Applying Natural Moral Law to medical ethics Flashcards
How does NML’s deontological rules apply to euthanasia?
Motive matters and so does the feature of the act itself. So euthanasia is wrong as the act itself is wrong.
Apply the 5 precepts and secondary precepts to euthanasia?
One of the precepts is self preservation so active euthanasia is wrong as it doesn’t preserve the self, leading to the secondary precept of do not commit euthanasia.
Apply real and apparent good to euthanasia?
Misuse of reason means that we might think that euthanasia is moral. However, right reason - real goods means we will reason that active euthanasia is immoral.
What is the interior motive in active euthanasia?
Doctor actively kills - does something active in euthanasia - not a good intention as it is not in keeping with precepts - intention is to kill.
What is the interior motive in passive euthanasia?
Has a good intention because the doctor does not intend to deliberately kill the patient - she/he dies from their illness.
Apply the syneidesis rule to euthanasia?
To do good and avoid evil. Active euthanasia is wrong as it does not do good - because you are actively killing the patient.
Give Bible quotes which show that euthanasia is wrong?
“made in God’s image”
“Do not Kill”
“The body is the temple of the Holy Spirit”
“If we live, we live to the Lord and if we die, we die to the Lord”
All show how life is holy so euthanasia is wrong
Explain how Common human nature and telos mean that euthanasia is wrong?
The body should live until its natural end so euthanasia is wrong. The purpose of the body is self preservation so active euthanasia is wrong.
Apply the Doctrine of Double effect to euthanasia?
Means that there is a good motive but an unintended side effect. A doctor might give a patient drugs to relieve their suffering but the unintended side effect is that the patient dies from the drugs. Active euthanasia is wrong. Passive is not wrong because the doctors lets the patient die from their illness and so has a good motive - not actively killing
Apply the idea of sanctity of life to euthanasia?
Life is holy and precious and so taking human life is wrong so active euthanasia is wrong as it takes away human life.
Apply Divine law to euthanasia.
Divine law is the Bible, which states that life is sacred so active euthanasia is wrong.
Apply Natural law to euthanasia.
Is the 5 precepts and secondary precepts, which teach that active euthanasia is wrong.
Apply Human law to euthanasia.
The law of the land - Aquinas would think the law should state that active euthanasia is illegal but not passive.
How can the precept of an ordered society be applied to euthanasia?
Because euthanasia can lead to a slippery slope and a society that fails to protect the weak and vulnerable (Peter Vardy - “slippery slope”, Yale Kamisar - the parade of Horrors)
What do the Catholic Church say about the NML approach to euthanasia?
They accept all of it and base all their teachings on it.
What are the strengths of basing an approach on common human nature?
It is our god given human nature, which is that we live until our natural end so euthanasia is wrong as it prevents this as it is intentional killing.
What is the strengths of NML being universal?
Means it is not culturally or individually based. Everyone is treated in the same way. Euthanasia is immoral is a rule for everyone universally.
Do the ends justify the means?
The consequences are unimportant compared to the intention of an act. The ends can never justify the means . You cannot justify euthanasia because it lessens suffering. The intention is to kill and this is always wrong. If a doctor gives a patient drugs to lessen their suffering then the intention can only be to lessen suffering and not to kill the patient.
How is NML compassionate?
The doctrine of double effect means the intention is important too and also that suffering can be alleviated.
What does applying the secondary precepts mean?
The virtues are developed.
How does Russell criticise NML?
Universe is brute fact - no God and therefore, no God given human nature or purpose.
How does Hans Kung and Kai Nielson criticise NML?
There is no God given human nature
How does G.E Moore criticise NML?
Naturalistic fallacy - you cannot derive an ought from an is.. You cannot state this IS our common human nature and then state therefore we OUGHT to not commit euthanasia etc.
How would Fletcher, Mackie and Protagoras criticise NML?
Morality is relative and not absolute, it has to be a relative concept between different cultures e.g. assisted suicide is immoral in Great Britain but moral in Switzerland.
How do Fletcher and Bentham criticise NML?
It is inflexible as it fails to account for the consequences of an action. The ends can sometimes justify the means - if the consequences of euthanasia produce net happiness or most agape then it justifies the action.
How does Singer criticise NML?
Says that belief that life is sacred is “medieval”