Setting success criteria, and planning how to meet them Flashcards
ADKAR book chapters 8 a (Awareness) and 9 (Desire)
What is the purpose of BDN?
understand who needs to become accountable for delivering not only the
benefits but also the specific changes needed to deliver them (identify expected benefits and a detailed plan)
realizing the expected business benefits
Some companies consider their existing IT investments to have failed to generate a genuinely good return for their organization, why is that?
Organisations are focused on ROI (reducing spend), that they are not aware of how IT can generate significant benefits
What is the five principles for realizing benefits through IT?
Principle #1: IT Has No Inherent Value
Principle #2: Benefits Arise When IT Enables People to Do Things Differently
Principle #3: Only Business Managers and Users Can Release Business Benefits
Principle #4: All IT Projects Have Outcomes, But Not All Outcomes Are Benefits.
Principle #5: Benefits Must be Actively Managed to be Obtained
How does the benefit realization plan begin?
By answering seven questions on a survey for leaders and managers.
What is the 5 subjects in BDN
IT Enablers
Enabling Change
Business Changes
Investment Objectives
When working with BDN, where do you start when talking about Problem-based
At investment objectives and work towards the left side
hence, ensures that investments are driven by business demand,
shown on the right-hand side of the network, rather than IT supply on the left
What is business changes in BDN?
Permanent changes to working practices, processes, or relationships.
These changes cannot be made until the new IT capabilities are available for use and other necessary enabling changes have been made
What is enabling changes in BDN?
involve tasks such as defining and agreeing on new working
practices, redesigning processes, agreeing on changes to job roles and responsibilities,
establishing new performance management systems, and training in new business
are typically ‘one-off’ changes which are pre-requisites
for making the business changes or to bring the new system into effective operation
When the BDN has been constructed what happens next?
measures for each benefit and responsibilities for achieving all the benefits and implementing all the changes must be assigned.
What is IT enablers in BDN?
It is the means to enable each business change such as the technology
What is benefit in BDN?
Based on business changes what benefit do they have.
What is investment objectives in BDN?
Based on the benefits which objectives should we invest in
What is problem based interventions for BDN?
The primary purpose for constructing a BDN for a problem-based investment is to identify the most cost-effective and lowest-risk combination of IT and business changes to achieve the defined improvements – that is, to achieve the desired ends.
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ends driven implementation
the improvement targets form the basis of the business case and Return on Investment (ROI) calculations.
Setting targets is appropriate when the investment is problem-driven
because the organization can usually identify and quantify the benefits of removing
known problems through new IT means and new ways of executing business
processes and activities
In short: Going from ends to means
What is innovation-based interventions?
In an innovation-based intervention, an organization invests in IT to exploit a business
opportunity, to create potential competitive opportunities, or to build new
organizational capabilities by:
- Doing something new using IT
- Doing something in a new way using IT
- Using new IT to do something the organization could not do before.
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The business value realized from
innovation-based investments therefore depends on the organization’s ability to identify, create, and successfully implement advantageous new ways of conducting
business and new IT means.
An organization has difficulty specifying the ends because it is uncertain that the new IT capabilities and the business changes can be implemented successfully.
A potential issue with IT-enabled innovations is that the organization pays too much attention to what the technology can do, rather than to the changes the organization needs make to exploit the technology.
What steps does problem based interventions for BDN have?
Right to left
Business driver: remove existing problems
Define the performance improvement targets and potential benefits (benefits, objectives)
Identify the combination of IT enables and business changes that could achieve each of the potential benefits (business changes, enabling changes and IT enablers)
Iterate to decide the most cost effective and low risk combination of IT and business changes to achieve the major benefit intended.
What steps does a ways-based innovation interventions for BDN have?
Right to left
Business driver: deliver innovation from new ways of working
Create a vision (objectives)
Describe the new ways of working and the benefits these would deliver (benefits, business changes, enabling changes)
Asses how IT can enable the changes (IT enablers)
Asses the feasibility of making each of the changes and achieving each of the benefits.
What steps does a means-based IT innovation interventions for BDN have?
right to left
What is the new capability that IT could provide? (IT enablers)
What changes would be needed to ways of working (enabling changes, business changes)
What benefits could be realized and what objectives achieved? (benefits and objectives)
Business driver: deliver innovation from new IT.
What is the benefits of benefits management?
Clearer planning
Improved realtionships between IT and staff
Wiser investments
INcreasing the benefits realized
Which 4 tactics does ADKAR present of awareness?
Effective Communication
Executive sponsorship
Coaching by managers and supervisors
Ready access to business information
Before the tactics from awareness can be used it is important to have a common understanding of?
The overall nature of the change and how the change aligns with the vision for the organization
The reasons this change is necessary or important (why this change is needed now)
The risk of not changing
The market changes, competitor threats or customer issues that contribute to the need for change
When the change needs to be implemented
Who will be most impacted by the change
What is the tactic of effective communication about in awareness?
Communicating through multiple types of media
Make a communiction strategy before choosing media:
- Identify and segment audience groups.
- Determine the appropriate messages for each audience.
- Develop the most effective packaging, timing and channel for these communications.
- Identify the preferred senders for each audience.
When developing the most effective packaging, timing and
channels for these communications, you should consider
- What types of communication would be the most effective for each audience group?
- When is the best time to send these messages?
- What communication channels have been the most effective in the past?
