Set 1: Most Common Consonants and Vowels Flashcards
"Through the '45 Most Common Thai Consonants & Vowels' flashcard deck, you'll learn everything you need in each letter.
(CON) Sound and Class?
G(host) K(ids) = Middle Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
K(ilos) = High Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
K(wai) = Low Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
(a)ng(ling) = Low Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
J(aws) T(yrannosaurus) = Middle Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
Ch(ariot) T(raveler) = High Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
Ch(art) T(eacher) = Low Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
D(oor) T(rader) = Middle Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
D(ental) T(est) = Middle Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
T(rekker) = High Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
T(anning) = Low Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
N(urse) = Low Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
B(in) P(ollution) = Middle Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
B(eer) P(itcher) = Middle Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
P(eak) = High Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
P(ants) = Low Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
F(inish) P(icking) = Low Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
M(oped) = Low Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
Y(atch) I(ceberg) = Low Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
R(aining) N(ovember) = Low Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
L(awn) N(eat) = Low Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
W(hale) O(cean) = Low Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
S(torm) T(hunderbolt) = High Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
H(orns) = High Class
(CON) Sound and Class?
AW(ning) = Middle Class
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
A(crobat), Short & After
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
A(ttack), Short & After
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
Oo-ah, Long & After
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
Am(mo), Short/Long & After
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
I(ck), Short & Above
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
E(agle), Long & Above
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
Eu, Short & Above
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
Euu, Long & Above
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
Short Boot, Short & Below
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
Long Boot, Long & Below
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
Owl, Short+Long & Around
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
Piano, Long & Around
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
**O*(pener), Long & Before
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
Eu+er, Long & Around
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
A(rch), Long & After
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
Ai(d), Long & Before
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
A(thlete), Long & Before
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
Eye(glasses), Long+Short & Before
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
An Eye(glass), Long+Short & Before
(VOW) Sound, Length & Location
**Ea**(rth), Long & Around
## Footnote
We will use teh symbol "əə" during the course to avoid the pronunciation of "r"