Sexual Disorders Flashcards
Sexual deviations or types of sexual disorders in which the person experiences recurrent sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies involving objects such as articles of clothing, inappropriate or nonconsenting partners (children).
Is a powerful sexual urge and arousing fantasies involving inanimate objects. (Bra, panties, shoes, and silk). Finds sexual gratification by masturbating while fondling the object, rubbing or smelling it or by having their partners wear it during the sexual activity.
Characterized by recurrent sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies involving the act of watching unsuspecting others who are naked, in the act of undressing or engaging in sexual activity.
Characterized by powerful and recurrent sexual urges and related fantasies by touching a person in crowded places. During the act, he may imagine himself enjoying the “activity” with the victim.
Heterosexual males characterized by recurrent sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies involving dressing in female clothing.
Transvestic Fetishism
Apparently occurring in males, in which the main experiences persistent and recurrent sexual urges and sexually arousing fantasies involving the exposure of his genitals to a stranger.
Characterized by recurrent sexual urges and sexual arousing fantasies that involve humiliation or physical pain on sex partners.
Sexual Sadism
The treatment aimed at helping people suffering with sexual disorder being unconscious sexual conflicts into awareness where they might be worked through in the context of the normal adult personality.
Psychodynamic Therapy
Involves an erotic attraction to members of one’s own sex. Men are referred to as gays. Women are referred to as lesbians.
These are people who are sexually aroused by members of both sexes.
Involves perceptions that one’s anatomic sex is inconsistent with one’s sense of being male or female.
Gender Identity Disorder
Identifies children who find their anatomic sex to be of persistent and intense distress.
Gender Identity of Childhood
This is a type of gender identity disorder characterized by feelings of being trapped inside a body of the wrong sex.
May or may not involve transsexualism. Persons with ____________________ experience persistent or recurrent feelings of discomfort, or a sense of inappropriateness, about their anatomical gender and frequently cross-dress in reality or in their imagination.
Gender Disorders in Adolescence and Adulthood
This is a condition in which sexual gratification depends on suffering, physical pain and humiliation inflicted on women.
Sex Masochism
A potentially dangerous paraphilia in which a person seeks sexual gratification by being deprived of oxygen by means of a noose (a loop with running knot), a plastic bag, chemical or pressure on the chest. The oxygen deprivation is usually accompanied by fantasies of being asphyxiated by a lover.
Disorders that usually involve a lessening or inhibition of sexual interest, pleasure or response. These disorders interfere with initiation or the completion of the sexual response cycle.
Sexual Dysfunctions
Sexual Response Cycle - Stage 1: Corresponds to presence of sexual fantasies and desires to sexual activity.
Appetite Stage
Sexual Response Cycle - Stage 2: Involves physical changes and feelings of pleasure that occur during the period and the process of sexual arousal.
Excitement Stage
Sexual Response Cycle - Stage 3: sexual excitement peaks and is released through involuntary rhythmic contractions of the pelvic muscles at the bottom of the penis reflexively contract, and as a result semen is expelled through the penis. In women, muscles surrounding the outer part of the vagina contract reflexively.
Organ Stage
Sexual Response Cycle - Stage 4: A sense of relaxation occurs. Men are physiologically incapable of achieving erection and orgasm for a period of time. But women may be able to respond on additional stimulation with hardly any delay.
Resolution Stage
Avoidance of genital sexual contact with a partner.
Sexual Aversion Disorder
Characterized by persistent or recurrent lack of sexual interest and sexual fantasies.
Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder
Characterized by disorder of sexual arousal which involves either lack of sexual pleasure during sex, or it may be the difficulty of sustaining the physiological changes.
Sexual Arousal Disorder
Characterized when there is a persistent or recurrent delay in reaching orgasm following an “adequate” amount of sexual stimulation.
Orgasm Disorder
Type of dysfunction involving a persistent pattern of ejaculation occurring during sexual activity before the male partner desires it.
Premature Ejaculation
Is the persistent or recurrent pain in the genital experienced during sexual intercourse.
Condition in which one or both testes may have remained in the abdomen, instead of coming down into the scrotum at birth.
For some boys the testicles become firmly fixed to the scrotal wall. If this does not occur, the testicle may become twisted, causing severe strangulation and swelling.
Tortion or Twisting
Due to lack of normal sexual desire.
Male Weakness
Most common form of scrotal tumors and swellings. But it is not malignant.
A complication following the onset of the mumps on the neck and face. If the testes are involved, there are pain and tenderness in the scrotum and swelling.
Mumps Orchitis
Inflammation of the epididymis that arises from the urinary infection involving the bladder and prostate.
Varicose condition of the spermatic veins of the scrotum. Swellings often occur in the veins of the spermatic cord.
Is a cyst or swelling in the upper pole of the epididymis due to the presence of large quantities of sperm cell.
Disease transmitted by sexual intercourse. (Syphilis, gonorrhea, chancroid)
Veneral Disease
Dominant female hormone.
Has a special function. Prepares the uterus for the fertilized ovum and maintains pregnancy.
Before menstruation, some women become irritable and suffer from depression, headaches, and sensitivity.
Premenstrual Tensions
The presence of infection in any of the tissues usually causes a whitish discharge and continues for weeks. Usually, this may arise from soiled undergarments, intestinal worms or masturbation.
Vaginal Discharge
This may occur during pregnancy, probably due to the increased sugar content of the blood.
Female Fungus Infection
This regular monthly bleeding occurs in all women.
Heavy Menstruation
Tubal pregnancy is a rare complication in which the fertilized ovum becomes blocked in its passage through the Fallopian tube.
Ecotopic Pregnancy