Sentences Flashcards
Buddho loke uppajjati
The Buddha is born in the world
So sāvakānam dhammam deseti
He preaches the doctrine to the disciples
Sāvakā dhammam pariyāpunanti
The disciples memorize the doctrine
Te Buddhassa dhammam dhārenti
They keep in mind/support the Buddha’s doctrine
Upāsako samghassa dānam deti
The disciple gives alms to the community
Sappuriso dhammena jīvati
The good person lives with the doctrine
Manussā gāmesu vasanti
Human being live in the villages
Mahallako magge gacchati
The old man goes on the path
Dārako pañham pucchati
The young one asks question
Aham Buddham pūjemi
I offer to the Buddha
Tvam lobham dosam ca moham pajahasi
You give up attraction, aversion, and delusion
Mayam dhammassa dāyādā homa
We are the inheritors of the doctrine
Dhammo sanantano hoti
The doctrine is eternal
Samgho maggam bhāveti
The community develops the path
Upāsikāyo saddhāya Tathāgatam upasamkamissanti
The female lay devotees will approach the Buddha with faith
Pańditā māńavikā māyam ca manam ca pajahissati
The wise young girl will give up deceit and conceit
Aham ariyassa vinaye sikkhissāmi
I will train myself in the noble discipline
Vācāsu sammā vācā setthā
The right speech is supreme among the way of talking
Tańhāya jāyati soko
Sorrow is born from the craving
Pabbajitāyo upassayesu viharissanti
The female renounced persons will stay in the nunneries
Sā dārika mettam bhāvessati
That girl will cultivate loving kindness
Tumhe avijjam pajahissatha, vijjam uppādessatha
You will abandon wrong knowledge and give rise to right knowledge
Mayam jaram upema
We come to decay
Sikkhākāma vedanam adhivāsenti
Those who desire disciple endure feeling
Cetanā aham bhilkkhave kammam vadāmi
O monk, I say volition is kamma
Tvam jivhāya rasam sāyissasi
You will taste the taste with the tongue
Mahallikāyo gāthāyo bhāsissanti
The old ladies will recite verses
Devatā Tathāgatam namassanti
Gods will bow down to the Buddha
Buddhassa sāvikāyo satte anukampanti
The female disciples of the Buddha are compassionate to living beings
Māńavako dhanam labhi
The young man obtained the wealth
Kassako khettam kasi
The farmer ploughed the fields
Upāsikāyo pañca silāni rakkhimsu
The female devotees will protect the five precepts
Tā silenā devaloke uppajjimsu
They were born in the heaven by virtue morality
Aham pāpam na akarim
I didn’t do demerit
Tāpasā araññesu viharimsu
Ascetics lived in the forest
Mayam puññani akarimha
We did the good deeds
Aham yānena nagaram gacchim
I went to the city by the van
Tvam vattham paridaho
You are clothed
Mayam suttāni ugganhāma
We learnt sutras
Pabbajito senāsanā nikkhamati
The renounced one goes out from the lodging
Tumhe rūpāni passittha
You saw material forms
Rūpam aniccam
Material form is impermanent
So samghassa dānam adadi
He gave alms to the community
Sā dhamme abhiramati
She takes delight in the doctrines
Māńavikāyo cittāni bhāvesum
The young girls cultivated the minds
Sādhū atithīnaM saMgaho
Good is the treatment for the guests
Munayo girimhi vasissanti
The monks will live on the rock
Gahapati TathāgataM dassanāya gacchi
The householder went to the Buddha for the purpose of seeing
Kavi gāthāyo bandhissati
Poet will compose the verses
Adhipatino gehaM corā bhindimsu
The thieves broke the house of the lord
Mahodadhi nidhīnaM āvāso hoti
Great ocean is the residence of hidden treasure
So isīhi saddhim mantessati
He will discuss with the sage
Bhariyā patissa kulam gacchati
The wife goes to the family of the husband
Tathāgatassa ācariya-mutthi natthi
