Shortcuts to put Spanish verbs in past and future Flashcards
Short cut for past tense?
Note that for most verbs incl ir you can put stuff in the past by doing
I/you/ he/ we HAVE (yo he, tu has, el/ella/usted/ ha, nosotros hemos) then add,
if infinitive of verb ends in ir then remove “r” and add “do” ->ends w “ido”
if verb ends in er remove the “er” and and add “ido”
if verb ends in ar, then remove the “r” and add “do” -> “ado”
So for “Ir” would be Yo he ido. Tu has ido el/ella/ usted ha ido Nosotros hemos ido For conducir would be: Yo he conducido Tu has conducido El… ha. conducido Nosotros hemos conducido For comer would be yo he comido Tu had. comido El… usted. comido Ellos.. comido Nosotros. comido For tener would be Yo. tenido Tu has. tenido etc For esquiar would be yo he esquiado Tu has. esquiado etc
Short cut to put spanish verbs in the future?
Yo voy a infinitive
Tu vas a. “
El…usted va a. “
Ellos van a. “
Nosotros vamos a “
We have written you a note
Nosotros te hemos escribido usten una nota.
Yo have spoken to me in the past
Usted ha me hablado en el pasado.
We have spoken in the past
Nosotros nos hemos hablado en el pasado
I gave (or have given) you the money yesterday.
Yo ha te dado el dinero ayer.
We told you yesterday (its irreg)
Nosotros te decirido ayer. (I guess there’s too many verbs that start with deci?
the regular past would be .
Yo te dije lo ayer.
Yo te lo dijimos ayer.
I , you, did it / made it yesterday. (irreg)
Yo hice lo ayer.
El/usted hice lo ayer?
Nosotros hicimos ayer?
We made/ did it yesterday.
Its an irregular one:
Nosotros hemos hecho lo ayer.
Yo he hecho lo.
(Present of hacer = to do / to make … gifts, clothing and decorations to sell to :
I make these …: Yo hago regalos, ropas y decoraciones para vender a touristas.
You make these ..?: Usted hace esta regalos , ropas y decoraciones para vender a touristas.
I have lived a long time
Yo he vivido mucho tiempo.
You /he/ it have lived a long time.
Usted/el/ esto ha vivido mucho tiempo.
Yo have entered guatemala.
We have entered guatemala
Yo he entrado guatemala
nosotros hemo entrado …
I have gone to Norway. You/ he have gone to Norway? We have gone to Norway.
Yo he ido a Noruega. (or Yo fui a Noruega)
Usted /el ha ido a …(Or usted/el fue a…)
Nosotros hemos ido (or Nosotros fuimos) a ….
I have drunk it all.
You/he have drunk it all?
We have drunk it all?
Yo he bebido todo.
Usted/ El ja bebido …
Nosotros hemos bebido …
I slept well. Have you slept well? We slept well.
Yo he dormido bien.
Ha usted dormido bien?
Nosotros hemos dormido bien.
I bought it (I have bought it) yesterday. You bought it yesterday? We bought it yesterday.
Yo he comprado lo ayer.
Usted ha comprado lo ayer?
Nosotros hemos comprado lo ayer.
I found it yesterday.
Yo encontrado lo ayer.
I sent it a week ago.
We sent it a week ago.
Yo he (mandado or enviado) lo hace una semana.
Nosotros hemos mandado or enviado lo hace una semana.
I paid for it a week ago
Yo pagado lo hace una semana
I knew it yesterday, but I forgot it.
Yo he sabido lo ayer pero yo olividado lo.
I had it yesterday but have lost it
Lo tenido ayer pero lo he perdido
I read it yesterday.
Yo lo leido ayer.
LEER =to read
I flew here a month ago.
Yo volado aqui hace una mes.
VOLAR = to fly
I was able to do it yesterday but cannot today.
Yo he podido ayer pero no puedo hoy.
PODER= to be able
We are going to travel to Venice tomorrow.
Nosotros vamos viajar a Venecia mañana.
I am / We are leaving tomorrow
Yo voy a partir manana.
Nosotros vamos a partir manana.