What is the tactic of executive sponsorship about in awareness?
The executive sponsor of change is the best spokesperson for communicating why a change is needed and the risk of not changing.
Employees want to hear from the person in charge, as they believe this person has the broadest perspective and deepest understanding of the state of the business.
They must:
- Share the nature of the change
- Create an understanding of why the change is needed and the risks of not changing
- Establish the priority for the change; the expressed urgency in the message should match the relative importance of the change to the organization
- Participate actively and visibly throughout the entire change process
- Build a sponsorship coalition that reinforces the awareness message at all levels
-Communicate directly with employees
What is the tactic of Coaching by managers and supervisors about in awareness?
supervisors and managers should discuss the change with their employees
It is a natural reaction to begin asking why as each person begins
to map the change against his or her own life. A supervisor is
in the best position to help employees understand the reasons
for change in meaningful terms and to evaluate how the change
will impact each person.
Project teams and sponsors of the
change must ensure that managers have complete and accurate messages around why the change is needed, the risks of
not changing, and what internal and external factors have created a need for change
This process of meeting with employees as a group and
as individuals also helps correct misinformation that may
be present in the background conversation
What is the tactic of Ready access to business information about in awareness?
Companies that keep information “close to the vest” with little or no information available to employees face a much greater challenge when building awareness of the need for change. E.g. company performance and market ocnditions.
Readily accessible information builds awareness on an
ongoing basis and supports not just the current change, but
changes in the future as well. Creating a communication “culture” that values the sharing of information about the company,
the market and the business direction translates directly to increased awareness of the need for change among employees.
How many times should an employee hear a message before that message is cemented into their thinking? (Awareness)
5-7 times
Can you build awareness
without the sponsor’s involvement?
You can certainly make forward progress through
many other channels. Can you build sufficient awareness to
move the change forward? That depends on the nature and size
of your change, and the change-readiness of your organization.
Which 5 tactics does ADKAR present of desire?
Effectively sponsor the change with employees
Equip managers to be change leaders
Assess risks and anticipate resistance
Engage employees in the change process
Align incentive programs
What is the tactic of Effectively sponsor the change with employees about in desire?
Participate actively and visibly throughout the project
- Too often executive sponsors engage early in projects and then move on to other business priorities
Build a coalition of sponsorship with peers and managers
- A strong sponsor coalition creates engagement among senior and mid-level managers that generates a desire to change among supervisors and front-line employees
-A weak sponsorship coalition allows resistance to grow in the organization without consequence or recourse
Communicate effectively with employees
- The sponsor plays a critical role in communicating those messages that employees want to hear from the person in charge
- A vision of where the organization is going
- A roadmap that outlines how the vision will be achieved
- Clear alignment of the current change with this vision
- Specific goals or objectives that define success
- His or her personal commitment and passion for the change
What is the mistakes managers do in the tactic of Effectively sponsor the change with employees in desire?
Failed to engage personally as the sponsor for the change
Changed priorities mid-stream
Did not create a sponsorship coalition
What is the tactic of Equip managers and supervisors to be change leaders about in desire?
Employees ultimately turn to their immediate supervisor for direction
In order for supervisors to create desire within their employees, they need to:
- Conduct effective conversations about the change at a group and individual level
- Manage persistent resistance to the change
- Demonstrate commitment to the change through their behavior
What is good points to remember in the tactic of Equip managers and supervisors in desire?
Having the right conversation with employees
- A supervisor should be open to having conversations about all aspects of the change.
Managing persistent resistance
- The top five reasons that managers resisted change were:
- Loss of power, responsibility or resources.
- Overburdened with current responsibilities and workload.
- Lacked awareness of the need for change.
- Lacked the skills needed to manage the change – believed
they were unprepared to manage the change with employees.
- Felt fearful or uncertain about the changes being made.
Identify the barrier point to this change
- To begin the process of managing resistance, a manager must
first consider which elements or building blocks of the ADKAR
model are currently strong or weak for an individual.
Listen and understand objections
- A critical first step when creating desire to change is to stop
talking and start listening
Remove obstacles
Make a personal appeal
- create a desire to change by making a personal appeal and leveraging their relationship with employees.
- manage resistance through negotiation
Provide simple, clear choices and consequences
Hold employees accountable
Convert the strongest dissenters
What is the tactic of Assess risks and anticipate resistance about in desire?
a process for assessing risks and mitigating those risks to reduce
resistance to the change
In the tactic of Assess risks and anticipate resistance in desire which two types of assessments exists and what are they about?
Change assessments
- evaluate the nature of the change from the perspective of the organization, and specifically from the perspective of different groups
- The purpose of a change assessment is to develop an overall
view of the size and scope of the change. This assessment evaluates the impact on different groups.
Organizational readiness assessments
- used to evaluate the overall readiness of the organization to change.
- Impact of past changes, Change capacity, Success of past changes, Shared vision and direction for the organization, Resources and funding availability, Organization’s culture and responsiveness to change, Organizational reinforcement.
What is the tactic of Engage employees in the change process about in desire?
The more you can engage employees in the change process, the better.
process transfers ownership of the
solution to employees.
Employee involvement and ownership naturally build desire to support the change.
What is the tactic of align incentive programs about in desire?
If incentive programs are in place, they must be realigned to
support the desired behavior
If these goals or objectives are not aligned with the
change, then the incentive to continue old behaviors remains
in place