There is no the fist of the teacher for the Buddha
Puratthimāya disāya ravi udeti
Sun comes up from the eastern direction
Bodhisatto bhūpatiM anusāsi
The Boddhisatta instructed the king
AhaM pāninā mañim ganhiM
I took the gem with the palm
Vejjo vyādhinaM bhesajjaM karoti
Doctor makes medicine for the sicknesses
TvaM devatāya baliM harissasi
I will carry offering to the god
Upadhīhi dukkā pabhavanti
Sufferings originate from defilements
Sādhū atithīnaM saMgaho
Good is the treatment for the guests
Munayo girimhi vasissanti
The monks will live on the rock
Gahapati TathāgataM dassanāya gacchi
The householder went to the Buddha for the purpose of seeing
Kavi gāthāyo bandhissati
Poet will compose the verses
Adhipatino gehaM corā bhindimsu
The thieves broke the house of the lord
Mahodadhi nidhīnaM āvāso hoti
Great ocean is the residence of hidden treasure
So isīhi saddhim mantessati
He will discuss with the sage
Bhariyā patissa kulam gacchati
The wife goes to the family of the husband
Tathāgatassa ācariya-mutthi natthi
There is no the fist of the teacher for the Buddha
Puratthimāya disāya ravi udeti
Sun comes up from the eastern direction
Bodhisatto bhūpatiM anusāsi
The Boddhisatta instructed the king
AhaM pāninā mañim ganhiM
I took the gem with the palm
Vejjo vyādhinaM bhesajjaM karoti
Doctor makes medicine for the sicknesses
TvaM devatāya baliM harissasi
I will carry offering to the god
Upadhīhi dukkā pabhavanti
Sufferings originate from defilements
Nandati puttehi puttimā
The one who has children rejoices with the children.
Dhaniya Gopāla Sutta (Sn)
uṭṭhātā vindate dhanaṃ
One who works gets wealth (money)
Āḷavaka Sutta (SN)
bhagavā jānaṃ jānāti
The Blessed One knows what is to be known.
Madhupiṇḍika Sutta (MN)
Bhagavā bhikkū āmanletvā dhammaM desesi
The Buddha having addressed and preached the dhamma to the monks.
Bhikkhū Bhagavato bhāsitaM abhinandum
The monks took special interest in the teachings of Buddha.
Devatāyo Bhagavantam dassanāya upasamkamitvā ekamantaM atthaMsu
The deities having come to see the Blessed One at the corner
Sāvakā Bhagavatā saddhiM gamma pindāya pavisisanti
The disciples with the Buddha will enter into the village for alms
Susu pitarā Saha sindhum gantvā nāvaM passi
The child having gone to the sea with the father saw a boat.
Yo vo Ānada, majā dhammo ca vinago ca desito paññatto, so vo mamaccayena satthā. –Digha Nikāya Vol II
Whatever Dhamma & Vinaya preached, and promulgated by me, that will be your teacher when I am gone.(yo: whatever. Vo: for you. Mamaccayena: after my passing away. Paññatto: promulgated. Desito: preached)
Bodhisatto bodhiyā mūle ānāpānasatiM bhāvesi
Bodhisatta cultivated mindfullness on breathing in and out at the root of Bodhi tree
So viriyam ārabhi
He started the right effort
Rattiyā pathame yāme pubbajatiM anussari
He remembered previous birth in the first watch of the night.
Rattiyā pacchime yāme saccāni pativijjhi
He realised the truths in the last watch of the night
Paticcasamuppādo paNNāya bhūmi
Dependent origination is the ground of wisdom
Pathama mahā samgītiya Theravādo pātubhavi
Theravāda appeared from the first great council
Buddhassa anumatiyā Gotamī iddhiM dassesi
Gotamī showed the psychic power with the approval of the Buddha
Natthi kāmesu titti
There is no satisfaction in sense pleasures
MayaM aratiM ca ratiM ca sahissāma
We shall overcome likes and dislikes (sahati overcome)
AhaM rājadhāniyā rajadhāriM vicarissāmi
I shall go from one kingdom to another kingdom
Suddhi asuddhi pacattam
Purity and impurity are personal.
