1. Axioclavicular & Axioscapular muscle group Flashcards
Muscles that move/stabilise the pectoral girdle
- position the clavicle & scapula
- will result in movement o fthe SCJ & ACJ
- often work in teams
- (Sternocleidomastoid)
- Upper trapezius
- (Subclavius)
- Middle trapezius
- Lower trapezius
- Levator scapulae
- Rhomboid minor
- Rhomboid major
- Serratus anterior
- Pectoralis minor
Muscle work in teams - force couples
Equal & opposite forces acting on 2 different points of a rigid body
scap upward rotation force couple
Adduction & abduction cancel each other
* trapezius and serratus anterior
scap downward rotation force couple
Protraction (pec minor) & retraction (levator scapulae, rhomboids) cancel each other
Pectoralis Minor
Levator Scapula
Proximal Attachment: manubrium and mid clavicle
Distal Attachment: mastoid process and lateral superior nuchal line
innervation: accessory nerve - CN 11
primary action: moves head and neck
Proximal Attachment: medial superior nuchal line, external occipital protuberence
Distal Attachment: lateral clavicle
innervation: accesory nerve - CN 11
primary action: clav. elevation, scap elev., add, up. rot
traps middle
Proximal Attachment:C7-T12 spinous processes
Distal Attachment: acromion process and spine of scap
innervation: accesory nerve, CN 11
primary action: scap. retraction/add
traps lower
Proximal Attachment: c7-t12 spinous processes
Distal Attachment: medial spine of scap
innervation:accesory nerve, CN 11
primary action: scap depression and up. rotation
Proximal Attachment: 1st rib
Distal Attachment: inferior medial 1/3 clavicle
innervation: nerve to subclavius
primary action: pulls clav. medially to stabilise SC joint, clav depress.
levator scap
Proximal Attachment: c1-4 t.processes
Distal Attachment: superior med. border of scap above medial spine
innervation: c3,4 ventral rami + dorsal scap nerve C5
primary action: scap elv, add, dwn rot.
rhomboid major
Proximal Attachment: t2 - 5 s. processes
Distal Attachment: medial bord. of scap below spin of scap
innervation: dorsal scap N c5
primary action: scap elv, add, dwn rot.
rhomboid minor
Proximal Attachment: tc7 - t11
Distal Attachment: medial bord. of scap medial spin of scap
innervation: dorsal scap N c5
primary action: scap elv, add, dwn rot.
serratus anterior
Proximal Attachment: anterolateral ribs 1-10
Distal Attachment: medial, ventral scap border
innervation: long thoracic N C5,6,7
primary action:scap protract/abd, up. rot.
pec minor
Proximal Attachment: anterior ribs 3-5 Distal Attachment: coracoid process innervation: medial and lat. pectorial nerves primary action:scap anterior tilt - scap abd/protraction, scap depress.
scap medial winging
scap is pushed into adduction and wings medially as on pushes fwd against a wall
- scapulohumeral joint moves into internal rotation and anterior tilty with the medial border and inferior angle protudid posteriorly from the thorax
causes of scap med. winging
weak serratus anterior
nerve dysfunction of long thoracic nerve
function of serratus ant. during weightpbering through upper limb eg pushups
stabilises scap, contracts isometrically
function of serratus an whilst raising weight overhead
up. rotation
force coouple btwn s.a and rhomboids
SA: up rot. and protract. cancels R’s down rot. and retraction
therefore stabilises scap
force couple btwn pec minor and lower trap
depression due to initial depression of pes minor.