Shoulder Anatomy Flashcards
Muscle usually used to test function of axillary nerve
Weakness of this muscle results in lateral scapular winging
Weakness of this muscle results in medial scapular winging
Serratus anterior
Groove between the greater and lesser tuberosity of humerus
Bicipital groove
Anatomic neck fractures are at high risk for?
Muscles that insert into greater tuberosity
Teres Minor
Muscle that insert into lesser tuberosity
Bone that serves as the only link from the upper extremity and axial skeleton
Most commonly fractured bone in the body
Clavicle (particularly middle 1/3)
First bone in the body to ossify and last to fuse (early 20s)
Most common type of glenohumeral dislocation
Anterior dislocation (>90%)
Joint with the most range of motion in the body
Muscle weakness elicited in empty can test
Muscles that originate and insert in coracoid process
Originate: Biceps (short head), coracobrachialis; Insert: Pectoralis minor
Muscles that insert in proximal humerus
Pectoralis major
Latissimus Dorsi
Teres major
PLT sandwich
Proximal humerus
Innervation of latissimus dorsi
Thoracodorsal nerve
Borders of the triangular space of the shoulder
TTT for Triangular Space
Teres minor
Teres major
Triceps (long head)
Content of triangular space of shoulder
Circumflex scapular artery
Borders of quadrangular space of shoulder
Teres minor
Teres major
Humerus (medial border)
Triceps (long head)
Contents of quadrangular space of the shoulder
Axillary nerve
Humeral artery
Posterior circumflex artery
Borders of triangular interval of the shoulder
Long head of triceps
Lateral head of triceps
Teres major
Contents of triangular interval of shoulder
Radial nerve
Deep brachial artery of arm
Rotator cuff muscles
Teres minor
Muscles supplied by spinal accessory nerve
Composition of brachial plexus
RoTonDa in the CT
Root - Trunk - Division - Cord - Terminal Branches
5 roots (ventral rami of spinal nerves) 3 trunks 3 anterior divisions/3 posterior divisions 3 cords Terminal branches
Nerves of the lateral cord of brachial plexus
Lateral pectoral, lateral root to median nerve
Nerves of the medial cord of brachial plexus
medial pectoral
medial root to median nerve
Nerves of the posterior cord of the brachial plexus
upper subscapular, thoracodorsal, lower subscapular, axillary
Continuation of subclavian artery after the first rib
Axillary artery
Boundary when axillary artery becomes brachial artery
Lower border of teres major muscle
Branches of axillary artery
I (1 branch), II (2 branches), III (3 branches)
I. Proximal to pectoralis minor: Superior thoracic artery
II. Behind the pectoralis minor: Thoracoacromial, lateral thoracic
III. Distal to pectoralis minor: Subscapular, anterior circumflex humeral, posterior circumflex humeral
Compression of neurovascular structure (artery, vein, brachial plexus) in the neck by the first rib and scalene muscles
Thoracic outlet syndrome
Small (hypoplastic), undescended scapula; omovertebral bone connects C-spine (spinous process) to scapula
Sprengel’s deformity
Injury caused by violent stretch between the hand and shoulder (adduction traction of the arm and hyperextension of the neck)
Erb-Duchenne Palsy
Clinical signs of Erb-Duchenne palsy
Pronated and medially rotated arm - waiter’s tip hand, due to weakness of biceps brachii (supinator) and infaspinatus (lateral rotator of arm)
can also involve ipsilateral paralysis of diaphragm
Injury caused by sudden upward pull of the arm, injury C8 and T1
Klumpke palsy
Innervation of the rotator cuff muscles
Supraspinatus - suprascapular n
Infraspinatus - suprascapular n
Teres minor - axillary n
Subscapularis - subscapular n
Cortical depression in the posterolateral head of the humerus, resulting from forceful impaction of the humeral head against the anteroinferior glenoid rim when the shoulder is dislocated anteriorly
Hill-Sachs lesion
Grading of shoulder separation in acromioclavicular subluxation
Grade 1 - no torn ligament (minor sprain)
Grade 2 - torn acromioclavicular ligament
Grade 3 - torn coracoclavicular and acromioclavicular ligament
Joint at which actions of pronation and supination of the forearm occur
Radioulnar joint
Avulsion of the medial epicondyle by violent or multiple contractions of the flexor forearm muscles (e.g. strenuous or repeated throwing of a ball)
Little leaguer’s elbow
Nerve involved in Saturday night palsy
Radial nerve
Syndrome patients with cervical rib are at risk of, especially if they have hyperextension-flexion or whiplash injury
Thoracic outlet syndrome