Sabbe sattā santiM gavesissanti
All living beings will search for peace
Pītiya passaddhi jāyati
Lightness is born from joy
Khanti sappurisānaM dhammo
Tolerance is the nature of good persons
Mannussā sāmaggiyā vuddhiM pāpunanti
People reach progress by unity
Nābhinandâmi maraNaM
Nāvakamkhāmi jīvitaM
Kālañca abhikaMkhāmi
VetanaM bhatako yathā
I do not specially rejoice over death
I do not underestimate life/living
I am waiting for the time
Just as daily paid worker waiting for his payment
Dhammo samatano hoti
Dhamma is eternal
Sāvako dhamaM sunāti
Disciple listens to the Dhamma
Sutvā dhamaM dhāreti
Having listened to the Dhamma, memories
Sappurisā dhammena jīvanti
The good person live with the Dhamma
MayaM saMghassa dānaM datvā puññaM labhāma
Having given alms to samgha, we gain merit/benefit
Upāsikāyo saddhāyā TathāgataM upasaMkamitvā dhammaM sutvā sagge uppajjiMsu
Upa: close
Sam: together
Kamati: goes
the female devotees having gone together towards to the Buddha with the faith, having listened to the Dhamma, were born in the heaven.
So mettaM bhāvetvā brahmaloke uppajji
He having cultivated living kindness was born in the Brahma world.
CetanāhaM Bhikkave kamaM vadāmi
O monk, I say will is kamma
Sutthi asutthi pacattam
Purity and impurity is personal
Kāyena saMvaro sādhu
Physical restrainment is good
Dhammo sanatano hoti
Dhamma is eternal
SaMgho maggaM bhāveti
Samgha cultivate the path
Ariya sāvako silāni rakkhati
Noble disciple protects the moral principle
Silāni : nt. pl. acc.
Te silena sagge nibbattanti
They are born in heaven by moral principle
Upāsikā saddhāvantā gāthaM sajjhāyati
The faithful lady devotee recites aloud the stanza
AhaM tumhe āmantemi
I address/call you
At on side
At one corner
Bhagavā bhikkū āmanletvā dhamMaM desesi
The Buddha having addressed the Dhamma preached to the monks.
Bhikkhū bhagavato bhāsitaM abhinandum
The monks took special interests in the teachings of Buddha
Devatāyo bhagavantaM dassanāya upasamkamitvā ekamantaM aTThaMsu
The deities having come to see the Blessed One stood at one corner
Sāvakā Bhagavatā saddhiM gāmaM pindāya pavisisanti
The disciples with the Buddha will enter into the village for alms
Susu pitarā Saha sindhum gantvā nāvaM passi
The child having gone to the sea with the father saw a boat
Bandhavo setunā NadiM taritvā nagaraM pavisitvā bhandāni kinanti
The relatives having crossed the river by the bridge having entered the city buy the goods
Bimbisāro Rājagahe veluvanaM Bhagavato pūjesi
Bimbisara offers bamboo grove to the Blessed One in the city of Rājagaha
So akkhi-dubbalaM ekaM itthim passitvā pucchi
He having seen one woman with weak eyes asked.
Vejjo aggim jāletvā bhesajjaM pacitvā gilānassa adāsi
The doctor having kindled the fire and having cooked the medicine gave to the sick
Sīlavanto ca satimanto ca Bhagavato vācānaM na vissaranti
Those who have virtuous and those who have good memory do not forget the Blessed one’s work
Mayam sattusu metta-cittam bhāvetvā sukham jīvāma
We having cultivated friendly mind towards enemies lives happily
Hantā labhati hantāraM, netā labhati vattāraM
Striker attains another striker, the leader attains critic.
Rāhulakumāro satthāram vanditvā pattaM gahetvā vihāram gantvā, pabbjī
The boy Rāhula having worshipped the teacher, having taken the bowl, having gone to the temple renounced the world.
Satthā bhagavā sāvako ahaM
The Buddha is the teacher, I am the disciple
Bhāta vinā bhaginiyā gehaM gantvā, pitiuno ārocesi
The brother having gone home without sisters inform the father.
Cakkhunā rūpaM disvā/passitvā
Having seen the material form with the eyes
Sotena saddaM sutvā
Having heard the sound with the ear
Ghānena gandhaM ghāyitvā
Having smell the smell through the nose
Jivhāya rasaM sāyitvā
Having tasted the taste with the tongue
Kāyena phoTThabbaM phusitvā
Having touched the touchable with the body
Manasā dhamMaM viññāya
Having understood the Dhamma with the mind
SāmaNeriyo pātova yāguM pivitvā ārāme vattapaTivattaM karonti
The female novices do routine work in the monastery after drinking gruel in the early morning.
