Sex Research Methods Flashcards
Who wrote the 1st book on sexuality where oral sex was considered deviant ?
Richard von Krafft-Ebing
What was Richard von Krafft-Ebing’s book called and why did it sound so latin?
He was very concerned uneducated people would read this for porn which is why the name was Latin so only educated people could read it
What did Havelock Ellis try to do?
- destigmatize behaviours, challenge stereotypes about what sexual behaviour was appropriate and not. Really trying to normalize sexual sex and sexual behaviour.
What did Havelock Ellis uncover about masturbation?
90% “married” men and 74% of women “of good standing” had masturbated, but the belief that masturbation during marriage was wrong also, it was the idea that women didn’t unless they were of a lower class and could not control their urges
What did Havelock Ellis believe in relation to humans and animals
Believed things were natural & normal if animal did it in the wild
What were 2 stupid things sigmund Freud said?
Said women were frigid and didn’t want sex
Said clitoral stimulation into adulthood was juvenile and should orgasm just by penetration
What is wrong with sigmund freud’s 3 essays on the theory of sexuality
- Interesting theories but not science and not psychology,
What is Magnus Hirschfield an early champ of? What did he campaign for?
“through science, towards justice” early women’s rights movements. decriminalization of abortion. targeted by Nazis, a lot of his work was burned.
What did Robert Latou Dickinson do ingrate detail
dissected cadavers and drew the anatomy. Atlas of Human Sex Anatomy
What was Robert Latou Dickinson the first to do?
the first full image of the clitoris (1932). Med textbooks did not include until the 90s.
What myth did Kinsey debunk?
that people in jail were different
What did Kinsey create?
The kinsey scale which included bisexuality. 3 = bisexual.
What happened when Kinsey published the Sexual Behaviour of the Human Female
- But people completely freaked out
- Foundation that funded his research pulled their funding because it was too scandalous
- He continued with his own money and have people come in and measure, but died prematurely
What was kinsey the first to do?
use rigorous survey methodology compared to Freud who just had thoughts upon observations, no data
What is a survey?
The scientific collection of data from a group of individuals about their beliefs, thoughts and behaviours
people who respond to the survey; tend to be volunteers
Face validity
when you read the question it is asking what you think it is asking
consistent answers
What are 4 types of survey methods?
- written questionnaires
- face-to-face
- less likely to be honest
- able to probe if person is getting fidgety - telephone interviews
- internet survey
- more honest but no clue who is filling it out :/
What are 4 considerations when designing surveys?
- Wording of Questions
- Participant Sample
- Self-Selection of Participants
- Self-Report Data
try not to have negative words like incest; ask in a round about type of way
Participant sample
Your sample should be representative of your target population. Can do random sampling through random digit dialling, but time consuming,
What is the most common sample used?
Uni students
What is the self-selection bias?
people who opt in are usually different than those who opt out
What is the social desirability bias?
people who want to represent themselves in the best way possible. Answer questions in ways that make them look better than they are.
What did Masters and Johnson do?
paired up strangers and has them engage in sexual activities with monitors. Had people masturbate and even put cameras in to see what changed internally when aroused.
What is direct observation?
-Gathering behavioural data through direct or indirect observation using scientific techniques
-Carefully outlined criteria developed prior to observation
o Ex: how many hair flips, laughs
T or F comparing gender is quasi-experimental?
True ! because you cannot manipulate gender
What is the penile plethysmography
Metal-in-rubber strain gauge
Measures change in circumference
Measures change in circumference and how rigid it is
Penile Volumetry
Cuff around the penis, pump full of air or water
Uses air (or water) to measure displacement as penis becomes erect
Gets lengths and circumference
Most common for sex offenders
Labial Thermistor
clips onto inner labia and measures the temperature change during arousal
Vaginal Thermistor
Sits on the side of the vagina wall and measures temperature
What is the good things and issue with temperature measures for vaginas
♣ Temperature allows to have objective comparisons
Although it takes longer to measure temperature
Vaginal Photoplethysmograp
o Like a tampon
o LED light
o As walls fill with blood, vaginal wall becomes more opaque and absorb more light
o Measures how much light is reflected back
All genitals: Lay naked spread on a table with a camera pointed at your genitals
o Useful for comparing vaginas and penises
MRI (2)
- Can look at the brain or genitals
- Useful when looking at the brain during orgasms, or desire