Sexual Violence Flashcards
What is trauma?
- An unexpected event which is considered to be outside the normal experience of a person in his/her lifetime
- Trauma occurs when a person is unable to determine what may happen
What is Sexual Violence?
- Any act (verbal and/or physical) which violates a person’s trust and/or safety and is sexual in nature
- Use of power, control, force, status, intimidation, coercion, threat, physical presence, substances, technology, among other efforts to attempt or perpetrate sexual violence
What are 3 forms of Sexual Violence?
- Sexual Assault
- Sexual Abuse
- Sexual Exploitation
Unwanted sexual contact ranging from fondling to penetration
Sex is used as a weapon of violence
**Sexual Assault **
Involves use of psychological pressure to initiate sexual contact & may include repeated sexual assault w/i the context of an established relationship
Sexual Abuse
Involves practices by which a person, usually an adult, achieves sexual gratification, financial gain or advancement through the abuse or exploitation of another’s sexuality by thwarting basic human rights to dignity, equality, autonomy & physical and mental well-being
Sexual Exploitation
What are some words used to describe sexual violence?
- Rape
- Incest
- Child sexual assault
- Ritual abuse
- Date/acquaintance rape
- Intimate partner rape
- Exploitation
- Pornography
- Drug date
- Unwanted sexual contact
- Sexual harassment
- Exposure
- Voyeurism
- Gang rape
- Human Trafficking
- Mail order brides
- Child prostitution
- Others??
Legal tenets regarding sexual violence are based on the premise that sexual violence is…
- Non-consensual
- Involves force or coercion
- Offense includes sexual elements
_______ is defined by one’s ability to agree to an action or behavior
What is the most current definition of rape?
“penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus w/ any body part of object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, w/o the consent of the victim” (2013)
___ in ___ girls & ___ in ___ boys will be sexually assaulted before they turn 18
1 in 3 girls & 1 in 6 boys will be sexually assaulted before they turn 18
What are the differences between Stranger & Non-Stranger Sexual Violence?
Stranger Sexual Violence
- assailant appears out of nowhere
- forces self into situation or environment
- selects anonymous victim
- seeks to remain unknown & unidentified to victim
- more reported than other forms of sexual violence & perceived to be more accepted & believed by community
- **Non-Stranger Sexual Violence **
- crime of confidence & betrayal of trust
- use of deceit, manipulation & secrecy to gain trust
- assailant may know the victim & use existing relationship to afford opportunity for harm
- assailant may select victim, engender connection & create relationship through boundary violations
The Brain
- Neocortex
- Limbic
- Brainstem
- Neocortex – human/thinking brain
- Limbic – mammalian/emotional brain
- Brainstem – reptilian/primitive, vital brain
What is the typical Trauma Response?
- Flight – run away
- Fight – strike back
- Freeze – don’t move
What are some examples of…
- Trauma Reactions
- Post-Assault Trauma Reactions
Trauma Reactions
- Loss of control
- Attempt to regain control & personal safety
- Perception or belief that individual is unable to defend or care for oneself
- Individuals reassert control by using coping strategies & problem solving skills based on previous experiences
Post-Assault Trauma Reactions
- Exist to allow an individual to cope w/ the experience
- May or may not be healthy strategies
- Are based upon known or learned skills
How is psychological trauma a neurobiological injury?
- Impacts the limbic system yielding reduced hippocampal & amygdalar volume
- Alters the production of stress hormones (cortisol) & NTs (E, dopamine, serotonin)
- Diminishes integration btwn L & R hemispheres
Traumatic Memory is…
- Sensory
- Exists as fragments
- Cannot be willfully retrieved
- Is triggered by unforeseen cues in the environment
What are the 3 types of stress?
- Positive Stress
- Tolerable Stress
- Toxic Stress
What is Positive Stress?
- Short-lived experiences causing minor physiological changes
- Afford opportunity for skill building & self-soothing behaviors
What is Tolerable Stress?
- Relatively short-lived, more intense experiences
- Impact can be overcome w/ support & caring but may lead to toxic stress w/o intervention
What is Toxic Stress?
- Intense adverse experiences that may be sustained over a long period of time (wks, mo, yrs)
- Stress response system gets activated for a prolonged period of time
- This can lead to permanent changes in the development of the brain
What are the 3 types of Trauma?
Acute Trauma
- A single traumatic event that is limited in time
Chronic Trauma
- The experience of multiple traumatic events
Complex Trauma
- Both exposure to chronic trauma & the impact of such exposure on the individual
Aftermath of Sexual Violence
- Physical
- Emotional/Psychological
- Economic/Financial
- injuries, fatigue, soreness, sleep disturbance, appetite changes, sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy
- continuum of trauma-related rxns, numbness, anxiety, fear, guilt, shame, loss of control, isolation, withdrawn, smiling, laughing, vulnerability, despair
- income loss, medical treatment, counseling experience, evidence replacement, employment impact
Longitudinal Impact of Sexual Violence
- Emotional/Psychological
- Physical
- Interpersonal
- PTSD, depression, decreased self-esteem/identity, substance abuse/addictive behaviors, eating disorders, self-harm, suicidal ideation
- chronic pain, STIs, long term disabilities, infertility
- difficulty w/ trust, relationships, sexual/physical contact
What are the 8 Guiding Values of Trauma-Informed Care?
- Promote safety
- Understand the prevalence & impact of trauma
- Communicate w/ compassion
- Share power
- Pursue the person’s strengths, choice & autonomy
- Respect human rights
- Provide holistic care
- Embrace diversity
What are some treatment options for patients?
- Ask
- Believe in the person
- Offer acknowledgement & support w/i the context that you are able
- Provide connections to other resources
- Make a commitment