Sassu sasurena saddhiM ārāmaM gantvā cetiyaM vanditvā bhikkhū nimantesi
The mother-in-law with the father-in-law invited the monks after having gone to the monastery and having worshiped the pagoda.
Pāpakārino dhammavā dīnaM vacanaM anādiyatitvā pāpāni katvā niraye nibbattissanti.
The evil-doer without having taken up the word of the truth speaker having done evil things will appear in the purgatory
ATTha bhūpatayo Tathāgatassa dhātuyo nidahitvā aTTha thūpāni akariMsu
Eight kings having enshrined the Buddha’s relics, made eight pagodas in their kingdoms.
Andhabālā puthujjanā pāne hantvā appāyukā bhavissanti.
Foolish common worldlings having killed living being will become ones with short span of life.
Dve vānijā bhātaro Tathāgatassa manthaM ca madhum ca pujesuM
Two merchant brothers offered cake and honey to the Buddha
Puttā vatthu manussānam
The children are the ground of human beings
Mātuyā ca pituno ca metta-cittaM putta-dhītānaM hitāvaha hoti
The living kindness of mother and father brings about benefit for sons and daughters.
Mātā ca pitā ca putte anukampanti
Mother and father are kind towards to children.
Padumāni puNdarīkāni ca ambuyā jāyanti
Red lotus and white lotus are born from the water.
Pañca bhesajjāni nāma, sappi, navanītam, telaM, madhu, phāNitaM.
Five medicine are, namely, ghee, fresh butter, sesame oil, honey, and raw sugar.
AhaM hi brāhmaNa kasāmi ca vapāmi ca, kasitvā ca vapitvā ca bhuñjāmi.
O Brahmin, certainly I plough and sow the seed, having plough end and sowed the seed, I eat.
Anandatthero satimā ca bahussuto ca hutvā TathāgataM upaTThahi
The elder ānanda after having become a person with good memory and much learning attended on the Buddha.
Vinayo nāma sāsanassa āyu.
Discipline is the life of Buddhist organization.
Kāyena vācāya manasā saMvaro sadhū.
The restrainments with body, word, and mind are good.
Satthā ca me parinibbāyissati yo mamaM anukampako.
My teacher will pass away who was kind to me.
Satthu ca me parinibbānaM bhavissati.
There will be the passing away of my teacher.
TaNhāya jāyati solo
TaNhāya jāyati bhayaM
TaNhāya vippamuttassa
N’atthi soko kuto bhayaM
由貪愛生憂,由貧愛生怖,若離於貪愛,何憂又何怖? Sorrow is born from craving, fear is born from craving, for the person who from craving, there is no sorrow, what to talk of fear?
Kassako khettaM kasati
Farmer ploughs the field
Bhagavā DhammaM desesi
Dhammo bhagavatā desīyi
Svākkhāto bhagavatā dhammo
Bhagavā dhammaM svākkhāsi
Evam me sutam
Thus it was heard by me如是我聞
Ālokite vilokite sampajānakārī hoti sammiñjite pasārite gate, Thite, nisinne, sutte, jāgarite, bhāsite, tuNhībhāve sampajānakārī hoti.
When looking ahead, looking round, he becomes aware/mindful, folds stretches, when going, standing, sitting, sleeping, keeping awake, speaking in silence.
Buddhena dhammo desetabbo
Dhamma should be preached by the Buddha
Buddhena dhammo desito
Dhamma is preached by the Buddha
Disvān’assa etad ahosi
This idea come to him
Amhākam satthā sāvatthiyaM vihara nto bahūni suttāni abhāsi
Our teacher, while living in Sāvatthi, preached many suttas.
Sikkhamānānyo upassayesu viharantiyo sikkhāpadesu sikkhanti
The female trainees, while staying in the nunneries, train themselves in the precepts.
Saccako NigaNThaputto jaMghāvihāraM anucaMkamamāno anuvicaramāro dūratova āgacchantaM āyasmantaM AssajiM passi
Saccaka, the son of NigaNTha, while making a morning walk, saw Venerable Assaji who was coming from a distance.
AttānaM rakkhanto paraM rakkhati paraM rakkhanto attānaM rakkhati
The person who is protecting himself protects another. The person who is protecting another protects himself.
Sammāsambuddhā dhammaM yeva sakkaronto garukaronto sāvake vinenti.
