Session 3 - Setting The Scene - Anatomy Flashcards
Name the layers of the gut tube
Muscle layer
What are the elements of the mucosa?
Lamina propria
Muscularis mucosa
What is the function of the epithelium?
Mucus production
Hormone production
What is contained in the lamina propria?
Lymphoid nodules
Antibodies (IgA)
What is the function of the musclaris mucosa?
Maintains the shape of the epithelium
Keeps the epithelium in contact with food
Prevents stagnation within the crypts.
What is contained within the submucosa?
The submucosal plexus.
Blood vessels
Dense connective tissue
What is in the external muscle layers?
Circular muscle
Myenteric plexus
Longitudinal plexus.
What is in the serosal layer?
Blood vessels
Adipose tissue
What type of epithelium is the gut composed of?
In mouth and distal anus - stratified squamous
Everything in between - simple columnar
What is the predominant cell of the GI tract?
What features does the enterocyte have to enable it to perform its function?
1 cell layer thick
Microvilli - brush border
which cells produce mucus?
Goblet cells
What is the protective function of mucus?
Protects against friction
Protects against acid - chemical damage
Protects against bacteria - by forming a physical barrier
Which cells secrete mucus in the stomach?
Gastric surface mucus cells
where are gastric surface mucous cells found?
Lining the gastric mucosa/gastric pits