Meta Ethics - Intuitionism Flashcards
What did Moore say about Ethical Naturalism?
Naturalistic Fallacy. He claimed that the Naturalists were wrong to assume that we can take terms like “good” and “evil” and try to define them in a non-moral way. Moore claimed that you cannot prove these terms in this way.
What type of thinker was Moore?
An Ethical non naturalists
What did Moore say about “goodness”?
It is a simple term and beyond any further analysis. It is different to the term horse which can be defined. You can’t define goodness.
What did Moore liken “goodness” to?
Likened it to yellow. Yellow is also a simple term and beyond further analysis. It exists as an absolute truth but it is indefinable.
How does Moore say we know what Good is?
We know what it is intuitively but we cannot define it
What example does Clements give to support Moore?
We know intuitively that Mother Theresa is good and yet we could not define Good just as we know that a ball is yellow but we cannot define yellow.
What type of statement is “goodness”?
It is not an analytic statement and does not contain the definition within itself. Instead you can keep asking - “Is stealing good?” This is because you can’t define Good. It is an open term
How do we know if actions are good or bad according to Moore?
If they aim towards these ends:
The enjoyment of beautiful objects
The pleasures of human intercourse
Moore was a teleologist
In what way was Moore an intuitionist?
The moral judgements were incapable of being proved - he did not mean that the origin of moral judgements lay in human intuitions.
What was Moore’s stance on intuitionism and what problems did this raise?
He explicitly rejected the idea that moral intuitions were infallible and this raises the problem of how true and false intuitions are to be differentiated which is necessary if moral intuitions are to be more than mere matters of opinions.
What was Prichard’s approach to intuitionism?
Reason collected together the facts concerned and intuition determined which course to follow.
Apply Prichard’s approach to abortion.
We use our reason to collect all the data on the nature of abortion - the people concerned and the various possible outcomes - and then intuition determines what we should do - weigh up the obligation to the unborn human with that owed to the mother.
What is Ross’ theory on intuition?
Our intuition identifies our prima facie duties, although our actual action isn’t self-evident. Our choice of action is down to judgement, which is improved through our experience of knowledge of making moral decisions.
What are prima facie duties?
A moral obligation that binds us to follow it unless there’s an overriding obligation.
How is Ross Neo-Kantian?
His higher order of duties are similar to Kant’s - the highest duty is the preservation of life.
What is weak about Moore’s claim that we can’t define Good etc?
We can use observation of this world and use it to define terms such as Good, Evil, Right and Wrong. This is what we have to work with just as science works with observation. Aristotle - observation - Good as fulfilling purposes. Support from Aquinas. Weakness from Plato.
What is the issue with intuiting the things towards which Good aims?
We might all disagree on the things towards which Good aims that we know through intuition e.g. Aquinas - consequence of good is fulfilling the precepts but Fletcher - bringing about a loving ends.
As intuition is based on experience, what challenged does this pose to Moore?
He claims that we can know the good ends through intuition but intuition is based on experience and experience suggests that we are basing our conclusions on observations and experiences of the world we live in and yet he dismisses the naturalists claim that we can define terms such as Good, right, wrong etc on observation of the natural world
What are the strengths of Prichard and Ross?
We all have intuition - it is universal
We often agree on what is good - and this is because we intuit good - Anselm in the Monologium - shared sense of justice.
How does Rachels support Prichard and Ross?
Absolute cultural values support the idea of intuition of the Good.
What is the weakness of absolute values?
Observation of cultural values suggest that ethics is relative to culture/individual Mackie/Protagoras and this doesn’t support the idea that we can intuit the Good.
How does Mackie criticise Prichard and Ross?
We might intuit how we ought to behave but intuition doesn’t tell us how we must behave and what we should do.
How does Warnock criticise Prichard and Ross?
Intuition leaves us confused as to our moral obligations some say we intuit duties and some that we intuit the ends towards which Good aims.
What is the issue with the primae facie duties?
They are a list that we may not all agree upon. Some people’s intuition might come up with other priorities. Ross himself recognised that he might have missed some duties. Protagoras - individual relativism
What is the issue with Prichard’s use of intuition?
Why do they think we should trust our intuition and on what basis do they make the claim that we intuit our moral obligations? How do we know who has the correct intuition