sexual ethics Flashcards
Adultery is wrong because
o It breaks the vows
o Breaks the ten commandments
o Betrays trust of partner- does not show love or respect of God
Promiscuity is wrong because
o Shows a lack of respect to bodies given to us by God
o Saul said ‘do you know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit’.
o Procreation is for within a marriage.
pre-marital sex is wrong because
o Only within a marriage do we find God’s blessing upon the act of sexual love
o Sex is sacred of a husband and wife.
o This marital love signifies the vows freely exchanged between each other and thereby reflects the faithful, permanent, exclusive and self-giving love they have promised each other and to God.
o Chance of a child, a child has right to life from conception: abortion is not an option. Abortion is more common outside marriage.
why is adultery not in the nature of christians
unchristian practice of deceit an dishonesty
why are christians called to work on their marriage before having a divorce
forgiveness key part of christianity- just as Jesus forgave us
what does St Paul suggest about when one should marry
o Paul suggests that if a person is aflame with passion then it is better to be married.
Ultimately the bible teaches that sexual activity outside marriage is to be avoided.
what should sexual relations reflect
an expression of love and responsibility- trust and commitment
homosexual marriage can not be considered to be remotely analogous to Gods plan for marriage because
o Marriage is holy, while homosexual acts go against the natural moral law.
o Homosexual acts ‘close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from genuine affective and sexual complementarity.’
o ‘Under no circumstances can they be approved’.
what do sacred scriptures condemn homosexuality as
‘a serious depravity’(romans 1)
issues with homosexuality
no procreation
‘gay gene’?
why could it be argues that gays should not have children
because it could cause confusion and upset to the child. Some argue that have two parents of the same sex does not create a nurturing environment.
what did the pope say in brazil 2015
‘who am i to judge’- final judgement comes fro God
two words in Greek that are translated as homosexual
who was the church divided on the appointment of
Gene Robinson
what do catholics not have a problem with
gay inclination
historical quote condemning homosexuality
‘men committed indecent acts with other men and received themselves their due penalty’
where does the word sodomy come from
those living in sodom who sexual pervasions caused God to rain fire and brimstone on the city
arguments that suggesting that homosexuality isn’t so wrong
o Jesus does not say anything of homosexuality being wrong.
o Although it says in the bible that homosexuality is an abomination, it also says that we shouldn’t wear clothes made with more than one type of material, we should also plant seeds at the sides of our fields for the poor- however we do not listen to any of these rules
Timothy 1:10
‘homosexuals are sexually immoral’
1 corninthians 7
‘they will not inherit the kingdom of God’
leviticus 18
you shall not lie with a male as one lies with a female; it is an abomination
Problem with bibles views on homosexuality
o Not relevant to atheists o No empirical evidence to suggest a homophobic God o Bible is an out dated document o Different interpretations of the bible o Conflicting ideas of what love is.
Early christian views on sex and marriage
Philo- women are ‘instruments of evil who corrupt men’. Augustine- purpose of marriage is procreation. Sex outside marriage is evil
middle age view on sex and marriage
sex only holy days forbidden. Sex and prayers are bad mix. Aquinas stated that the purpose of marriage was to procreate without lust
Modern day views on sex and marriage
Marriage is about love, honour and obedience. Loyalty is very important- sex should stay a sign of emotional and personal cocommitmenr. Importance of permanence
why is divorce wrong
vows cannot be broken- remarriage = spiritual adultery.
Synod of bishops on the family–> divorce
lot of talk about truth and mercy- attention given to the idea of looking at individual causes rather than a universal law- but no change at present.
However annulments can now be given by local bishops instead of just by the Vatican