free will quotes Flashcards
Clarence Darrow
nature is as strong as she is pitiless
john watson
behaviour can be predicted
John Galworthy
life calls the tune and we dance
Sam Harris
You cannot decide what your will, will decide
Viktor Frankl
man is not fully conditioned or determined
your destiny shall be allotted to you
Richard Dawkins
we can override biology with free will
man chooses not our of necessity but freely
catechism 600
when he establishes is eternal plan of ‘predestination’, he includes i it each persons free response to his grace’
eternal life is foreordained for some and eternal damnation for others
romans 8
those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to likeness of his son
JS Mill
it is not because men’s desires are strong that they act ill, it is because their consciences are weak’
John Searl
a gap between having reasons to do something and doing it
pear trees cannot bear bananas
john Hospers
it is all a matter of luck
there is no absolute free will.. the mind is determined to wish this or that by a cause’