Church teachings - homosexuality Flashcards
What does the Leviticus say about homosexuality? (Evangelicals)
“No man shall lie with another man for it is an abomination”
How do Liberals use Genesis to support homosexuality?
God created man with his sexuality so homosexual feelings are natural.
What did Jesus say about homosexuality?
Jesus said nothing at all about homosexuality
How do Liberals use Jesus teachings to support homosexuality?
Liberals interpret Jesus “Love your neighbour” - we should have a loving attitude to homosexuals. Also, liberals interpret this to mean sex is an expression of love and homosexual sex expresses love in a committed relationship.
What does St Paul say about homosexuality?
“The sexually immoral will no inherit the Kingdom of God”
What is the strength of God’s commands?
What God commands is morally right because God is perfect and loving. Must trust God’s commands.
What is the strength of the Bible as the Word of God?
It is a source of authority for Christians especially evangelicals who tend to reject homosexual relationships
What does Robert Adams argue?
Emphasises obedience and obligation in divine command theory - must be obedient to God
What does the bible recognise about men?
Men are free agents who choose to obey the commands.
How does Moore criticise Christian’s use of the Bible?
Christians select the material that suits them. Evangelical take the passage “Do not lie with a man as one would lie with a woman” but ignore the scriptural passages that state beheading is the punishment for homosexual acts and reject those that state not to mix two cloths of different kinds. They use scripture to reinforce prejudices
What does Boswell say about homosexuality in the New Testament?
Claims that the word for homosexuals used in the New Testament Greek is unclear - it may not mean homosexual and so hard to interpret.
How does Leibniz criticise divine commands?
Divine commands are not to be trusted e.g. “For why praise God if he would be equally praiseworthy for doing exactly the contrary.”
How does Ayer criticise divine commands?
“No command can be founded on authority even if the authority were divine.” Rejects God’s commands as an atheist
What does the Catholic Church teach about homosexuality?
If homosexuals have an inclination towards a person of the other sex this is not a sin. The homosexual person should be treated with love and mercy. Love thy neighbour. Homosexuals must be treated in a respectful and loving manner as people.
What does the Catholic Church say about homosexual sex?
Homosexuals must be chaste and not have sex. No life comes from these acts and the Bible condemns homosexual sex as does Natural Moral Law
Cannot bring about children - contravenes the Bible and precepts of NML
What did Pope Francis teach about homosexuality?
Called on people in the Catholic church not to marginalise homosexuals. They should be welcome in the church. No one should judge them - only God can do that - “If someone is gay and searches for the Lord and has goodwill, then who am I to judge”
Outside of divine command, what else does the Catholic Church stress?
The use of individual conscience - some bishops agree with the use of contraception to preserve life (HIV) such as Bishop Dowling
What are the strengths of the Catholic Church’s teachings?
The bible is divinely inspired source of authority.
Reason tends to suggest that homosexual sex is immoral based on the evidence that human purpose is for reproduction - NML
What is the weakness of the Catholic Church?
Plenty of couples have sex without the end of reproduction e.g. elderly and infertile couples and sex still has meaning to them. A unitive aspect. could apply to homosexual loving relationships
Can also use the weaknesses of NML as this is what Catholic Church teachings are based on.
What is the view of the Church of England on homosexuality?
The inclination is accepted but not the act - “practicing homosexuals and the blessing of same sex unions call into question the authority of the Holy Scripture”
In what ways are the Church of England accepting of homosexuals?
2003 - USA - the new Hampshire diocese chose as a bishop an openly gay man
In the UK gay men in civil partnerships can become bishops.
What are the strengths and weaknesses of the Church of England’s view?
They take the Biblical teachings seriously, regarding marriage for man and woman
However, they are divided on the issue and this causes confusion in the church. Some Anglicans have even left the church over the issue.
What do Liberals say about homosexuality?
They claim that the biblical basis condemning the act of homosexuality is disputable. St Paul’s words about homosexuality are unsound because it isn’t clear what the original Greek words mean.
How does Vardy support the Liberals views?
Thinks it’s odd how St Paul was willing to condemn homosexuality on the basis of Jewish law and yet also condemn Jewish law in other parts of his writings.
What does Vardy say about homosexuality?
Claims that it may be a genetic disposition.
What does Moore say about homosexuality and christianity?
Christianity is a religion that makes room for the marginalised and the outcasts and so there must be room for homosexuals etc. in the religion
What does B. A Robinson say about homosexuality?
Claims that human rights are for all so if heterosexuals have the right to marry then so do homosexuals and lesbians.
What do Liberals say about the creation of people and how does this apply to homosexuality?
Claim that all people are made in the image of God and therefore the inclination and act of homosexuality must be good. Otherwise it suggests that God creates intentionally disordered human beings.
What are the strengths of the Liberal approach?
Up to date with modern attitudes in many western countries. The Bible should be read critically with issues of translation brought up.
What are the weaknesses of the Liberal approach?
Homosexuals etc. are not marginalised or shouldn’t be