Intimate Partner Violence Flashcards
What is Intimate Partner Violence?
Assaultive behavior that functions to dominate, control or punish another in an intimate, supposedly peer, relationship
What are the 4 types of Intimate Partner Violence?
- Physical
- grabbing & restraining –> using a weapon
- Sexual
- Property/pet destruction
- Psychological battering/terrorism
Incidence of Partner Violence
- Lifetime physical violence: ___%
- Lifetime injury: ___%
- Lifetime physical violence: 39%
- Lifetime injury: 25%
____% of women has been raped by an intimate partner in her lifetime
____% of women have experience an intimate partner sexual violence other than rape
- 9.4% of women has been raped by an intimate partner in her lifetime
- 16.9% of women have experience an intimate partner sexual violence other than rape
What is the difference between female & male intentional injury?
Violence against women: primarily IPV
- 64% of women who reported rape, physical assault, and/or stalking since age 18 were victimized by a current or former partner (husband, cohabiting partner, boyfriend or date)
Violence against men: primarily non-IPV
- 84% of men who reported rape and/or physical assault since age 18 were victimized by non-partner
- Only 16% of men who reported rape and/or physical assault were victimized by a current/former partner
Compared to men, women in violent intimate relationships experience more…
- Fear
- Need for medical care
- Injury
- Negative psychological impact
- depression, PTSD
- Absence from work or school due to IPV
Men are most at risk for violence perpetrated by…
- Male friends
- Male acquaintances
- Male strangers
Women in lesbian relationships experience IPV at a rate _______ to women in heterosexual relationships
Men in homosexual relationships experience IPV at rates _______ to men in heterosexual relationships
Bisexual men & women experience ____ rates of IPV
What are the Relationship Dynamics of Intimate Partner Violence?
- Intimate relationship context
- IPV vs. stranger violence
- Very reluctant to call police
- Constant abuse, attachment, excuses
- Temporal pattern
- Injury risk
- Fear
- Isolation
- Dynamics for adolescent girls different than for adult women
What is the importance of a cycle of violence with IPV?
- Biggest risk for boy is seeing violence in his parent’s relationship
Cycle of violence w/i the relationship
- Explosion-tension phases repeating
What are the Societal Dynamics of Intimate Partner Violence?
- Institutional/structural sexism
- Legislative factors
- Law enforcement/criminal justice
- Social services
- Medicine
_____ & _____ injuries more characteristic of blunt intentional trauma than car crashes or falls
Facial & head injuries more characteristic of blunt intentional trauma than car crashes or falls
Battered women experience more hospitalizations for…
- Trauma
- Surgical disorder, non-trauma
- Gynecological disorder
- Induced abortion
- Medical disorder
- Observation of undefined condition
With more recent research, compared to controls, victims of IPV have…
Significantly more health problems due to any disease
- More induced abortions
- More gynecological disease
- More mental illness
10 Adverse Childhood Events
- Child abuse
- Physical abuse
- Sexual abuse
- Emotional abuse
- Physical neglect
- Emotional neglect
- Family dysfunction
- Intimate partner violence
- Mental illness
- Substance abuse
- Imprisonment
- Marital discord
What is the dose-response relationship between adverse childhood events & adult disorders?
*sorry long card*
- Smoking
- Alcoholism
- Drug use
- Injected drug use
- STIs
- # sexual partners
- Severe obesity
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Panic Disorder
- Suicide
- Stroke
- Idiopathic myocarditis
- Myasthenia gravis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
What are the distinguished presentations of IPV?
- As a Mental Health problem
- As a Relationship problem
- As a Child-Related problem
As a Mental Health problem
- Depression, Anxiety
- Alcohol/drug abuse
As a Relationship problem
- Sexual dysfunction
- Partner as identified patient
As a Child-Related problem
- Suspected child abuse
- Child behavior problem
What are the CLINICAL PATHWAYS between abuse & health?
- Psychopathology mediates btwn trauma exposure & poor health outcomes through
- Elevated symptom reporting
- Medical adherence & coping
Coping strategies for coping (ex: PTSD)
- Risky behaviors
- Low self-efficacy to change and/or maintain preventative health regimens
- Increased risk of re-victimization

What are the PHYSIOLOGICAL PATHWAYS between abuse & health?
