Sexual behaviour Flashcards
abortion is wrong because
according to the RCC sex should only take place within marriage- if married no need for an abortion
-goes against Gods will- children are a gift from God that should be respected
we are all planned quote
‘He knows the number of hairs on our head before we are born’
in what circumstances do some christians think abortions are okay
rape, significant danger to mother or child
what are Cofe beliefs about divorce
compassion must be showed—> jesus talked a lot of forgiveness
must not be taken lightly
when did marital rape become illegal
mid 1960/70s
why do churches condemn rape
hurtful, unkind, violent and not within a marriage–> sex should always be within a marriage
why is promiscuity wrong
we are called to respect the bodies given to us by God
Outside of marriage so wrong
Paul on promiscuity
‘do you not low that your bodies are the temple of the holy spirit’
why should sex be within marriage
only place where God gives his blessing–> an act to strengthen and deepen a relationship.
-no need for abortions or contraception or sexual disease
RCC on sex within marriage
‘sexual acts must take place exclusively within marriage’
why is contraception wrong according to RCC
sex is only meant for the married. Genesis one says ‘ be fruitful and multiply’ and in the marriage ceremony couples are called to have children–> goes against Gods plan
how many catholics believe contraception is always wrong
what other denominations think about contraception
accepts that couples may want to limit the size of their family–> fee to enjoy sex worry free–> strengthen relationship
- ensures that all children are loved, planned and provided for
contractarian view on sex
always allowed if al parties involved agree–>therefore rape is wrong
harm principle
if no one is being harmed it is okay
sex should not be controlled by outside forces like money e.g. porn/pornography
religious roles of women is submissive–> male dominance has caused great problems for women