Sepsis Flashcards
Common indications
- Severe infections, particularly those caused by G-ve aerobes (including Pseudomonas)
- Aminoglycosides lack activity against strep and anaerobes
- Severe sepsis- including where the source is unidentified
- Pyelonephritis and complicated UTI
- Biliary and other intra-abdominal sepsis
- Endocardiditis
- Aminoglycosides bind irreversibly to bacterial ribosomes (30S subunit) and inhibit protein synthesis.
- They are bactericidal (i.e. they kill bacteria), although this effect is likely to be due to additional mechanisms that are incompletely understood.
- Their spectrum of action includes Gram-negative aerobic bacteria, staphylococci and mycobacteria (for example, streptomycin was one of the first effective treatments for tuberculosis).
- Aminoglycosides enter bacterial cells via an oxygen-dependent transport system. Streptococci and anaerobic bacteria do not have this transport system, so have innate aminoglycoside resistance.
- Other bacteria acquire resistance through reduced cell membrane permeability to aminoglycosides or acquisition of enzymes that modify aminoglycosides to prevent them from reaching the ribosomes.
- As penicillins weaken bacterial cell walls, they may enhance aminoglycoside activity by increasing bacterial uptake.
Adverse effects
- The most important adverse effects are nephrotoxicity and ototoxicity.
- Aminoglycosides accumulate in renal tubular epithelial cells and cochlear and vestibular hair cells where they trigger apoptosis and cell death.
- Nephrotoxicity presents reduced urine output and rising serum creatinine and urea and is potentially reversible.
- Ototoxicity is often not noticed until after resolution of the acute infection, when the patient may complain of hearing loss, tinnitus (cochlear damage) and/or vertigo (vestibular damage). Ototoxicity may be irreversible.
- Aminoglycosides are renally excreted.
- Monitoring of plasma drug concentrations with careful dose adjustment is essential to prevent renal, cochlear and vestibular damage, particularly in neonates and the elderly who are most susceptible and in patients with renal impairment.
- Aminoglycosides can impair neuromuscular transmission so should not be given to people with myasthenia gravis unless absolutely necessary.
- Ototoxicity is more likely if aminoglycosides are co-prescribed with loop diuretics (e.g. furosemide) or vancomycin.
- Nephrotoxicity is more likely if aminoglycosides are co-prescribed with ciclosporin, platinum chemotherapy, cephalosporins or vancomycin.
- Explain that the aim of treatment is to get rid of the infection and improve symptoms. Ask the patient daily if they have noticed any change in their hearing, ringing in their ears or dizziness and advise them to let you know if this occurs.
- Ensure that the prescription clearly indicates that dosing depends on plasma concentrations and that measurement and recording of these have been organised, particularly at weekends.
- For efficacy, monitor symptoms and signs (e.g. pyrexia) and blood inflammatory markers (e.g. C-reactive protein) to ensure resolution of infection.
- For safety, renal function should be measured before (to guide dosing) and during (to detect toxicity) parenteral aminoglycoside therapy.
- The plasma drug concentration is usually measured 18–24 hours after the first dose (trough level).
- The next dose should only be administered if these have fallen to a safe level with a low risk of toxicity (e.g. gentamicin <1 mg/mL).
- If the plasma concentration is too high, the next dose should be withheld until repeat levels indicate that it is safe to give.
Cephalosporins and carbapenems
cefotaxime, meropenem
Common indications
- Oral cephalosporins are 2nd/2nd line treatment options for urinary and respiratory tract infections
- IV ceph and carbapenems are reserved for treating infections that are very severe or complicated or caused by the antibiotic-resistant organism. Due to their broad antimicrobial spectrum, they can be used for most indications.
Cephalosporins and carbapenems
- Cephalosporins and carbapenems are derived from naturally occurring antimicrobials produced by fungi and bacteria.
- Like penicillins, their antimicrobial effect is due to their β-lactam ring.
- During bacterial cell growth, cephalosporins and carbapenems inhibit enzymes responsible for cross-linking peptidoglycans in bacterial cell walls.
- This weakens cell walls, preventing them from maintaining an osmotic gradient, resulting in bacterial cell swelling, lysis and death.
- Both types of antibiotics have a broad spectrum of action. For cephalosporins, progressive structural modification has led to successive ‘generations’ (first to fifth), increasing activity against Gram-negative bacteria and less oral activity.
