Kirsti - Instrument Identification and Anatomy Flashcards
Identify the following;
- The instrument
- The category it falls under
- Its main purpose and any cautions for its use

Name: Adson-Hudson Tissue Forceps
Category: Thumb Forceps
Used for: Grabbing delicate tissue
Do not use for: Coarse tissue
Identify the following;
- The instrument
- The category it falls under
- Its main purpose and any cautions for its use

Name: Allis Tissue Forceps
Category: Tissue Forceps
Purpose: Strong tissue retraction such as tendons
Do not use: On tissue that will not be excised (it is damaging)
Identify the following;
- The instrument
- The category it falls under
- Its main purpose and any cautions for its use

Name: Backhaus Towel Clamp
Category: Miscellaneous
Purpose: Clamp towels/drapes to patient skin
Identify the following;
- The instrument
- The category it falls under
- Its main purpose and any cautions for its use

Name: Bard-Parker Scalpel Handle
Category: Miscellaneous
Purpose: Becomes the surgical knife when a blade is attached
Identify the following;
- The instrument
- The category it falls under
- Its main purpose and any cautions for its use

Name: Bunt Instrument Clip
Category: Miscellaneous
Purpose: To organize instruments in a pack by hanging them by their ring handles
Identify the following;
- The instrument
- The category it falls under
- Its main purpose and any cautions for its use

Name: Dressing Forceps
Category: Thumb Forceps
Purpose: Holding dressings only
Identify the following;
- The instrument
- The category it falls under
- Its main purpose and any cautions for its use

Name: Kelly Hemostat
Category: Hemostatic Forceps
Purpose: To occlude small to medium sized vessels. Stops bleeding without crushing the vessels since the damaging striations only run half way down the jaws
Identify the following;
- The instrument
- The category it falls under
- Its main purpose and any cautions for its use

Name: Kocher Forceps or Rochester-Oschner Forceps
Category: Tissue Forceps
Purpose: ONLY to clamp drapes
Do not use: On animal at all, very traumatic instrument due to the large rat tooth tip
Identify the following;
- The instrument
- The category it falls under
- Its main purpose and any cautions for its use

Name: Mayo-Hegar Needle Driver (Non-Cutting)
Category: Miscellaneous
Purpose: To hold suture needle and material
Identify the following;
- The instrument
- The category it falls under
- Its main purpose and any cautions for its use

Name: Olsen-Hegar Needle Driver (Cutting)
Category: Miscellaneous
Purpose: To hold suture needle and material and cut the material as needed
Identify the following;
- The instrument
- The category it falls under
- Its main purpose and any cautions for its use

Name: Mayo Scissors
Category: Scissors
Purpose: For blunt dissection through tough tissue such as the linea alba.
Do not use: On anything other than tough tissue
Identify the following;
- The instrument
- The category it falls under
- Its main purpose and any cautions for its use

Name: Metzenbaum Scissors
Category: Scissors
Purpose: Used for tissue dissection of thin or delicate areas, or tissues deep inside the body cavity
Do not use: On anything other than delicate tissue
Identify the following;
- The instrument
- The category it falls under
- Its main purpose and any cautions for its use

Name: Mosquito Hemostat
Category: Hemostatic Forceps
Purpose: Occlude small vessels or capillaries that are about to be cut or have already been cut. Place on the vessel so that the striations run perpendicular to the vessel
Cautions: Crushes vessel
Identify the following;
- The instrument
- The category it falls under
- Its main purpose and any cautions for its use

Name: Operating Scissors
Category: Scissors
Purpose: For bandage and suture material
Do not use: On animal at all
Identify the following;
- The instrument
- The category it falls under
- Its main purpose and any cautions for its use

Name: Rochester Carmalt Tissue Forceps
Category: Tissue Forceps
Purpose: Occlude large bundles of tissues for security before cutting (ovarian pedicle). Often use 2 because there is a risk it will slip on moist tissue, this is why it has cross-hatching at the tip.
Do not use: On small, delicate tissue
Identify the following;
- The instrument
- The category it falls under
- Its main purpose and any cautions for its use

Name: Snook Spay Hook
Category: Miscellaneous
Purpose: To retract the uterine horn by sliding down the abdominal wall and hooking it
Identify the following;
- The instrument
- The category it falls under
- Its main purpose and any cautions for its use

Name: Sponge Forceps
Category: Miscellaneous
Purpose: Grasp surgical sponge or gauze to minimize trauma
Do not use: On animal at all
Which is the smallest of all Hemostats?
Mosquito Hemostat
What is one reason why you would use the Rochester-Carmalt Tissue Forceps? (Be specific)
Occluding the ovarian pedicle
True or false: Kocher Forceps/ Rochester-Oschner Forceps can be used to occlude strong arteries or clamp drapes at Seneca.
The forcep can be used to occlude strong arteries, but at SENECA, it is used to clamp drapes ONLY
Why is the Allis Tissue Forcep used only on tissues that will be excised from the patient?
The teeth at the grip are very damaging
Which instrument has teeth like this?

Allis Tissue Forceps
The Veterinarian needs to occlude a vessel but doesn’t want to crush or do any damage to it. He can’t remember the name of the instrument he wants. Which instrument do you give him?
Kelly Hemostats. The striations on the jaws are damaging. However, they only run halfway down the jaws. This is so vessels can be safely occluded without being crushed or destroyed by striations.
What is the difference between a Forcep in the Tissue Forcep category vs the Thumb Forcep category?
Tissue forceps clamp and lock using a ratchet, which enables the user to leave it and it will continue to clamp. Thumb forceps require active holding in order to clamp.
Some instruments have the ability to clamp closed and remain closed even when put down. What piece of anatomy enables this to happen?
The ratchet
True or false: Backhaus Towel Clamps are risky because they are so sharp they can easily pierce blood vessels
False. They are sharp but are designed not to pierce blood vessels.
Scissor tips can be any of 3 combinations. What are they?
Blunt/Blunt (-/-)
Sharp/Sharp (+/+)
Sharp/Blunt (+/-)
The “Joint” of an instrument is referred to as the:
Box Lock
The pin inside of the box lock is fused to its outer frame within the unit. Why is this?
So that if the instrument ever broke, the screw would not fall out into the patient but would remain inside
Striations are on the jaws of an instrument. What two types of striations are there?
Longitudinal (parallel to the jaw) and Transverse (perpendicular to the jaw)
Which part of the instrument is referred to as the Shank?
The length of the instrument between the Box Lock/Screw and the Ring Handles