Set A Vol 1 UREs Flashcards
Which career field subdivision loads nuclear and nonnuclear air-to-air munitions, explosives,
and propellant devices on aircraft?
Aircraft armament.
Which career field subdivision is responsible for the overall maintenance of nuclear
weapons, major components, and related equipment such as test and handling equipment?
Nuclear Weapons.
What steps must you take first to become a top manager of the munitions systems specialty?
Complete basic training, be assigned to the career field, and complete technical school.
What security clearance must you have for 2X0X1?
Reaching the 7-skill level signifies advancement from a journeyman to a
Which minimum grade must be reached to be a superintendent?
Which meeting is scheduled to revise or change the Career Field Education and Training
Utilization and Training Workshop
Which Air Force Base is the Utilization and Training Workshop normally held?
Which course must be completed for a craftsman to be upgraded to a superintendent?
Air Force Combat Ammunitions Center Combat Ammunition Planning and Production Course as an (SNCO).
Where can you find general skill level training requirements and career path progression information?
Part 1 of the Career Field Education and Training Plan (CFETP)
What is the most used section of the CFETP for upgrade training?
The specialty training standard
Who chairs the annual worldwide munitions managers’ conference?
Air Staff personnel
Which agency is a tactical echelon that provides operational leadership and supervision directly under the MAJCOM level command?
Numbered Air Force
Which agency reviews the availability and allocation forecast and develops a call-forward
schedule according to mission planning, storage capacity, and munitions requirements?
Major command (MAJCOM).
Which ammunition control point provides direct support to smaller geographic areas within
the theater?
Which command has cradle-to-grave responsibility of a weapon system?
Air Force Materiel Command.
Which organization has the mission to execute product support and supply management for AF munitions and related assets?
Air Force Global Ammunition Control Point.
Which type of wing performs the primary mission of the base and usually maintains and
operates the base?
Which type of wing often provides functional support rather than an operational mission?
Air base.
Which type of wing does a training wing represent?
Specialized mission
Who must select and appoint munitions inspectors?
Munitions supervision personnel.
Who appoints in writing personnel authorized to process, ship, and receive arms, ammo and explosives(AA&E)?
Squadron Commander
Who must enforce the strict use of technical orders and pertinent publications during all
explosive operations?
Munitions flight section chiefs
Which element within the production section processes/certifies munitions residue from
flightline and demilitarization operations for turn-in?
Conventional munitions maintenance.
Which element within the production section inspects and tests assigned missiles?
Precision guided munitions maintenance
Which section within the munitions flight plans, schedules, controls, and directs all
munitions activities?
Which element within the system section develops munitions deployments plans in
coordination with munitions supervision?
Combat plans and mobility and training.
Which element within the system section plans and arranges the maintenance of live, inert,
and dummy munitions and support equipment?
Munitions plans and scheduling
Which munitions element within the material section maintains and validates accountable
and auditable records?
The plan that is primarily developed for locations with a permanent AF presence and translates MAJCOM operation planning concepts into base level capes to support contingency forces is?
in-garrison expeditionary site.35
Which annex of an OPLAN identifies nonnuclear muns requirements?
Which plan is primarily developed for locations without a permanent Air Force presence
and may contain only the minimum data necessary to make initial bed down decisions?
Expeditionary site.
When developing a munitions employment plan, what action is the most efficient way to
gather information?
Conduct a site survey.
The War Consumable Distribution Objective contains information on muns anticipated to be expended during
In reference to implementing an operation the order that provides the combatant commander an approved course of action, combat forces, and strategic lift for planning purposes in lieu of other orders is ?
In reference to implementing an operation or munitions employment plan, which order
gives the combatant commander all essential execution planning information?
In reference to implementing an operation or munitions employment plan, which order is
issued by the Secretary of Defense and directs the deployment and/or employment of forces?
One substantial benefit of contamination avoidance is that it increases the
survivability of personnel.
What method is preferred when protecting vehicles, equipment, and munitions stores from
chemical contamination?
Indoor storage.
Which type of material provides the best protection for munitions assets from chemical
Who must ensure requirements for permanent covered bomb build areas, vehicle/aerospace
ground equipment storage shelters, and covered munitions trailer holding areas are developed and
Munitions flight officers/chiefs.
While in a contaminated environment, ensuring munitions personnel remain informed and
monitoring all activities closely must be done by munitions personnel in which areas?
Supervision and munitions control.
In reference to operational decontamination procedures, which item is issued in small
booklets and when dipped in a suspected chemical, immediately changes color?
M8 paper.
In reference to operational decontamination procedures, which item is used to
decontaminate equipment and munitions?
M295 kit.
Under which physical security protection level do nuclear weapons fall?
Under which physical security protection level do nonnuclear alert forces fall?
What are the 2 security areas a muns personnel will normally encounter?
restricted areas and controlled areas
How many entry control points should be set up for each restricted area?
The person who provides written permission for authorizing personnel entry into a restricted area is?
Which system is normally used to gain entry to a nonnuclear munitions storage area?
Controlled inventory item codes are used to
identify the degree of security while the munitions item is in storage or transit.
Classified items require the kind of protection that is
in the interest of national security.
What code is used to indicate that a specific item has a ready resale value, civilian utility or
application, and is, therefore, especially subject to theft?
Pilferable item code.
The protection given to very-high-risk and high-risk items (CAT 1& 2) is an alarmed facility unless what other condition exist?
facility is continuously manned or under constant surveillance
Which Department of Defense risk category consists of complete man-portable nonnuclear
missiles and rockets?
Which piece of information is a logistics and maintenance support indicator to operation
security vulnerability?