- Cephalosporins and carbapenems are naturally more resistant to β-lactamases than penicillins due to fusion of the β-lactam ring with a dihydrothiazine ring (cephalosporins) or a unique hydroxyethyl side chain (carbapenems).
Cephalosporins and carbapenems
Adverse effects
- Gastrointestinal upset, such as nausea and diarrhoea, are common. Less frequently, antibiotic-associated colitis occurs when broad-spectrum antibiotics kill normal gut flora, allowing overgrowth of toxin-producing Clostridium difficile.
- This is debilitating and can be complicated by colonic perforation and death.
- Hypersensitivity, including immediate and delayed reactions, may occur
- As cephalosporins and carbapenem share structural similarities to penicillins, cross-reactivity may occur with some penicillin-allergic patients.
- There is a risk of central nervous system toxicity including seizures, particularly where carbapenems are prescribed in high dose or to patients with renal impairment.
Cephalosporins and carbapenems
- Cephalosporins and carbapenems should be used with caution in people at risk of C. difficile infection, particularly those in the hospital and the elderly.
- The main contraindication is the history of allergy to penicillin, cephalosporin or carbapenem, particularly if there was an anaphylactic reaction.
- Carbapenems should be used with caution in patients with epilepsy.
- A dose reduction is required for both drug classes in renal impairment.
Cephalosporins and carbapenems
- As broad-spectrum antibiotics, cephalosporins and carbapenems can enhance the anticoagulant effect of warfarin by killing normal gut flora that synthesises vitamin K.
- Cephalosporins may increase nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides. Carbapenems reduce plasma concentration and efficacy of valproate.
Common indications
- Streptococcal infection including tonsilitis, pneumonia (in combination with a macrolide if severe), endocarditis and skin and soft tissue infections (Fluclox)
- Clostridial infection e.g. tetanus
- Meningococcal infection e.g. meningitis, septicaemia
- Penicillins inhibit the enzymes responsible for cross-linking peptidoglycans in bacterial cell walls.
- This weakens cell walls, preventing them from maintaining an osmotic gradient.
- The uncontrolled entry of water into bacteria causes cell swelling, lysis and death.
- Penicillins contain a β-lactam ring, which is responsible for their antimicrobial activity.
- Sidechains attached to the β-lactam ring can be modified to make semi-synthetic penicillins.
- The nature of the side chain determines the antimicrobial spectrum and other properties of the drug.
- Bacteria resist penicillins’ actions by making β-lactamase, an enzyme that breaks the β-lactam ring and prevents antimicrobial activity.
- Other resistance mechanisms include limiting the intracellular concentration of penicillin (reduced bacterial permeability or increased extrusion) or changes in the target enzyme to prevent penicillin-binding.
Adverse effects
- Penicillin allergy affects 1–10% of people. This usually presents as a skin rash 7–10 days after first exposure or 1–2 days after repeat exposure (subacute [delayed] IgG-mediated reaction).
- Less commonly, an immediate (minutes to hours) life-threatening IgE-mediated anaphylactic reaction occurs with some or all of hypotension, bronchial and laryngeal spasm/oedema and angioedema.
- Central nervous system toxicity (including convulsions and coma) can occur with high doses of penicillin or where severe renal impairment delays excretion.
- Penicillin can generally be used safely in most clinical situations, although a dose reduction is required for patients with renal impairment.
- The main contraindication to penicillin use is a history of penicillin allergy. Note that allergy to one type of penicillin implies allergy to all types as it is due to a reaction to the basic penicillin structure.
- Penicillins reduce renal excretion of MTX, increasing the risk of toxicity
Penicillins, antipseudomonal
Piperacillin with tazobactam
Common indications
- Antipseudomonal penicillins are reserved for severe infections, particularly where there is a broad spectrum of potential pathogens (including Pseudomonas aeruginosa); antibiotic resistance is likely (e.g. hospital-acquired infection), or patients are immunocompromised (e.g. neutropenia). Clinical infections treated with these drugs include:
- Lower respiratory tract infections
- Intra-abdominal sepsis
- Skin and soft tissue infection
Penicillins, Antipseudomonal
- Penicillins inhibit the enzymes responsible for cross-linking peptidoglycans in bacterial cell walls.
- This weakens cell walls, preventing them from maintaining an osmotic gradient.
- The uncontrolled entry of water into bacteria causes cell swelling, lysis and death. Penicillins contain a β-lactam ring, which is responsible for their antimicrobial activity.
