Shigella/ Yersinia /Klebsiella Flashcards
Diagnosis of Shigella
Gram (-), rod-shaped primary pathogen
Characteristic clinical picture of Shigella
Inflammatory Diarrhea
(Infectious Diarrhea)
Transmission of Shigella
fecal-oral route, by people with contaminated hands (inadequate sanitation)
invades colonic and rectal calls —> sever inflammation and destruction of colonic mucosa
pathogensis/VF of Shigella
–> Destruction of bowel mucosa
–> Human only reservoir
-Shiga toxin (exotoxin): has 1 A subunit
and five B subunits
clinical manifistations of Shigella
1) Inflammatory diarrhoea,
2) bloody mucoid stools,
3) bacillary dysentery: frequent passage of small volume bloody stools , fever, abdominal pain
Treatment of Shigella
Replace fluid loss, abx
*abx reduce transmission & shortens period symptoms
Diagnosis/VF of Yersinia
Primary pathogen, Encapsulated
tests : 1) Stool culture
2) serology (ELISA)
Infection route of Yersinia
Zoonotic, humans are incidental hosts
–> contaminated food (esp. pork) or water
Treatment of Yersinia Enterocoliticia
Entercolitis is Self-limited, no need for abx
prevention methods to prevent Yersinina Entercoliticia
1) do not conume raw or undercooked meat
2) limit storage time of refrigerated foods, esp. pork
3) proper hand washing
Clinical Manifestaions of Yersinia
1) Enterocolitis (Indistingushiable from acute apendicitis)
2) Reactive Polyarthritis
3) Erythema nodosum
4) Septicemia
risk factors: Iron overload
epidemiology of Klebsiella
Clinical manifestations of Klebsiella
1) K. oxytoca casues –> abx related colitis
2) K.pneumoniae causes –> pneumonia (esp alcoholics), affects upper lobes, abscess, haemoptysis
Klebsiella also causes?
1) Lobar necrotic pneumonia
2) UTIs
3) liver abcesses
4) septicaemia in hospitalized pateints
5) Intra-abdominal infections
6) wound infections