Deviations of normal procedures
What information is a logistics and maintenance support indicator and potential operations security (OPSEC) vulnerability?
prepositioned equipment
What reason is behind the Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program?
Ensure personnel meet the highest possible standards of individual reliability
What categories of duty positions fall under the Personnel Reliability Program?
Controlled and critical.
Performing duties in a critical personnel reliability program position normally requires
detailed technical knowledge of nuclear weapon systems.
Which reporting flag words brings nuclear surety related deficiencies to the immediate attention of the agencies that can evaluate the problems and correct them before they cause a more serious mishap?
dull sword
Which area would not be considered a no-lone zone?
A storage structure with limited life component containers.
Which Air Force Instruction provides detailed criteria for Dull Sword categories and
Who provides all Air Force personnel a safe and healthy work environment in which
recognized hazards have been eliminated or controlled?
Which major command (MAJCOM) gives technical assistance to mishap investigation
boards and implements corrective action involving materiel safety aspects of mishap reports?
Air Force Materiel Command
Under the AF Occupational Safety program, which action is a responsibility of both workers and supervisors?
understanding and observing safety standards
Which category of human factors leading to accidents includes attitude and distraction?
When handling items manually, what parts of the body are most likely to receive an injury?
Hands and fingers
Government owned vehicles other than those in the actual process of being loaded or
unloaded may not be parked closer than how many feet from an explosives storage area or
How often are fire drills conducted within an explosive storage area?
When explosives are being handled, how many suitable fire extinguishers must be available
for immediate use?
An electrical storm is considered “in the near vicinity” when it is within approximately how
many miles of the munitions storage area?
Conditions, procedures, and practices directly related to the work environment that create a
potential for producing occupational injuries or illnesses to exposed personnel within the
workplace are defined as
The publication you can find inspection requirements for a permanent or portable eyewash system is
AFI 91-203
Munitions are grouped into the same hazard division when they have
like explosive characteristics.
Hazard class 1 of the Department of Defense hazard classification system has how many divisions?
Which class/division explosions generally cause severe structural damage to adjacent
Some items included in explosive class/division 1.2 are
20mm and 30mm ammunition
Which explosive class/division includes items that burn vigorously and fires that are
difficult to put out?
What type of report may be submitted on any event or condition that affects flight, ground,
or weapons safety or occupational health?
One of the most difficult problems a supervisor has in training crewmembers is getting them to
follow technical order (TO) procedures
What is a basic principle to follow when using technical orders (TO)?
Know how to locate information.
The typical new 11A series technical order is broken down into
work packages.
The cardinal principle for explosives safety is to
expose the minimum number of people to the minimum amount of explosives for the minimum
amount of time.
What number of feet is the initial withdrawal distance of partially armed munitions with no
fire involved?
It is essential that missile safety personnel are familiar with missile?
transportation routes
Which munitions pose a forward firing ordnance hazard?
flare/flare dispensers
The Air Force instruction (AFI) that governs the intrinsic radiation safety program is
AFI 91–108.
What level of radiation is the annual maximum permissible amount for occupationally
exposed workers?
5 rems.
What do you call a group of XB3 items kept on hand in a work center to enhance
Bench stock.
Before a container is considered reusable, which requirements must it meet?
Protect unserviceable items against further deterioration
The maintenance data documentation collection system is described as a system
with a collection process, a storage process, and a retrieval process
Management uses maintenance data collection information for all of the following purposes
except to
generate weapon status reports
Periodic maintenance is also referred to as what other kind of maintenance?
In-progress inspections are required for operations that
include critical internal component connections.
Each remark entered on an AFTO Form 95, Significant Historical Data Record is preceded
by the date of the inspection or maintenance action and suffixed with the name of the
organization making the entry
When using the “CORRECTIVE ACTION” block on AFTO Form 244, Industrial/Support
Equipment Record, how do you correct an erroneous red dash or red diagonal entry?
Enter “Symbol entered in error, no discrepancy exits” and enter their minimum signature in the
The emphasis on reliability has evolved from all of the following except for the
fact that today’s weaponry systems must be as accurate as possible
Performing periodic functional testing on missile systems falls under which maintenance
All of the following missiles are tracked using the tactical missile reporting system except
Who acquires and maintains the pallet couplers, plastic coverings, tiedown straps, and dunnage for bldg deployment packages?
deployed units
The frequency of training required for pallet build-up personnel is
initial and annually
Within which wings is a commander’s inspection program required for conduction internal inspections?
All Air Force
A reason for an external inspection by an outside agency is
to validate and verify the wing’s internal inspection process
Management internal control toolset (MICT) program is a
continual real-time evaluation tool
Which publication is used to obtain information to measure intrinsic radiation of weapons in the stockpile?
TO 11N-20-7 Nuclear safety criteria
Under what circumstance would a crew chief stop an explosive operation
an unknown visitor enters the area
What are two supply references that cover practices and procedure for US government property?
AFI 23-101 and Dodi 4140.01
The type of maintenance data collection whose overall responsibility is it to ensure the accuracy and completion of all maintenance actions performed at the lowest level?
each performing work center supervisor
The type of maintenance similar to performing an oil and filter change on your personally owned vehicle is known as what kind of maintenance?
When the automated system to document maintenance data (generated work order) is not available use the manual method by completing an
AFTO Form 349, Maintenance Data Collection Record
What is the basic reason for creating emphasis on AIM and AGM reliability monitoring system?
the need to determine how well an equipment item meets in functioning requirement and how that item will perform in the future
Which agency maintains the AF’s operation AIM and AGM inventory?
Warner Robins Air Logistics Center (WR-ALC)
Which program/menu in the TMRS allows you to enter a missile’s flight hour data?
Missile update