Sexual ethics - church teachings - premarital sex Flashcards
How is the Old Testament against premarital sex?
In the Old Testament, women who had premarital sex were stoned to death. They arranged marriages at puberty and then they had sex with their husbands.
What did the Old Testament teach about family?
Families were important in the Old Testament - “Happy is he who has a quiver full of them” and God commands Adam and Eve to go forth and multiply - but Adam and Eve were married.
How does the Old Testament support premarital sex?
Sexual love was celebrated in engaged/betrothed relationships - e.g. the Song of Solomon, a poem in the Bible where a couple celebrate each other’s bodies sexually before marriage.
Give the quote which suggests that Jesus though premarital sex was wrong.
“When a man leaves his mother and father, he joins with his wife and the two become one flesh”
What did St Paul say about premarital sex?
“It is better to marry than burn with vain desire” - Better to marry than have a sexual partner before marriage
“The sexually immoral will not enter the Kingdom of Heaven” - applies to those who have premarital sex.
What influence St Paul’s approach to premarital sex?
He was writing to a group of people called the Libertines who believed they could do as they wished with their bodies before the Kingdom of God arrived. He told them in his letters that they needed to only have sex in marriage and not before.
What are the strengths of the Bible as a source of authority?
Divine word of God and an authoritative text - “the Bible is God breathed” - Timothy
Sex has a rightful place for marriage and family in society.
What is the weakness of the Bible as a source of authority?
Bible is outdated and society now has more secular attitudes to premarital sex whereby premarital sex and contraception are widely accepted and available.
What are the modern day Catholic teachings on premarital sex?
Promiscuity devalues marriage
Monks and nuns promise celibacy
Family planning as a natural form of contraception in marriage is acceptable.
What did Pope Benedict say about premarital sex “In a Love that Satisfies”?
Wrote about the desire of many for premarital sex. He criticised it as a sin but wrote that forgiveness should be given to individuals who sinned.
What have the Catholic Church stated in the Pastoral Constitution about sex?
“This love is uniquely expressed and perfect through the marital act. The actions…are noble and worthy ones…these actions…signify mutual self giving” - sex is an act of marriage.
What did Pope Francis say about Homosexuality?
Called on people in the Catholic church not to marginalise homosexuals - “If someone is gay and searches who am I to judge?” - means that although homosexuality doesn’t fulfil the precept of reproduction, Catholics should be more forgiving and understanding.
What happened to the Church of England’s teachings on premarital sex?
Their teachings changed over the years on cohabiting couples and premarital sex but still show a preference for marriage and stable family life. They do allow contraception.
What caused the Church of England’s change of approach to contraception?
In the 1930s during the depression in the UK when couples could not afford to have children, so the church allowed the use of artificial contraception.
What are the Evangelical Christians view of sexual relationships?
They they should not be had out of marriage.
How have Evangelical Christians implemented their views?
1996 - the Pledge of True Love Waits - pledged Baptists not to have sex until after marriage
1996 - The Silver Ring Thing - encouraged young people to abstain from sex until marriage and to spread the message of abstinence.
What teaching do Evangelicals base their views on?
St Paul - “For this is the will of God, your sanctification…that each one of you knows how to control your own body in holiness and honour.
What do Liberals such as Harvey Cox say about premarital sex?
Only love is important in a relationship. Whether the couple are married or not does not matter.
What are the strengths of the Evangelical view?
Self discipline and self control are important in sexual ethics
Takes the Bible seriously as the direct word of God. They are true to the Gospel and have a responsibility to preach the truth about sexual ethics.
What are the weaknesses of the Evangelical view?
Ignores caring and loving relationships
Is narrow minded regarding homosexual relationships.
What are the strengths of the Liberal view?
Love agape - is of primary importance and they need for stable family life is important
All churches try to protect people in sexual ethics through advocating committed and loving relationships usually through marriage.
What are the weaknesses of the Liberal view?
Does not take the Bible seriously enough as the direct Word of God
It is difficult to know what is loving? If premarital sex in committed relationships leads to hurt then it may not be loving?
Sometimes a person thinks they are having sex out of love but they can easily fool themselves - really it is lust that is driving them.
What are the weaknesses of church views?
Non religious philosophers argue that these are too theocentric and religious approaches put too much emphasis on God and sexual ethics>
What does Adolph Grunbaum argue?
In “The Poverty of Theistic Morality”, argues that the Christian sexual ethic is based on narrow minded views of old men who claim this is what God wants.