joint reaction force more vertical than neck of femur
bending moment
superior – lateral tensile forces
medial – inferior compression forces
* neck of femur inclined at angle to shaft
force on femural neck results in compression on medial side and tension lateral side
coxa vara
medial variation, angle is less than 125˚
greater force wanting to shear femur of femoral neck, body weight force going straight down
increases mom. arm for muscles that attach to greater trochanter - makes those muscles more
coxa valga
what you start with when born, shaft of femur displaced laterally which increases 125˚
directs head of femur more superior into acetabulum
- makes walk with wider base
- recruit greater force in glut. med for hip adduction.
Primary blood supply to femoral head & neck:
Medial & lateral circumflex arteries
• Enter distally from base of femoral neck
• #NOF complications = avascular necrosis