Hard determinism and soft determinism Flashcards
main principles of hard determinism
- all actions are caused by internal and external factors
- therefore no moral responsibility for actions needs to be accepted
- our lives are completely determined by other factors-what we do is not within our control
- no decision is genuine
Spinoza (2)
‘there is absolutely no free will’
‘the mind is determined to wish for this or that by a cause’
weakness of hard determinism
would this give people the excuse to go against society, only to justify their actions wight the notions that they cannot change who they are
Sam Harris
you cannot decide what your will will decide’
‘nature is as strong as she is pittiless’
John Hospers believers
it is all a matter of luck – therefore if you have a good life it is not down to you, you have just been lucky- fortunate to have certain determining factors influencing you
volataire (2)
we can only be who we are ‘pear trees cannot bear bananas’
‘everything is planned connected and limited’
H determinism in real life
Clarence Daroow and Leopold and Loeb case
Leopold and Loeb case
american lawyer Darrow used h determinism to save two ui students from the death penalty after they tried t commit the ‘perfect murder’. He argued that the boys had diminished responsibility because they were merely a product of their upbringing- ‘he did not make himself, yet he is compelled to pay’. They got life imprisonment instead of death penalty.
main principles of soft determinism
- mid way between h determinism and libertarianism
- while we are compelled by external factors, we still have ultimate free will in making decisions
- we have moral responsibility–> however factors should be taken into consideration
- accepts that all are actions are determined; but also that moral self can override personality
internal factors
upbringing; drugs; money etc
Ghandi and S.determinsim
‘Ghandi starved himself to save india’
or did he starve himself because he had a good upbringing and education; which caused him to notice the injustice in India and have the power to change things?
There is a difference between Ghandi choosing to fast and a man being locked up without food. In both cases, the actions are determined and the men could not do otherwise
if h determinism is correct
- no freedom in the sense of morality
- no point in punishment oe blaming- once they cannot help it or change.
- People are not ‘better or worse’ they are only different- therefore if you change it is because you have it in you.
- notion of sin becomes incoherent- exemption from sin is pointless
- person can not be thought of as special or higher than others as they did not determine theirsuccess- no reward