Business ethics Flashcards
What is corporate social responsibility?
A business has responsibility towards the community and environment
What are stakeholders?
All the people and groups associated with a business such as employees, customers, the local community, the country as a whole and governments.
What are shareholders/stockholders?
Those who own the company and will make a profit if the company makes a profit.
In what ways are businesses responsible to employees?
Provide statutory pay, including sick pay, holiday pay, maternity leave, safe working conditions, not to discriminate based on race or gender when employing. There must be contracts of employment outlining hours of work.
What legislation protects employees?
2010 Discrimination Act
Public interest disclosure act of 1998 - means that employees can speak out publicly about unethical practice in a company and keep their job.
In what ways are businesses responsible to Customers?
Advertise responsibly, label responsibly, to charge fair prices, to supply customer demand
In what ways are businesses responsible to the local community?
Provide food banks (Tesco), to provide jobs for local people. Regarding advertising to customers there are laws covering codes of practice.
In what ways are businesses responsible to the country as a whole?
Take responsibility towards the environment, dump waste responsibly, provide jobs rather than move business abroad and take jobs from local people - The waste disposal Act 2011.
In what ways are businesses responsible to Governments?
To obey Government laws on whistleblowing, pay, environmental laws.
What is the issue with the tobacco industry in Indonesia?
Many young people smoke and many people die of lung cancer. The tobacco companies advertise near schools where young people hang out. Marlboro used to promote in Indonesia.
What role does the British American Tobacco industry play in Indonesia?
They are a big industry in Indonesia. Their suppliers use young children in the tobacco fields to pick the leaves which is highly dangerous and toxic work.
What haven’t the Indonesian government done?
Have not signed the UN framework to stop big tobacco industries because they acquire a lot of revenue from the tobacco industry and it provides many jobs.
What does Philip Morris say about workers in Mexico?
Workers in Mexico - legal age, protective kit (gloves), paid good wage for the hours
How was Amazon an example of bad practice?
Workers worked a 55 hour week, targets for productivity were too harsh, a lot of work for relatively low pay.
What are the benefits of ethical advertising?
Change attitudes, practices and opinions of children to be more positive
Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations - cannot mislead or harass consumers.
Give an example of bad advertising?
Nivea skincare brand - “white is purity” deodorant advert was deemed discriminatory and racially insensitive.
Co-op - “outrageous sexism” for and advert for chocolate Easter eggs that encouraged parents to “treat your daughter for doing the washing up”
Give some examples of good practice.
Google - transparency - employees want to be a part of something where there are no hidden agendas - makes them feel valued
Walmart’s founder Sam Walton said, “the way management treats associates is exactly how the associates will treat the customers”.
Give some arguments for treating employees well?
Basic rights should be upheld and protection of livelihood and health
Well rested workers are able to be more efficient and accurate - breaks, sick pay, holiday pay
They are people - they deserve not to be exploited and deserve respect
Give some arguments against treating employees well.
Often costlier and more time consuming
Your employees chose to work for you and are free to quite whenever they want
What is whistleblowing?
That an employee discloses wrongdoing to the employer or the public.
What are some arguments for whistleblowing?
Should tell the truth, should try to bring about change to poor working conditions, poor treatment as unethical not to do so, protected by law, could bring about more overall happiness. Mill - truth telling is a virtue and should follow the Golden rule.
What are some arguments against whistleblowing?
Individuals may have personal gripe against company, should show loyalty to company, harms shareholder investments, stops profit making, used for personal attention seeking.
What is globalisation?
that around the world economies, industries, markets, cultures and policymaking is integrated.
Arguments supporting globalisation?
Companies have larger market and make more profit, goods made faster and cheaper so more profit, consumers benefit from competitive prices, countries can share ideas and technology, cheaper raw materials overseas, benefits workers. Bentham - make more profit - net happiness.
Give some arguments against globalisation.
Workers in MEDC lose jobs, no laws governing health and safety, employee hours, environment, leaves some countries too dependent on others, brain drain - leaves no tried professionals in some countries, lack of product diversity. Rule Utilitarianism - universal rules.
What are the benefits of capitalism?
Flourish as business make profit and this gives happiness to stakeholders, business leaders and shareholders. Brings happiness as entrepreneurial business leaders make profit and this trickles down to community - overall net happiness. Allow creative enterprise, greed means profit.
What was Mill’s approach to capitalism?
Accepts it as long as businesses act with virtues.
What are the issues with capitalism?
Not flourish in sense of not developing virtuous behaviour - poor treatment of employees - bargaining tools (Marx), unethical advertising to make profit. Think about people’s true preferences (Singer)
What issues did Nike face?
In the 1990s stories arose from the Nike factories about child labour, low wages, physical abuse from factory overseers. Nike issued a Code of Conduct in 2002, which fixed most of these issues.
What issues are there with cobalt mining?
Dangerous and dirty conditions - child labour used - Huayou, who sourced cobalt from the mines, didn’t apoligise for using child labour. But did promise to become more socially responsible and implement improvements.
What issues are there with the textile factories in Indonesia?
Line the banks of Cittarnum river and empty their waste into the rivers, leading to dreadful pollution.
What is the triple bottom line?
This is when companies make themselves accountable for their social responsibility by recording what they have done.
Give some examples of whistleblowers.
Edward Snowden - ex CIA employee who leaked documents about global surveillance, he is now living in Russia after having been granted Asylum
Julian Assange - the founder of WikiLeaks which as been responsible for over 1.2m information leaks since 2006, he is currently in prison.