Session 8 - Memory Flashcards
A series of active systems that receive, store, organize, alter and recover information is known as?
Conversion of info into a suitable form for retention is known as?
Recovery of stored information is called?
A fleeting storage system for sensory impressions is what kind of memory?
Sensory memory
Mental image or visual representation stored for about half a second is what kind of memory?
Iconic memory
Brief continuation of sensory activity in the auditory system after a sound is heard is what kind of memory?
Echoic memory
Storage system used to hold small amounts of information in conscious awareness about a dozen seconds is what kind of memory?
Short term memory
Short term memory used in thinking or problem solving is what type of memory?
Working memory
Unlimited capacity storage system that can hold information over lengthy periods of time is what type of memory?
Long term memory
long term memories for how to do things that require motor or performance skills is what kind of memory?
Procedural memory
Memory containing specific factual information such as names, faces, words, dates, and ideas is what type of memory?
Declarative memory
A subpart of declarative memory that records impersonal knowledge about the world is what type of memory?
Semantic memory
A subpart of declarative memory that records personal experiences that are linked with specific times and places is what type of memory?
Episodic memory
Recollection that a person does not know exists and is retrieved unconsciously is what type of memory?
Implicit memory
A recollection that a person is aware of having or is consciously retrieved is what type of memory?
Explicit memory
Memory influenced by one’s physical state at the time of learning and at the time of retrieval is called?
State dependent learning
Inability to retrieve memories of events that occurred before an injury or trauma is called?
Retrograde amnesia
Inability to form or retrieve memories of events that occur after and injury or trauma
Anterograde amnesia
Especially vivid and detailed recollections of an emotional event are known as?
Flash bulb memories - Heightened activity in the hippocampus appears to intensify memory consolidation
The failure to recall a memory due to missing stimuli or cues that were present at the time the memory was encoded is known as?
Cue-dependent forgetting
The study of internal mental processes is called?
Cognitive psychology
the sudden mental reorganization of a problem that makes the solution obvious is called?
A tendency to perceive an item only in terms of its most common use is known as?
Functional fixedness
Capacity for rational thought, purposeful action, and effective adaptation is known as?
What are the 5 cognitive factors measured by the Stanford-Binet test?
- Fluid r_______
- Knowledge
- Q_______ reasoning
- Visual-s_______ processing
- W_____ memory
- reasoning
- Quantitative
- spatial
- Working
Which widely used test yields an overall intelligence score but has separate scores for non-verbal, verbal and performance intelligence?
Wechsler Adult intelligence test
Intelligence measured by solving puzzles, assembling objects, completing pictures, and other non-verbal tasks is known as?
Performance intelligence
Which intelligence is measured by answering questions involving vocabulary, general information, arithmetic and other language or symbol-oriented tasks
Verbal intelligence
What is the difference between intelligence and aptitude tests?
Test s for aptitude measure a narrower range of abilities than intelligence tests
What characterizes intellectual disability?
- Presence of a d_______ d______
- a formal IQ score below ____
- impairment of a______ behaviour
- developmental disability
- 70
- adaptive
Possession of exceptional mental ability in one or more narrow areas, by a person of limited general intelligence is known as?
Savant syndrome
Mild intellectual disability associated with homes that are intellectually, nutritionally, and emotionally impoverished is known as?
Familial intellectual disability
intellectual disability caused by a defect in the X-chromosome is called?
Fragile X syndrome
A disorder in which the head and brain are abnormally small is called?
A build up of cerebrospinal fluid within brain cavities is known as?
Stunted growth and intellectual disability cased by an insufficient supply of thyroid hormone is known as?