The fully Enlightened ones train the disciples while respecting and treating the dhamma (only) properly
Itthī dhammaM suNamānā sotāpattiphale patiTThāsi.
The woman, while listening to the dhamma, ground herself on stream entrance.
So cittaM samādahaM assassati ca passasati ca
He, while concentrating the mind, breathes in and breathes out.
Dadato puññaM pavaDDhati, saMyamato veraM na cīyati
For the person who is giving, the merit grows up. For a person who is restraining (himself), grudge / persisting anger / vengence is not accumulated.
Gacchanto ahaM gacchāmīti pajānāmi
While going I know clearly thus that I go
Milāyantāni pupphāni (MilāyantaM pupphaM) disvā mayaM aniccasaññam bhāvema
Having seen the flowers withering away we cultivate the idea of impermanence.
Buddhasāvako pāNātipāta viramanto sīlaM rakkhati
Disciple of the Buddha having abandoned killing, while refraining from killing living beings, protects moral virtues.
AttānaM ukkaMsento paraM vambhento puggalo avinīto hoti
The person who is praising himself and despising another becomes uncivilized.
MaggaM bhāventiyā bhikkhuniyā cittaM kilesehi vimucci
The mind of the bhikkunī who was cultivating the path was liberated from the defilements
AhaM dhammaM jānaM passaM viharāmi
I live while knowing and seeing the dhamma.
Sappurise bhajantānaM paññā vaDDhati
For the people keeping association with good persons, wisdom grows up.
Svākkhāto bhagavatā dhammo
Dhama has been well explained by the blessed one.
Luddho atthaM najānāti, kuddho atthaM najānāti.
The person who is attached does not know right and wrong, (good and bad), the person who is angry does not know right and wrong (good and bad)
SabbaM diTTham na bhāsitabbaM
All that which is seen should not be spoken.
Appamattā na mīyanti
Those who are mindful do not die
SaMghe Gotami dinne ahañceva pūjito bhavissāmi
When given to the Samgha. I Gotami, I too indeed shall be offered.
Dhammo paccattaM vedittabbo viññūhi i
Dhamma should be understood within themselves by the wise people.
Evam me sutaM
Thus, it has been (is) heard by me.
KattabbaM kusalaM, caritabbam brahmacariyam
Good should be done, religious life should be lived
Atthi sukaTadukkatānaM kammānaM phalaM vipāko
There is fruit result and good actions and bad actions.
Khīnā jāti, vusitaM brahmacariyam kataM karaNīyaM
Birth has be dissolved, the higher life has been fulfilled, what should be done has been done.
Ramanīyam vatidaM bhūmibhāgaM, dassanīyaM
Indeed, this beautiful piece of land is attractive.
ParābhavaM puriso laddhaM laddhaM vināseti
A defeating man destroys what is gained
VassaM vutthā bhikkhū carikaM pakkamiMsu
The monks having lived the rainy reason went on the preaching tour.
NāyapaTipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaMgho
The Blessed One’s community of disciples has gone on the right way.
SannipatitānaM vo bhikkhave dvayaM karaNīyam, dhammī vā kathā, ariyo vā tuNhībhāvo.
O monks, two things should be done by you who have assembled together, one is Dhamma talk, the other is Noble silence.
Amhākam satthā sāvatthiyaM vihara nto bahūni suttāni abhāsi
Our teacher, while living in Sāvatthi, preached many suttas.
Sikkhamānānyo upassayesu viharantiyo sikkhāpadesu sikkhanti
The female trainees, while staying in the nunneries, train themselves in the precepts.
Saccako NigaNThaputto jaMghāvihāraM anucaMkamamāno anuvicaramāro dūratova āgacchantaM āyasmantaM AssajiM passi
Saccaka, the son of NigaNTha, while making a morning walk, saw Venerable Assaji who was coming from a distance.
AttānaM rakkhanto paraM rakkhati paraM rakkhanto attānaM rakkhati
The person who is protecting himself protects another. The person who is protecting another protects himself.
Sammāsambuddhā dhammaM yeva sakkaronto garukaronto sāvake vinenti.
The fully Enlightened ones train the disciples while respecting and treating the dhamma (only) properly
Itthī dhammaM suNamānā sotāpattiphale patiTThāsi.
