Sexually Transmitted Infections Flashcards
HSV Infection
HSV 1 and HSV 2
Both serotypes can cause either type of infxn
Very common: 50 mil. in US.
Types of HSV infxn
Primary: infxn w/o antibodies to HSV 1 or 2
Non-primary: first episode infxn due to acquiring HSV-1 w/ antibodies to HSV-2 or vice versa.
Recurrent: The lesion and the serum have the same antibodies.
Primary HSV
Highly variable symptoms
Sx tend to be more severe in women
Local itching, dysuria, lymphadenopathy
HSV transmission
Highly transmittable
Can be transmitted by oral/genital
Greater risk with male source
70% transmission in asymptomatic patients
Condom use declines HSV transmission by ____%
HSV diagnosis
Viral culture if lesions present
PCR study
Serology for type specific antibody
Acyclovoir (Zovirax)
Famcilovir (Famvir)
Valacyclovoir (Valtrex)
Primary HSV should be treated within 72 hrs**
Recurrent HSV Tx
Chronic suppressive therapy
Episodic therapy: Treat at prodromal symptoms for 3 days.
HSV in Pregnancy
Most common transmission is from direct contact of fetus with infected vaginal secretions.
Maternal immunity is important**
Do a prophylactic c-section if active lesions at birth
Causative agent: Treponema Palidum
Cannot be cultured, but serologic tests available
Can be seen with dark field microscopy
Is a reportable disease in the US
Syphilis: who to screen
Pt w/ suspected disease High-risk populations Multiple partners Pregnant women Hookers/Jiggalos Sexually active HIV folks Man on man action
Syphilis is associated with increased risk for acquisition of _____?
All patients diagnosed with syph should be given the option for HIV testing.
Syphilis Transmission
Primary and secondary produces chancres, mucous patches and condyloma lata.
Transmission from an infected person is 30%
Can be spread by kissing and touching
Can be passed through the placenta
Primary Syphilis
Incubation period of 2 - 3 weeks.
A papule forms and soon ulcerates to the chancre
Chancres heal within 3 - 6 weeks without tx
Bilateral lymphadenopathy
The syphilis chancre is usually ______.
Secondary Syphilis
Weeks to months later 20% of people w/ untreated infxns will develop systemic illness.
Rash, condyloma lata, systemic symptoms, hepatitis, GI abnormalities, musculoskeletal/renal abnormalities
Tertiary Syphilis
1 - 25 years after secondary syphilis
subcutaneous granulomas
ascending thoracic aorta dilates, aortic regurg
CNS symptoms
Syphilis Neuro symptoms
Early: Meningitis, meingiovascular disease
Late: General paresis, tabes dorsalis, ocular, otosyphilis
When suspected do an LP
Lymphocytic pleocytosis
Need to follow CSF during tx to ensure a response
Tx of early syphilis
2.4 million units benzathine PCN G IM
For primary and secondary, early latent
If PCN allergic, doxycycline 100mg BID for 14 days