axiohumeral muscles Flashcards
axiohumeral muscles
cross multiple joints
Large PCSA…strength
contribute to all GHJ movements except ER
pectoralis major: sternocostal head
prox attach: Sternum & 1st to 7th costal cartilages
distal attach: Lateral lip intertubercular sulcus of humerus
innervation: Medial & lateral pectoral nerves
action: Ext, medial rotation, horizontal F
pectoralis major: clavicular head
prox attach: Medial 2/3 clavicle
distal attach: Lateral lip intertubercular sulcus of humerus
innervation: Medial & lateral pectoral nerves
action: F, Medial rotation, horizontal F
latissiumus dorsi
prox attach: T7-12, lumbar & sacral spinous processes, posterior iliac crest & lower 3 ribs
distal attach: Intertubercular sulcus =/- inferior angle of scapula
innervation: Thoracodorsal N C6-8
action: Ext, Add, medial rotation
muscles that stabilise (or depress) pectoral girdle when using upper limbs for weight bearing purposes such as using crutches or lifting trunk of chair
pec major and minor
lat dorsi
inferior trap