- Chronic stress disrupts the normal neurochemical mechanisms of coping & stress responding
Catecholamine, HPA axis, & immune response
- Trauma disregulated these physiologic processes
- Increase in proinflammatory cytokines
- Creates wear on the system
- Increases vulnerability to disease
Negative effects of sleep disruption
- Immune function
- Metabolic changes
- Chronic HPA axis activation
- Sleep deprived persons have more:
- Inflammation
- Greater functional disability
- Decreased quality of life

What are some patient barriers to diagnosing & treating partner violence?
- Lack of trust
- Safety jeopardized
- Financial support jeopardized
- Shame & humiliation
- Futile resignation
What are some barriers health professionals face in diagnosing & treating partner violence?
- Lack of knowledge
- Lack of clinical skills & training
- Fear of offending the patient
- Too close for comfort
- Pandora’s Box: powerlessness & loss of control
What is the Partner Violence Screen?
- In my practice I’m concerned about prevention & safety, especially in the family
- Have you been hit, kicked, punched or otherwise hurt by someone w/i the past yr? If so, by whom?
- Do you feel safe in your current relationship?
- Is there a partner from a previous relationship who is making you feel unsafe now?
- Risk of homicide is greatest 2 yrs after violent relationship
How would you incorporate questions about IPV into the family/relationship history interview?
Begin w/ open-ended questions, then be specific
- “When did you and your partner meet?”
- “What was your attraction?”
- “What happens when you argue or fight?” followed by:
- “Has your partner ever pushed, kicked or grabbed you?”
What are some characteristics of effective interview questions?
- Ask about specific behaviors
- Avoid general, emotionally charged terms like abuse, violence & victimization
- Ask about various types of violence & responses to it: fear, injury, sexual assault, control
- Ask about current problems from previous relationships
When should you ask about partner violence?
- Annual or general exams
- Initial visit w/ 1st time patients
- As part of the initial assessment at a specialist
- Well child exams
- Adolescent & sports physicals
- OB visits
- Pregnancy: 4 times
- Each trimester & post-partum visit
- **Whenever you suspect it **
What is the S-O-S Doc Intervention?
- Support, belief, confidentiality
- Safety: help assess danger
- Options: safety planning & follow-up
- Strengths to build upon
- Document
- Continuity
S-O-S Doc Intervention
Support, belief, confidentiality
- Talk privately
- Make eye contact
- I’m sorry you have been treated this way
- Nobody deserves to be hit or hurt
- You have a right to be safe & respected
- *The abuse is not your fault *
S-O-S Doc Intervention
- Do you feel safe going home?
- Are your children safe?
Indicators of Danger
- Increasing frequency or severity
- Weapons used
- Drug & alcohol abuse
- Forced or threatened sexual acts
- Life transitions: pregnancy, separation, divorce
- History of past violence or suicide attempts
- Threats to kill
S-O-S Doc Intervention
- Local or regional woman’s shelters
- Legal advocacy
- Police
- 911
- Emergency plan
S-O-S Doc Intervention
Identify & validate patient strengths
- You are facing a very tough situation w/ a great deal of courage
- I can see that you care deeply about your children
- *You have shown great strength in very tough circumstances *
S-O-S Doc Intervention
- Describe what the patient said using direct quotes
- Add other historical data
- Avoid pejorative language
- Use “Patient said ‘my husband hit me in the head with a pan’”
- DO NOT use “Patient claimed..” or “Patient alleged..”
- Behavior
- Location & quality
- Use drawings, body charts or photos
- In photos use ruler for scale; victim’s face for identity
- Your assessment of potential partner violence
- “Injury inconsistent w/ reported mechanism of injury”
- “Injury & history consistent w/ intentional injury”
- Include name of perpetrator if reported by patient
S-O-S Doc Intervention
- Encourage & schedule follow-up appts
- Connect to community resources
Assess barriers to follow up
- Will you have transportation for the next appt?
- Will your partner try to prevent you from returning?