Capnocytophaga canimorsus, pasterulla spp. , Yersinia pestis "plaque", Francisella tularenisis, bartonella spp Flashcards
Transmission of Capnocytophaga
dog bites or into skin abrasions (dog licking skin wounds)
Clinical syndroms of Capnocytophaga
- Septicaemia & septic shock
–> sepsis & shock w/ purpura fulminans of symmetric gangrene
who is at danger from infections caused by Capnocytophaga canimorsus
Splenectomy patients –> in great DANGER
Transmission of Yersinia Pestis
Zoonoses: flea bites, contact/secretions of infected animals, aerosols (from persons
with pneumonic plague)
clinical syndrom of Yersinia pestis
1) Septicaemia plaque “ BALCK DEATH –> 100% untreated
- sudden fever w/o localized symptoms
- Rapid progressiong - overwhelming spesis -death from multiple organ failure
2) Bubonic plaque - “BUBOES” –> 50% if untreated
- high fever w/ lymp node sweeling
- Bacteraemia
- Groin/ Axila Buboes
3) Penuomonic plaque
primary :inhalation of Y.pesitis
secondary (most common): Haemotogenous spread from buboes
–> fatal in 3-6 days & potentially contagious –> ISOLATION
Transmission of Pasterurella spp
scartches or bites or licking (open wounds) from dogs or especially cats
clinical manifesations of Pasteurella spp
1) skin and soft tissue infections w/ purulent discharge
2) septic arthritis & osteomylitis
Transmission of Francisella tularensis
Zoonoses: lagomorphs, squirrels, beavers, mice, hares
*no human-human transmission**
*Animal contact: skinning (hunters), eating infected animals, animal bites
clinical manifestions of Francisella Tularensis
1) Ulceroglandular (most common)
–> painful unlcers w/ raised borders (after tick bites) and regional lymphasenitis
2) Oculoglandular –> Conjunctivitis & Cervical tender adenopathy
3) Oropharyngeal –> fever & pharyngitis/ tonsilitis
4) Pneumonic –> high moratality
5) glandular –> adenopathy w/o localized symptoms
6) typhoidal –> febril illness , can be dramatic
exam Q
clinical manifestations of Bartonella Henselae
“Cat scartch disease
1) regional lymphodenopathy
2) in rare cases –>
FUO (fever of unknown origin) –> Bacteraemia & infective Endocarditis
3) Bacillary angiomatosis :skin &internal organs, hepatic peliosis, spleen peliosis
CM of Bartonella bacilliformis
“Oroya fever”
- Fever, mental status changes, sever aneamia
–> end organ ischeamia from aneamia
- Aysmptomatic persistence of bactereamia in 15%
Verrgua peruana
- skin infection –> mulaire lesions, vascualr skin lesions filled w/ blood
Transmission of Bartonella bacilliformis
Zoonoses: sandflies
Transmission of Bartonella quintana
Zoonoses: human body lice
clinical syndrom of Bartonella quintana
“Trench fever”
–> in HIV & immunocompromised:
bacteraemia & bacillary angiomatosis (peliosis): neovascular lesions