The woman, while listening to the dhamma, ground herself on stream entrance.
So cittaM samādahaM assassati ca passasati ca
He, while concentrating the mind, breathes in and breathes out.
Dadato puññaM pavaDDhati, saMyamato veraM na cīyati
For the person who is giving, the merit grows up. For a person who is restraining (himself), grudge / persisting anger / vengence is not accumulated.
Gacchanto ahaM gacchāmīti pajānāmi
While going I know clearly thus that I go
Milāyantāni pupphāni (MilāyantaM pupphaM) disvā mayaM aniccasaññam bhāvema
Having seen the flowers withering away we cultivate the idea of impermanence.
Buddhasāvako pāNātipāta viramanto sīlaM rakkhati
Disciple of the Buddha having abandoned killing, while refraining from killing living beings, protects moral virtues.
AttānaM ukkaMsento paraM vambhento puggalo avinīto hoti
The person who is praising himself and despising another becomes uncivilized.
MaggaM bhāventiyā bhikkhuniyā cittaM kilesehi vimucci
The mind of the bhikkunī who was cultivating the path was liberated from the defilements
AhaM dhammaM jānaM passaM viharāmi
I live while knowing and seeing the dhamma.
Sappurise bhajantānaM paññā vaDDhati
For the people keeping association with good persons, wisdom grows up.
Svākkhāto bhagavatā dhammo, SandiTThiko akāliko ehipassiko opanayiko paccattaM veditabbo viññuhīti.
Dhama has been well explained by the blessed one.
To be experienced in this very life
Which transcends time
Which invites people to come & see
Carries the practice to the destination
Which is to be realized by the wise people within themselves
Luddho atthaM najānāti, kuddho atthaM najānāti.
The person who is attached does not know right and wrong, (good and bad), the person who is angry does not know right and wrong (good and bad)
SabbaM diTTham na bhāsitabbaM
All that which is seen should not be spoken.
Appamattā na mīyanti
Those who are mindful do not die
SaMghe Gotami dinne ahañceva pūjito bhavissāmi
When given to the Samgha. I Gotami, I too indeed shall be offered.
Dhammo paccattaM vedittabbo viññūhi i
Dhamma should be understood within themselves by the wise people.
Evam me sutaM
Thus, it has been (is) heard by me.
KattabbaM kusalaM, caritabbam brahmacariyam
Good should be done, religious life should be lived
Atthi sukaTadukkatānaM kammānaM phalaM vipāko
There is fruit result and good actions and bad actions.
Khīnā jāti, vusitaM brahmacariyam kataM karaNīyaM
Birth has be dissolved, the higher life has been fulfilled, what should be done has been done.
Ramanīyam vatidaM bhūmibhāgaM, dassanīyaM
Indeed, this beautiful piece of land is attractive.
ParābhavaM puriso laddhaM laddhaM vināseti
A defeating man destroys what is gained
VassaM vutthā bhikkhū carikaM pakkamiMsu
The monks having lived the rainy reason went on the preaching tour.
NāyapaTipanno Bhagavato sāvakasaMgho
The Blessed One’s community of disciples has gone on the right way.
SannipatitānaM vo bhikkhave dvayaM karaNīyam, dhammī vā kathā, ariyo vā tuNhībhāvo.
O monks, two things should be done by you who have assembled together, one is Dhamma talk, the other is Noble silence.
Puriso bhattaM bhuñjituM gehaM gantvā sayi
The person having gone home to eat food and slept
To be
To obtain
To give
TaM yeva pucchitabbaM
That point itself should be questioned.
Ye me āsavā pahinā
Those influences are abandoned by me.
Uprooted, roots cut off
The neck of the palm tree destroyed
Made non-existent
In the future
Made non-originate
Nibbanti dhīrā yathā’ yam padīpo
Wise people blow out like this lamp
SaMgha, Gotami dehi
O Gotami, you give this to the saMgha
Natthi jātassa amaraNaM
There is no-death for a person who is born
NāparaM itthattāyāti
There is no move for this purpose
Sutvā dhammaM dhāreti
Having heard the dhamma, he holds. (in the mind)
SuNantu bhonto mama eka-vākyaM
Ven. Sir, pls listen to my one word/sentence.
Amhāka buddho ahu khanti-vādo
Our Buddha was an advocator of patience/tolerance.