- Side chains attached to the β-lactam ring can be modified to make semi-synthetic penicillins.
- For piperacillin, the side chain of broad-spectrum penicillins has been converted to a form of urea.
- This longer side chain may improve affinity to penicillin-binding proteins, increasing the spectrum of antimicrobial activity to include Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
- Addition of the β-lactamase inhibitor tazobactam confers antimicrobial activity against β-lactamase- producing bacteria (e.g. Staphylococcus aureus, Gram-negative anaerobes).
Penicillins, Anti Pseudomonal
Adverse effects
- Gastrointestinal upset including nausea and diarrhoea is common.
- Less frequently, antibiotic-associated colitis occurs when broad-spectrum antibiotics kill normal gastrointestinal flora, allowing overgrowth of toxin-producing Clostridium difficile.
- This is debilitating and can be complicated by colonic perforation and/or death. Delayed or immediate hypersensitivity may occur
Penicillins, Antipseudomonal
- Antipseudomonal penicillins should be used with caution in people at risk of C. difficile infection, particularly those in the hospital and the elderly.
- The main contraindication is a history of penicillin allergy.
- Note that allergy to one type of penicillin implies allergy to all types as it is due to a reaction to the basic penicillin structure.
- The dose of antipseudomonal penicillins should be reduced in patients with moderate/severe renal impairment.
Penicillins, Antipseudomonal
- Penicillins reduce renal excretion of methotrexate, increasing the risk of toxicity.
- Antipseudomonal penicillins can enhance the anticoagulant effect of warfarin by killing normal gastrointestinal flora that synthesises vitamin K.
Common indications
- Treatment G+ infections e.g. endocarditis, where the infection is severe and/or severe penicillins can not be used due to resistance (MRSA) or allergy
- Treatment of antibiotic-associated colitis caused by C.diff infection (2nd line where metronidazole is ineffective)
- Vancomycin inhibits growth and cross-linking of peptidoglycan chains, inhibiting the synthesis of the cell wall of G+ bacteria
- It, therefore, has specific activity against G+ aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and is inactive against most G-ve bacteria, which have a different cell wall structure
- Bacterial resistance to vancomycin is increasingly reported
- One mechanism is the modification of cell wall structure to prevent vancomycin binding
Adverse effect
- The most common adverse effect is pain and inflammation of the vein (thrombophlebitis) at the infusion site.
- If vancomycin is infused rapidly, severe adverse reactions can occur. These include anaphylactoid reactions classically described as ‘red man syndrome’. This is characterised by generalised erythema and may be associated with hypotension and bronchospasm.
- Anaphylactoid reactions are not antigen-mediated (i.e. not true allergy) but are due to non-specific degranulation of mast cells. However, a true allergy to vancomycin (immediate or delayed hypersensitivity) can also occur.
- Intravenous vancomycin can cause nephrotoxicity, including renal failure and interstitial nephritis, ototoxicity, with tinnitus and hearing loss, and blood disorders, including neutropenia and thrombocytopenia.
- Vancomycin treatment requires careful monitoring of plasma drug concentrations and dose adjustment to avoid toxicity.
- Particular caution including dose reduction should be taken when prescribing for people with renal impairment and the elderly (increased risk of hearing impairment).
- Vancomycin increases the risk of ototoxicity and/or nephrotoxicity when prescribed with aminoglycosides, loop diuretics or ciclosporin (an immunosuppressant drug).
- Explain that the aim of treatment is to get rid of the infection and improve symptoms.
- For oral treatment, encourage the patient to complete the prescribed course.
- Warn them to report any ringing in the ears or change in hearing during treatment, as this is only reversible if treatment is stopped promptly.
- Vancomycin treatment is relatively uncommon, so patients are unlikely to give a history of prior vancomycin allergy.
- Where IV therapy is used, pre-dose (trough) plasma vancomycin concentrations should be measured during treatment.
- Vancomycin dosage should be adjusted to keep plasma concentrations above 10 mg/L to maintain therapeutic effect but below 15 mg/L to minimise toxicity.
- Check that infection resolves by resolution of symptoms, signs (e.g. pyrexia) and blood markers (e.g. falling C-reactive protein and white cell count) as appropriate.
- Safety monitoring should include daily renal function and regular full blood count monitoring during prolonged therapy (risk of renal impairment, blood disorders).