arm Flashcards
key points
- the humeroulnar & humeroradial joints function together in elbow flexion – extension.
- the humeroulnar & humeroradial joints gain stability from bony architecture, ligamentous reinforcement and muscle action.
- the proximal RUJ, interosseous membrane & distal RUJ function together in pronation – supination & force transmission.
Distal humerus - humeral lateral torsion
The plane of the distal condyles of the humerus is rotated laterally with respect to a line through the centre of the humeral head
Distal Humerus - Anterior curve distal end
anterior curvature of its distal portion, which favours a greater flexion versus extension range of movement from the anatomical position.
Distal Humerus - Oblique inferomedial joint axis
Medial edge of the trochlea extends farther than the lateral Creates an inferomedial joint axis
Normal elbow valgus 10-15˚
= lateral deviation of distal segment relative to proximal segment
Medial deviation of distal segment relative to proximal segment
2 Compartments of the arm - muscles
anterior & posterior
brachial fascia of the arm
medial & lateral intermuscular septa
anterior compart.
biceps brachii – long & short head brachialis
musculocutaneous nerve
- elbow flexion
posterior compart.
Triceps brachii– long head, lateral head, medial head
radial nerve
- elbow extension
Elbow flexor strength > extensor strength
anconeus pull capsule out of road so doesn’t get pinched whilst triceps does the work
medial and lat. head of triceps brachii
largest force transfer
biceps brachii:
Supraglenoid tubercle & coracoid process
> Radial tuberosity
•glenohumeral joint •radiohumeral joint •humeroulnar joint •proximal radioulnar joint
• Humerus > Ulnar tuberosity
•humeroulnar joint
always working
Lateral supraepicondylar ridge > Distal radius
Recruited with resistance or speed
medial epicondyle of humerus
apophysis - secondary ossification centre that doesn’t contribute to increase length of bone