SGT Test 1 (Emmans) Flashcards
Which of the following will effect the MAC?
a) Temperature of Px
b) Age of Px
c) Pre-anesthetic drugs
d) Health of Px
e) All of the above
f) None of the above
e) All of the above
True or False: Isoflurane can have hepatic toxicity effects on patients
The amount of rebreathing in any circuit is determined by which part?
Fresh gas flow
True or False: Alfaxan given IV results in unconsciousness & provides surgical anesthesia
False. No analgesic properties in Alfaxan so it can be given IV but will not produce surgical anesthesia
True or False: Severe bradycardia immediately following Dexmeditomidine should be treated with Atropine
False. Alpha-2 caused the bradycardia and hypertension, so the use of Anticholinergics should be avoided- especially Atropine
What is neuroleptanalgesia?
The combination of a Tranquilizer and an Opioid
If sedating via IM, which would be a better choice:
a) Midazolam
b) Diazepam
a) Midazolam. Diazepam is not absorbed well via IM.
Why is it a concern to use Ketamine in a patient previously diagnosed with Glaucoma?
Ketamine increases intraocular and cerebral spinal fluid (CSF) pressure
Which type of fluid do we give in conjunction with Crystalloids in order to keep them in the intravascular space for a longer period of time? Give an example of 1.
Colloids such as Hetastarch
Why can’t Atropine be used in horses?
It causes Colic
Atropine should not be given to patients with tachycardia. What could be used in its place?
Give an example of local anesthesia and an example of regional anesthesia
Local: anesthetizing the eye in order to perform an ocular exam
Regional: giving an epidural and anesthetizing the entire hind end
True or False: a low blood gas partition coefficient will take longer to cross the blood brain barrier and be available to go into the brain, therefore it will be longer induction and recovery
False. A low blood gas partition coefficient will not take as long to cross the BBB and will quickly go to the brain, resulting in quick induction and recovery
True or False: You cannot mix drugs in a syringe with the exception of Diazepam and Atropine
False. The exception is Diazepam & Ketamine
Would you give Diazepam and Atropine as a pre-med to a 1 yr old Jack Russell?
No. The Diazepam would cause excitement in an animal this age
Would you give Dexdormitor as a pre-med in an 8 yr old Great Dane?
No, there is a risk of Bloat
Would you give Thiopental to a 2 yr old Afghan Hound?
No, this drug is not good for Sighthounds
Even when giving Propofol in a proper way & at the proper dose, you can expect ________
Induction apnea
True or False: An obese Corgi requires more anesthetic than a Corgi of ideal weight.
False. Only the brain is effected by the drug - you need to give the appropriate ideal body weight dose. For example, if 1 Corgi was 10lbs and one was 20lbs, both should get a 10lb dose
True or False: Most anesthetics cross the blood brain barrier
Which of the following would be increased with the use of Ketamine:
a) Blood pressure
b) Heart rate
c) Increased CSF pressure
d) Increased intraocular pressure
e) All of the above
f) None of the above
e) All of the above
Which of the following provides SOME somatic analgesia:
a) Isoflurane
b) Propofol
c) KetVal
c) KetVal - Ketamine has some somatic analgesia
Which is the most appropriate reversal agent for Hydromorphone:
a) Atipamazole
b) Naloxone
c) Yohimbine
b) Naloxone
What kind of physical side effects can be seen in dogs after using Dexdormitor?
Bradycardia, Hypertension, Bloat, Hypotension
True or False: Concentration of Thiopental/Propofol into the brain will not be effected by the patient’s acid-base balance.
False. The patient’s pH will effect the drug availability.
What is the most potent Opioid?
How does sedation differ from tranquilization? Give an example of each
Tranquilizers produce calmness and decrease anxiety, such as Diazepam. Sedatives decrease consciousness, such as Metatomidine
The part of the history that includes the species, breed, age, sex and reproductive status of a patient is called the:
The regular speeding & slowing of the heart rhythm in a dog is called _______. Is it normal in cats?
Sinus arrythmia. Not normal in cats.
Why is a measure of plasma protein always included in pre-anesthetic work up?
The levels effect the performance of protein-binding drugs. This will alter the results it produces.
Why is fasting a patient prior to anesthesia necessary? What is the average fasting time?
To prevent vomiting and subsequent aspiration. The average fasting time is 8-12 hrs.
What is an instance for which we would increase the minimum fasting time prior to anesthesia? What is an instance for which we would decrease this time?
Increase: GI surgery
Decrease: neonates
Water is about ____% of a dog’s total body weight. What is the breakdown of where the 60% can be found?
Intracellular - 40%
Interstitial - 15%
Intravascular - 5%
In which body compartment with fluids would you find the most Potassium?
What is the main purpose of the solute HC03 (Bicarbonate) and in which body compartment (with fluid) is it most abundant?
It works as an acid buffer and helps maintain patient’s acid-base status. It is found mostly Interstitially and Intravascularly.