Session 1- Introduction to microbes, what is an infection? Flashcards
what is an infection
invasion of a host’s tissues by microorganisms and disease caused by
- microbial multiplication
- toxins
- host response
micro-organisms carried on skin and mucosal surfaces
normally harmless or beneficial
transfer to other sites can be harmful
how do people get infections
- physical contact required sometimes
- airborne
- vector
- droplets
- aerosols
-faecal-oral transmission
Vertical transmission
-mother to child before or after birth
int bloodstream
virulence factors
- cytolytic
- AB toxins
- superantigens
host cellular damage
consequent to hot immune response
how do we know if a patient has an infection
taking a history
- focal, systemic
- severity
- duration
supportive investigative techniques
full blood count CRP blood chemistry imaging histopathology
specimen types
-swabs, fluids tissues
microscopy culture antibiotic susceptibility antigen detection nucleic acid detection
antigen detection
antobody detection
detecting viral nucleic acid DNA or RNA
can survive in the presence of oxygen
-obligate aerobes- require oxygen for survival
can survive in the absence of oxygen-free environment for survival
virulence factors for mechanics of bacterial pathogenesis
host entry adherence to host cells invasiveness iron sequestration fimbrae
gram positive
thick multi-layered peptidoglycan cell walls that are exterior to the cytoplasmic membrane
stain purple
gram negative
more complex cell wall structure composed of two membranes separated by periplasmic space containing the peptidoglycan layer
outer membrane distinguished by layer of LPS
what are the three encapsulated bacteria
streptpcoccus pneumonia
haemophilus influenzae type b
neisseria meningitidis
what is a virulence factor
a specific adaptation of a pathogen (organism capable of infection) that allows it to better infect cells, replicate and survive.
what are endotoxins
consist of the lipopolysaccharide part of the cell wall of gram negative bacteria. Endotoxins cause an inflammatory response.
These endotoxins do not produce an acquired immune response as they are not immunogenic
what are exotoxins
toxins secreted by bacteria that can destroy body cells and affect normal cellular metabolism.